
1use crate::{EthPooledTransaction, PoolTransaction};
2use alloy_consensus::{SignableTransaction, TxEip1559, TxEip4844, TxLegacy};
3use alloy_eips::{eip1559::MIN_PROTOCOL_BASE_FEE, eip2718::Encodable2718, eip2930::AccessList};
4use alloy_primitives::{Address, Bytes, TxKind, B256, U256};
5use rand::Rng;
6use reth_chainspec::MAINNET;
7use reth_ethereum_primitives::{Transaction, TransactionSigned};
8use reth_primitives_traits::transaction::signed::SignedTransaction;
10use reth_primitives_traits::crypto::secp256k1::sign_message;
12/// A generator for transactions for testing purposes.
14pub struct TransactionGenerator<R> {
15    /// The random number generator used for generating keys and selecting signers.
16    pub rng: R,
17    /// The set of signer keys available for transaction generation.
18    pub signer_keys: Vec<B256>,
19    /// The base fee for transactions.
20    pub base_fee: u128,
21    /// The gas limit for transactions.
22    pub gas_limit: u64,
25impl<R: Rng> TransactionGenerator<R> {
26    /// Initializes the generator with 10 random signers
27    pub fn new(rng: R) -> Self {
28        Self::with_num_signers(rng, 10)
29    }
31    /// Generates random random signers
32    pub fn with_num_signers(rng: R, num_signers: usize) -> Self {
33        Self {
34            rng,
35            signer_keys: (0..num_signers).map(|_| B256::random()).collect(),
36            base_fee: MIN_PROTOCOL_BASE_FEE as u128,
37            gas_limit: 300_000,
38        }
39    }
41    /// Adds a new signer to the set
42    pub fn push_signer(&mut self, signer: B256) -> &mut Self {
43        self.signer_keys.push(signer);
44        self
45    }
47    /// Sets the default gas limit for all generated transactions
48    pub fn set_gas_limit(&mut self, gas_limit: u64) -> &mut Self {
49        self.gas_limit = gas_limit;
50        self
51    }
53    /// Sets the default gas limit for all generated transactions
54    pub const fn with_gas_limit(mut self, gas_limit: u64) -> Self {
55        self.gas_limit = gas_limit;
56        self
57    }
59    /// Sets the base fee for the generated transactions
60    pub fn set_base_fee(&mut self, base_fee: u64) -> &mut Self {
61        self.base_fee = base_fee as u128;
62        self
63    }
65    /// Sets the base fee for the generated transactions
66    pub const fn with_base_fee(mut self, base_fee: u64) -> Self {
67        self.base_fee = base_fee as u128;
68        self
69    }
71    /// Adds the given signers to the set.
72    pub fn extend_signers(&mut self, signers: impl IntoIterator<Item = B256>) -> &mut Self {
73        self.signer_keys.extend(signers);
74        self
75    }
77    /// Returns a random signer from the set
78    fn rng_signer(&mut self) -> B256 {
79        let idx = self.rng.gen_range(0..self.signer_keys.len());
80        self.signer_keys[idx]
81    }
83    /// Creates a new transaction with a random signer
84    pub fn transaction(&mut self) -> TransactionBuilder {
85        TransactionBuilder::default()
86            .signer(self.rng_signer())
87            .max_fee_per_gas(self.base_fee)
88            .max_priority_fee_per_gas(self.base_fee)
89            .gas_limit(self.gas_limit)
90    }
92    /// Creates a new transaction with a random signer
93    pub fn gen_eip1559(&mut self) -> TransactionSigned {
94        self.transaction().into_eip1559()
95    }
97    /// Creates a new transaction with a random signer
98    pub fn gen_eip4844(&mut self) -> TransactionSigned {
99        self.transaction().into_eip4844()
100    }
102    /// Generates and returns a pooled EIP-1559 transaction with a random signer.
103    pub fn gen_eip1559_pooled(&mut self) -> EthPooledTransaction {
104        EthPooledTransaction::try_from_consensus(self.gen_eip1559().try_into_recovered().unwrap())
105            .unwrap()
106    }
108    /// Generates and returns a pooled EIP-4844 transaction with a random signer.
109    pub fn gen_eip4844_pooled(&mut self) -> EthPooledTransaction {
110        let tx = self.gen_eip4844().try_into_recovered().unwrap();
111        let encoded_length = tx.encode_2718_len();
112        EthPooledTransaction::new(tx, encoded_length)
113    }
116/// A Builder type to configure and create a transaction.
118pub struct TransactionBuilder {
119    /// The signer used to sign the transaction.
120    pub signer: B256,
121    /// The chain ID on which the transaction will be executed.
122    pub chain_id: u64,
123    /// The nonce value for the transaction to prevent replay attacks.
124    pub nonce: u64,
125    /// The maximum amount of gas units that the transaction can consume.
126    pub gas_limit: u64,
127    /// The maximum fee per gas unit that the sender is willing to pay.
128    pub max_fee_per_gas: u128,
129    /// The maximum priority fee per gas unit that the sender is willing to pay for faster
130    /// processing.
131    pub max_priority_fee_per_gas: u128,
132    /// The recipient or contract address of the transaction.
133    pub to: TxKind,
134    /// The value to be transferred in the transaction.
135    pub value: U256,
136    /// The list of addresses and storage keys that the transaction can access.
137    pub access_list: AccessList,
138    /// The input data for the transaction, typically containing function parameters for contract
139    /// calls.
140    pub input: Bytes,
143impl TransactionBuilder {
144    /// Converts the transaction builder into a legacy transaction format.
145    pub fn into_legacy(self) -> TransactionSigned {
146        Self::signed(
147            TxLegacy {
148                chain_id: Some(self.chain_id),
149                nonce: self.nonce,
150                gas_limit: self.gas_limit,
151                gas_price: self.max_fee_per_gas,
152                to:,
153                value: self.value,
154                input: self.input,
155            }
156            .into(),
157            self.signer,
158        )
159    }
161    /// Converts the transaction builder into a transaction format using EIP-1559.
162    pub fn into_eip1559(self) -> TransactionSigned {
163        Self::signed(
164            TxEip1559 {
165                chain_id: self.chain_id,
166                nonce: self.nonce,
167                gas_limit: self.gas_limit,
168                max_fee_per_gas: self.max_fee_per_gas,
169                max_priority_fee_per_gas: self.max_priority_fee_per_gas,
170                to:,
171                value: self.value,
172                access_list: self.access_list,
173                input: self.input,
174            }
175            .into(),
176            self.signer,
177        )
178    }
179    /// Converts the transaction builder into a transaction format using EIP-4844.
180    pub fn into_eip4844(self) -> TransactionSigned {
181        Self::signed(
182            TxEip4844 {
183                chain_id: self.chain_id,
184                nonce: self.nonce,
185                gas_limit: self.gas_limit,
186                max_fee_per_gas: self.max_fee_per_gas,
187                max_priority_fee_per_gas: self.max_priority_fee_per_gas,
188                to: match {
189                    TxKind::Call(to) => to,
190                    TxKind::Create => Address::default(),
191                },
192                value: self.value,
193                access_list: self.access_list,
194                input: self.input,
195                blob_versioned_hashes: Default::default(),
196                max_fee_per_blob_gas: Default::default(),
197            }
198            .into(),
199            self.signer,
200        )
201    }
203    /// Signs the provided transaction using the specified signer and returns a signed transaction.
204    fn signed(transaction: Transaction, signer: B256) -> TransactionSigned {
205        let signature = sign_message(signer, transaction.signature_hash()).unwrap();
206        TransactionSigned::new_unhashed(transaction, signature)
207    }
209    /// Sets the signer for the transaction builder.
210    pub const fn signer(mut self, signer: B256) -> Self {
211        self.signer = signer;
212        self
213    }
215    /// Sets the gas limit for the transaction builder.
216    pub const fn gas_limit(mut self, gas_limit: u64) -> Self {
217        self.gas_limit = gas_limit;
218        self
219    }
221    /// Sets the nonce for the transaction builder.
222    pub const fn nonce(mut self, nonce: u64) -> Self {
223        self.nonce = nonce;
224        self
225    }
227    /// Increments the nonce value of the transaction builder by 1.
228    pub const fn inc_nonce(mut self) -> Self {
229        self.nonce += 1;
230        self
231    }
233    /// Decrements the nonce value of the transaction builder by 1, avoiding underflow.
234    pub const fn decr_nonce(mut self) -> Self {
235        self.nonce = self.nonce.saturating_sub(1);
236        self
237    }
239    /// Sets the maximum fee per gas for the transaction builder.
240    pub const fn max_fee_per_gas(mut self, max_fee_per_gas: u128) -> Self {
241        self.max_fee_per_gas = max_fee_per_gas;
242        self
243    }
245    /// Sets the maximum priority fee per gas for the transaction builder.
246    pub const fn max_priority_fee_per_gas(mut self, max_priority_fee_per_gas: u128) -> Self {
247        self.max_priority_fee_per_gas = max_priority_fee_per_gas;
248        self
249    }
251    /// Sets the recipient or contract address for the transaction builder.
252    pub const fn to(mut self, to: Address) -> Self {
253 = TxKind::Call(to);
254        self
255    }
257    /// Sets the value to be transferred in the transaction.
258    pub fn value(mut self, value: u128) -> Self {
259        self.value = U256::from(value);
260        self
261    }
263    /// Sets the access list for the transaction builder.
264    pub fn access_list(mut self, access_list: AccessList) -> Self {
265        self.access_list = access_list;
266        self
267    }
269    /// Sets the transaction input data.
270    pub fn input(mut self, input: impl Into<Bytes>) -> Self {
271        self.input = input.into();
272        self
273    }
275    /// Sets the chain ID for the transaction.
276    pub const fn chain_id(mut self, chain_id: u64) -> Self {
277        self.chain_id = chain_id;
278        self
279    }
281    /// Sets the chain ID for the transaction, mutable reference version.
282    pub fn set_chain_id(&mut self, chain_id: u64) -> &mut Self {
283        self.chain_id = chain_id;
284        self
285    }
287    /// Sets the nonce for the transaction, mutable reference version.
288    pub fn set_nonce(&mut self, nonce: u64) -> &mut Self {
289        self.nonce = nonce;
290        self
291    }
293    /// Sets the gas limit for the transaction, mutable reference version.
294    pub fn set_gas_limit(&mut self, gas_limit: u64) -> &mut Self {
295        self.gas_limit = gas_limit;
296        self
297    }
299    /// Sets the maximum fee per gas for the transaction, mutable reference version.
300    pub fn set_max_fee_per_gas(&mut self, max_fee_per_gas: u128) -> &mut Self {
301        self.max_fee_per_gas = max_fee_per_gas;
302        self
303    }
305    /// Sets the maximum priority fee per gas for the transaction, mutable reference version.
306    pub fn set_max_priority_fee_per_gas(&mut self, max_priority_fee_per_gas: u128) -> &mut Self {
307        self.max_priority_fee_per_gas = max_priority_fee_per_gas;
308        self
309    }
311    /// Sets the recipient or contract address for the transaction, mutable reference version.
312    pub fn set_to(&mut self, to: Address) -> &mut Self {
313 = to.into();
314        self
315    }
317    /// Sets the value to be transferred in the transaction, mutable reference version.
318    pub fn set_value(&mut self, value: u128) -> &mut Self {
319        self.value = U256::from(value);
320        self
321    }
323    /// Sets the access list for the transaction, mutable reference version.
324    pub fn set_access_list(&mut self, access_list: AccessList) -> &mut Self {
325        self.access_list = access_list;
326        self
327    }
329    /// Sets the signer for the transaction, mutable reference version.
330    pub fn set_signer(&mut self, signer: B256) -> &mut Self {
331        self.signer = signer;
332        self
333    }
335    /// Sets the transaction input data, mutable reference version.
336    pub fn set_input(&mut self, input: impl Into<Bytes>) -> &mut Self {
337        self.input = input.into();
338        self
339    }
342impl Default for TransactionBuilder {
343    fn default() -> Self {
344        Self {
345            signer: B256::random(),
346            chain_id:,
347            nonce: 0,
348            gas_limit: 0,
349            max_fee_per_gas: 0,
350            max_priority_fee_per_gas: 0,
351            to: Default::default(),
352            value: Default::default(),
353            access_list: Default::default(),
354            input: Default::default(),
355        }
356    }
360mod tests {
361    use super::*;
362    use rand::thread_rng;
364    #[test]
365    fn test_generate_transaction() {
366        let rng = thread_rng();
367        let mut gen = TransactionGenerator::new(rng);
368        let _tx = gen.transaction().into_legacy();
369        let _tx = gen.transaction().into_eip1559();
370    }