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use crate::tree::TreeRootEntry;
/// Alias for a parse result
pub(crate) type ParseEntryResult<T> = Result<T, ParseDnsEntryError>;
/// Alias for lookup results
pub(crate) type LookupResult<T> = Result<T, LookupError>;
/// Error while parsing a [`DnsEntry`](crate::tree::DnsEntry)
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum ParseDnsEntryError {
/// Unknown entry error.
#[error("unknown entry: {0}")]
/// Indicates an unknown entry encountered during parsing.
/// Field not found error.
#[error("field {0} not found")]
/// Indicates a field was not found during parsing.
FieldNotFound(&'static str),
/// Base64 decoding error.
#[error("base64 decoding failed: {0}")]
/// Indicates a failure during Base64 decoding.
/// Base32 decoding error.
#[error("base32 decoding failed: {0}")]
/// Indicates a failure during Base32 decoding.
/// RLP decoding error.
/// Indicates an error during RLP decoding.
/// Invalid child hash error in a branch.
#[error("invalid child hash in branch: {0}")]
/// Indicates an invalid child hash within a branch.
/// Other error.
/// Indicates other unspecified errors.
/// Errors that can happen during lookups
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum LookupError {
/// Parse error.
/// Represents errors during parsing.
Parse(#[from] ParseDnsEntryError),
/// Invalid root error.
#[error("failed to verify root {0}")]
/// Indicates failure while verifying the root entry.
/// Request timed out error.
#[error("request timed out")]
/// Indicates a timeout occurred during the request.
/// Entry not found error.
#[error("entry not found")]
/// Indicates the requested entry was not found.