
1//! Transaction pool errors
3use std::any::Any;
5use alloy_eips::eip4844::BlobTransactionValidationError;
6use alloy_primitives::{Address, TxHash, U256};
7use reth_primitives_traits::transaction::error::InvalidTransactionError;
9/// Transaction pool result type.
10pub type PoolResult<T> = Result<T, PoolError>;
12/// A trait for additional errors that can be thrown by the transaction pool.
14/// For example during validation
15/// [`TransactionValidator::validate_transaction`](crate::validate::TransactionValidator::validate_transaction)
16pub trait PoolTransactionError: core::error::Error + Send + Sync {
17    /// Returns `true` if the error was caused by a transaction that is considered bad in the
18    /// context of the transaction pool and warrants peer penalization.
19    ///
20    /// See [`PoolError::is_bad_transaction`].
21    fn is_bad_transaction(&self) -> bool;
23    /// Returns a reference to `self` as a `&dyn Any`, enabling downcasting.
24    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
27// Needed for `#[error(transparent)]`
28impl core::error::Error for Box<dyn PoolTransactionError> {
29    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn core::error::Error + 'static)> {
30        (**self).source()
31    }
34/// Transaction pool error.
35#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
36#[error("[{hash}]: {kind}")]
37pub struct PoolError {
38    /// The transaction hash that caused the error.
39    pub hash: TxHash,
40    /// The error kind.
41    pub kind: PoolErrorKind,
44/// Transaction pool error kind.
45#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
46pub enum PoolErrorKind {
47    /// Same transaction already imported
48    #[error("already imported")]
49    AlreadyImported,
50    /// Thrown if a replacement transaction's gas price is below the already imported transaction
51    #[error("insufficient gas price to replace existing transaction")]
52    ReplacementUnderpriced,
53    /// The fee cap of the transaction is below the minimum fee cap determined by the protocol
54    #[error("transaction feeCap {0} below chain minimum")]
55    FeeCapBelowMinimumProtocolFeeCap(u128),
56    /// Thrown when the number of unique transactions of a sender exceeded the slot capacity.
57    #[error("rejected due to {0} being identified as a spammer")]
58    SpammerExceededCapacity(Address),
59    /// Thrown when a new transaction is added to the pool, but then immediately discarded to
60    /// respect the size limits of the pool.
61    #[error("transaction discarded outright due to pool size constraints")]
62    DiscardedOnInsert,
63    /// Thrown when the transaction is considered invalid.
64    #[error(transparent)]
65    InvalidTransaction(#[from] InvalidPoolTransactionError),
66    /// Thrown if the mutual exclusivity constraint (blob vs normal transaction) is violated.
67    #[error("transaction type {1} conflicts with existing transaction for {0}")]
68    ExistingConflictingTransactionType(Address, u8),
69    /// Any other error that occurred while inserting/validating a transaction. e.g. IO database
70    /// error
71    #[error(transparent)]
72    Other(#[from] Box<dyn core::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
75// === impl PoolError ===
77impl PoolError {
78    /// Creates a new pool error.
79    pub fn new(hash: TxHash, kind: impl Into<PoolErrorKind>) -> Self {
80        Self { hash, kind: kind.into() }
81    }
83    /// Creates a new pool error with the `Other` kind.
84    pub fn other(
85        hash: TxHash,
86        error: impl Into<Box<dyn core::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
87    ) -> Self {
88        Self { hash, kind: PoolErrorKind::Other(error.into()) }
89    }
91    /// Returns `true` if the error was caused by a transaction that is considered bad in the
92    /// context of the transaction pool and warrants peer penalization.
93    ///
94    /// Not all error variants are caused by the incorrect composition of the transaction (See also
95    /// [`InvalidPoolTransactionError`]) and can be caused by the current state of the transaction
96    /// pool. For example the transaction pool is already full or the error was caused my an
97    /// internal error, such as database errors.
98    ///
99    /// This function returns true only if the transaction will never make it into the pool because
100    /// its composition is invalid and the original sender should have detected this as well. This
101    /// is used to determine whether the original sender should be penalized for sending an
102    /// erroneous transaction.
103    #[inline]
104    pub fn is_bad_transaction(&self) -> bool {
105        #[allow(clippy::match_same_arms)]
106        match &self.kind {
107            PoolErrorKind::AlreadyImported => {
108                // already imported but not bad
109                false
110            }
111            PoolErrorKind::ReplacementUnderpriced => {
112                // already imported but not bad
113                false
114            }
115            PoolErrorKind::FeeCapBelowMinimumProtocolFeeCap(_) => {
116                // fee cap of the tx below the technical minimum determined by the protocol, see
117                // [MINIMUM_PROTOCOL_FEE_CAP](alloy_primitives::constants::MIN_PROTOCOL_BASE_FEE)
118                // although this transaction will always be invalid, we do not want to penalize the
119                // sender because this check simply could not be implemented by the client
120                false
121            }
122            PoolErrorKind::SpammerExceededCapacity(_) => {
123                // the sender exceeded the slot capacity, we should not penalize the peer for
124                // sending the tx because we don't know if all the transactions are sent from the
125                // same peer, there's also a chance that old transactions haven't been cleared yet
126                // (pool lags behind) and old transaction still occupy a slot in the pool
127                false
128            }
129            PoolErrorKind::DiscardedOnInsert => {
130                // valid tx but dropped due to size constraints
131                false
132            }
133            PoolErrorKind::InvalidTransaction(err) => {
134                // transaction rejected because it violates constraints
135                err.is_bad_transaction()
136            }
137            PoolErrorKind::Other(_) => {
138                // internal error unrelated to the transaction
139                false
140            }
141            PoolErrorKind::ExistingConflictingTransactionType(_, _) => {
142                // this is not a protocol error but an implementation error since the pool enforces
143                // exclusivity (blob vs normal tx) for all senders
144                false
145            }
146        }
147    }
150/// Represents all errors that can happen when validating transactions for the pool for EIP-4844
151/// transactions
152#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
153pub enum Eip4844PoolTransactionError {
154    /// Thrown if we're unable to find the blob for a transaction that was previously extracted
155    #[error("blob sidecar not found for EIP4844 transaction")]
156    MissingEip4844BlobSidecar,
157    /// Thrown if an EIP-4844 transaction without any blobs arrives
158    #[error("blobless blob transaction")]
159    NoEip4844Blobs,
160    /// Thrown if an EIP-4844 transaction without any blobs arrives
161    #[error("too many blobs in transaction: have {have}, permitted {permitted}")]
162    TooManyEip4844Blobs {
163        /// Number of blobs the transaction has
164        have: u64,
165        /// Number of maximum blobs the transaction can have
166        permitted: u64,
167    },
168    /// Thrown if validating the blob sidecar for the transaction failed.
169    #[error(transparent)]
170    InvalidEip4844Blob(BlobTransactionValidationError),
171    /// EIP-4844 transactions are only accepted if they're gapless, meaning the previous nonce of
172    /// the transaction (`tx.nonce -1`) must either be in the pool or match the on chain nonce of
173    /// the sender.
174    ///
175    /// This error is thrown on validation if a valid blob transaction arrives with a nonce that
176    /// would introduce gap in the nonce sequence.
177    #[error("nonce too high")]
178    Eip4844NonceGap,
181/// Represents all errors that can happen when validating transactions for the pool for EIP-7702
182/// transactions
183#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
184pub enum Eip7702PoolTransactionError {
185    /// Thrown if the transaction has no items in its authorization list
186    #[error("no items in authorization list for EIP7702 transaction")]
187    MissingEip7702AuthorizationList,
190/// Represents errors that can happen when validating transactions for the pool
192/// See [`TransactionValidator`](crate::TransactionValidator).
193#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
194pub enum InvalidPoolTransactionError {
195    /// Hard consensus errors
196    #[error(transparent)]
197    Consensus(#[from] InvalidTransactionError),
198    /// Thrown when a new transaction is added to the pool, but then immediately discarded to
199    /// respect the size limits of the pool.
200    #[error("transaction's gas limit {0} exceeds block's gas limit {1}")]
201    ExceedsGasLimit(u64, u64),
202    /// Thrown when a new transaction is added to the pool, but then immediately discarded to
203    /// respect the `max_init_code_size`.
204    #[error("transaction's input size {0} exceeds max_init_code_size {1}")]
205    ExceedsMaxInitCodeSize(usize, usize),
206    /// Thrown if the input data of a transaction is greater
207    /// than some meaningful limit a user might use. This is not a consensus error
208    /// making the transaction invalid, rather a DOS protection.
209    #[error("input data too large")]
210    OversizedData(usize, usize),
211    /// Thrown if the transaction's fee is below the minimum fee
212    #[error("transaction underpriced")]
213    Underpriced,
214    /// Thrown if the transaction's would require an account to be overdrawn
215    #[error("transaction overdraws from account, balance: {balance}, cost: {cost}")]
216    Overdraft {
217        /// Cost transaction is allowed to consume. See `reth_transaction_pool::PoolTransaction`.
218        cost: U256,
219        /// Balance of account.
220        balance: U256,
221    },
222    /// EIP-4844 related errors
223    #[error(transparent)]
224    Eip4844(#[from] Eip4844PoolTransactionError),
225    /// EIP-7702 related errors
226    #[error(transparent)]
227    Eip7702(#[from] Eip7702PoolTransactionError),
228    /// Any other error that occurred while inserting/validating that is transaction specific
229    #[error(transparent)]
230    Other(Box<dyn PoolTransactionError>),
231    /// The transaction is specified to use less gas than required to start the
232    /// invocation.
233    #[error("intrinsic gas too low")]
234    IntrinsicGasTooLow,
237// === impl InvalidPoolTransactionError ===
239impl InvalidPoolTransactionError {
240    /// Returns `true` if the error was caused by a transaction that is considered bad in the
241    /// context of the transaction pool and warrants peer penalization.
242    ///
243    /// See [`PoolError::is_bad_transaction`].
244    #[allow(clippy::match_same_arms)]
245    #[inline]
246    fn is_bad_transaction(&self) -> bool {
247        match self {
248            Self::Consensus(err) => {
249                // transaction considered invalid by the consensus rules
250                // We do not consider the following errors to be erroneous transactions, since they
251                // depend on dynamic environmental conditions and should not be assumed to have been
252                // intentionally caused by the sender
253                match err {
254                    InvalidTransactionError::InsufficientFunds { .. } |
255                    InvalidTransactionError::NonceNotConsistent { .. } => {
256                        // transaction could just have arrived late/early
257                        false
258                    }
259                    InvalidTransactionError::GasTooLow |
260                    InvalidTransactionError::GasTooHigh |
261                    InvalidTransactionError::TipAboveFeeCap => {
262                        // these are technically not invalid
263                        false
264                    }
265                    InvalidTransactionError::FeeCapTooLow => {
266                        // dynamic, but not used during validation
267                        false
268                    }
269                    InvalidTransactionError::Eip2930Disabled |
270                    InvalidTransactionError::Eip1559Disabled |
271                    InvalidTransactionError::Eip4844Disabled |
272                    InvalidTransactionError::Eip7702Disabled => {
273                        // settings
274                        false
275                    }
276                    InvalidTransactionError::OldLegacyChainId |
277                    InvalidTransactionError::ChainIdMismatch |
278                    InvalidTransactionError::GasUintOverflow |
279                    InvalidTransactionError::TxTypeNotSupported |
280                    InvalidTransactionError::SignerAccountHasBytecode => true,
281                }
282            }
283            Self::ExceedsGasLimit(_, _) => true,
284            Self::ExceedsMaxInitCodeSize(_, _) => true,
285            Self::OversizedData(_, _) => true,
286            Self::Underpriced => {
287                // local setting
288                false
289            }
290            Self::IntrinsicGasTooLow => true,
291            Self::Overdraft { .. } => false,
292            Self::Other(err) => err.is_bad_transaction(),
293            Self::Eip4844(eip4844_err) => {
294                match eip4844_err {
295                    Eip4844PoolTransactionError::MissingEip4844BlobSidecar => {
296                        // this is only reachable when blob transactions are reinjected and we're
297                        // unable to find the previously extracted blob
298                        false
299                    }
300                    Eip4844PoolTransactionError::InvalidEip4844Blob(_) => {
301                        // This is only reachable when the blob is invalid
302                        true
303                    }
304                    Eip4844PoolTransactionError::Eip4844NonceGap => {
305                        // it is possible that the pool sees `nonce n` before `nonce n-1` and this
306                        // is only thrown for valid(good) blob transactions
307                        false
308                    }
309                    Eip4844PoolTransactionError::NoEip4844Blobs => {
310                        // this is a malformed transaction and should not be sent over the network
311                        true
312                    }
313                    Eip4844PoolTransactionError::TooManyEip4844Blobs { .. } => {
314                        // this is a malformed transaction and should not be sent over the network
315                        true
316                    }
317                }
318            }
319            Self::Eip7702(eip7702_err) => match eip7702_err {
320                Eip7702PoolTransactionError::MissingEip7702AuthorizationList => false,
321            },
322        }
323    }
325    /// Returns `true` if an import failed due to nonce gap.
326    pub const fn is_nonce_gap(&self) -> bool {
327        matches!(self, Self::Consensus(InvalidTransactionError::NonceNotConsistent { .. })) ||
328            matches!(self, Self::Eip4844(Eip4844PoolTransactionError::Eip4844NonceGap))
329    }
331    /// Returns the arbitrary error if it is [`InvalidPoolTransactionError::Other`]
332    pub fn as_other(&self) -> Option<&dyn PoolTransactionError> {
333        match self {
334            Self::Other(err) => Some(&**err),
335            _ => None,
336        }
337    }
339    /// Returns a reference to the [`InvalidPoolTransactionError::Other`] value if this type is a
340    /// [`InvalidPoolTransactionError::Other`] of that type. Returns None otherwise.
341    pub fn downcast_other_ref<T: core::error::Error + 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
342        let other = self.as_other()?;
343        other.as_any().downcast_ref()
344    }
346    /// Returns true if the this type is a [`InvalidPoolTransactionError::Other`] of that error
347    /// type. Returns false otherwise.
348    pub fn is_other<T: core::error::Error + 'static>(&self) -> bool {
349        self.as_other().map(|err| err.as_any().is::<T>()).unwrap_or(false)
350    }
354mod tests {
355    use super::*;
357    #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
358    #[error("err")]
359    struct E;
361    impl PoolTransactionError for E {
362        fn is_bad_transaction(&self) -> bool {
363            false
364        }
366        fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
367            self
368        }
369    }
371    #[test]
372    fn other_downcast() {
373        let err = InvalidPoolTransactionError::Other(Box::new(E));
374        assert!(err.is_other::<E>());
376        assert!(err.downcast_other_ref::<E>().is_some());
377    }