1mod active;
4mod conn;
5mod counter;
6mod handle;
8use active::QueuedOutgoingMessages;
9pub use conn::EthRlpxConnection;
10pub use handle::{
11 ActiveSessionHandle, ActiveSessionMessage, PendingSessionEvent, PendingSessionHandle,
12 SessionCommand,
15pub use reth_network_api::{Direction, PeerInfo};
17use std::{
18 collections::HashMap,
19 future::Future,
20 net::SocketAddr,
21 sync::{atomic::AtomicU64, Arc},
22 task::{Context, Poll},
23 time::{Duration, Instant},
26use crate::{
27 message::PeerMessage,
28 metrics::SessionManagerMetrics,
29 protocol::{IntoRlpxSubProtocol, OnNotSupported, RlpxSubProtocolHandlers, RlpxSubProtocols},
30 session::active::ActiveSession,
32use counter::SessionCounter;
33use futures::{future::Either, io, FutureExt, StreamExt};
34use reth_ecies::{stream::ECIESStream, ECIESError};
35use reth_eth_wire::{
36 errors::EthStreamError, handshake::EthRlpxHandshake, multiplex::RlpxProtocolMultiplexer,
37 Capabilities, DisconnectReason, EthStream, EthVersion, HelloMessageWithProtocols,
38 NetworkPrimitives, Status, UnauthedP2PStream, HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT,
40use reth_ethereum_forks::{ForkFilter, ForkId, ForkTransition, Head};
41use reth_metrics::common::mpsc::MeteredPollSender;
42use reth_network_api::{PeerRequest, PeerRequestSender};
43use reth_network_peers::PeerId;
44use reth_network_types::SessionsConfig;
45use reth_tasks::TaskSpawner;
46use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
47use secp256k1::SecretKey;
48use tokio::{
49 io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite},
50 net::TcpStream,
51 sync::{mpsc, mpsc::error::TrySendError, oneshot},
53use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
54use tokio_util::sync::PollSender;
55use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
57#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
59pub struct SessionId(usize);
61#[must_use = "Session Manager must be polled to process session events."]
64pub struct SessionManager<N: NetworkPrimitives> {
65 next_id: usize,
67 counter: SessionCounter,
69 initial_internal_request_timeout: Duration,
72 protocol_breach_request_timeout: Duration,
75 pending_session_timeout: Duration,
77 secret_key: SecretKey,
79 status: Status,
81 hello_message: HelloMessageWithProtocols,
83 fork_filter: ForkFilter,
85 session_command_buffer: usize,
87 executor: Box<dyn TaskSpawner>,
89 pending_sessions: FxHashMap<SessionId, PendingSessionHandle>,
94 active_sessions: HashMap<PeerId, ActiveSessionHandle<N>>,
96 pending_sessions_tx: mpsc::Sender<PendingSessionEvent<N>>,
101 pending_session_rx: ReceiverStream<PendingSessionEvent<N>>,
103 active_session_tx: MeteredPollSender<ActiveSessionMessage<N>>,
108 active_session_rx: ReceiverStream<ActiveSessionMessage<N>>,
110 extra_protocols: RlpxSubProtocols,
112 disconnections_counter: DisconnectionsCounter,
114 metrics: SessionManagerMetrics,
116 handshake: Arc<dyn EthRlpxHandshake>,
120impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> SessionManager<N> {
123 #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
125 pub fn new(
126 secret_key: SecretKey,
127 config: SessionsConfig,
128 executor: Box<dyn TaskSpawner>,
129 status: Status,
130 hello_message: HelloMessageWithProtocols,
131 fork_filter: ForkFilter,
132 extra_protocols: RlpxSubProtocols,
133 handshake: Arc<dyn EthRlpxHandshake>,
134 ) -> Self {
135 let (pending_sessions_tx, pending_sessions_rx) = mpsc::channel(config.session_event_buffer);
136 let (active_session_tx, active_session_rx) = mpsc::channel(config.session_event_buffer);
137 let active_session_tx = PollSender::new(active_session_tx);
139 Self {
140 next_id: 0,
141 counter: SessionCounter::new(config.limits),
142 initial_internal_request_timeout: config.initial_internal_request_timeout,
143 protocol_breach_request_timeout: config.protocol_breach_request_timeout,
144 pending_session_timeout: config.pending_session_timeout,
145 secret_key,
146 status,
147 hello_message,
148 fork_filter,
149 session_command_buffer: config.session_command_buffer,
150 executor,
151 pending_sessions: Default::default(),
152 active_sessions: Default::default(),
153 pending_sessions_tx,
154 pending_session_rx: ReceiverStream::new(pending_sessions_rx),
155 active_session_tx: MeteredPollSender::new(active_session_tx, "network_active_session"),
156 active_session_rx: ReceiverStream::new(active_session_rx),
157 extra_protocols,
158 disconnections_counter: Default::default(),
159 metrics: Default::default(),
160 handshake,
161 }
162 }
164 pub fn is_valid_fork_id(&self, fork_id: ForkId) -> bool {
167 self.fork_filter.validate(fork_id).is_ok()
168 }
170 fn next_id(&mut self) -> SessionId {
172 let id = self.next_id;
173 self.next_id += 1;
174 SessionId(id)
175 }
177 pub const fn status(&self) -> Status {
179 self.status
180 }
182 pub const fn secret_key(&self) -> SecretKey {
184 self.secret_key
185 }
187 pub const fn active_sessions(&self) -> &HashMap<PeerId, ActiveSessionHandle<N>> {
189 &self.active_sessions
190 }
192 pub fn hello_message(&self) -> HelloMessageWithProtocols {
194 self.hello_message.clone()
195 }
197 pub(crate) fn add_rlpx_sub_protocol(&mut self, protocol: impl IntoRlpxSubProtocol) {
199 self.extra_protocols.push(protocol)
200 }
202 #[inline]
204 pub(crate) fn num_pending_connections(&self) -> usize {
205 self.pending_sessions.len()
206 }
208 fn spawn<F>(&self, f: F)
211 where
212 F: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static,
213 {
214 self.executor.spawn(f.boxed());
215 }
217 pub(crate) fn on_status_update(&mut self, head: Head) -> Option<ForkTransition> {
222 self.status.blockhash = head.hash;
223 self.status.total_difficulty = head.total_difficulty;
224 let transition = self.fork_filter.set_head(head);
225 self.status.forkid = self.fork_filter.current();
226 transition
227 }
229 pub(crate) fn on_incoming(
234 &mut self,
235 stream: TcpStream,
236 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
237 ) -> Result<SessionId, ExceedsSessionLimit> {
238 self.counter.ensure_pending_inbound()?;
240 let session_id = self.next_id();
242 trace!(
243 target: "net::session",
244 ?remote_addr,
245 ?session_id,
246 "new pending incoming session"
247 );
249 let (disconnect_tx, disconnect_rx) = oneshot::channel();
250 let pending_events = self.pending_sessions_tx.clone();
251 let secret_key = self.secret_key;
252 let hello_message = self.hello_message.clone();
253 let status = self.status;
254 let fork_filter = self.fork_filter.clone();
255 let extra_handlers = self.extra_protocols.on_incoming(remote_addr);
256 self.spawn(pending_session_with_timeout(
257 self.pending_session_timeout,
258 session_id,
259 remote_addr,
260 Direction::Incoming,
261 pending_events.clone(),
262 start_pending_incoming_session(
263 self.handshake.clone(),
264 disconnect_rx,
265 session_id,
266 stream,
267 pending_events,
268 remote_addr,
269 secret_key,
270 hello_message,
271 status,
272 fork_filter,
273 extra_handlers,
274 ),
275 ));
277 let handle = PendingSessionHandle {
278 disconnect_tx: Some(disconnect_tx),
279 direction: Direction::Incoming,
280 };
281 self.pending_sessions.insert(session_id, handle);
282 self.counter.inc_pending_inbound();
283 Ok(session_id)
284 }
286 pub fn dial_outbound(&mut self, remote_addr: SocketAddr, remote_peer_id: PeerId) {
288 if self.counter.ensure_pending_outbound().is_ok() {
290 let session_id = self.next_id();
291 let (disconnect_tx, disconnect_rx) = oneshot::channel();
292 let pending_events = self.pending_sessions_tx.clone();
293 let secret_key = self.secret_key;
294 let hello_message = self.hello_message.clone();
295 let fork_filter = self.fork_filter.clone();
296 let status = self.status;
297 let extra_handlers = self.extra_protocols.on_outgoing(remote_addr, remote_peer_id);
298 self.spawn(pending_session_with_timeout(
299 self.pending_session_timeout,
300 session_id,
301 remote_addr,
302 Direction::Outgoing(remote_peer_id),
303 pending_events.clone(),
304 start_pending_outbound_session(
305 self.handshake.clone(),
306 disconnect_rx,
307 pending_events,
308 session_id,
309 remote_addr,
310 remote_peer_id,
311 secret_key,
312 hello_message,
313 status,
314 fork_filter,
315 extra_handlers,
316 ),
317 ));
319 let handle = PendingSessionHandle {
320 disconnect_tx: Some(disconnect_tx),
321 direction: Direction::Outgoing(remote_peer_id),
322 };
323 self.pending_sessions.insert(session_id, handle);
324 self.counter.inc_pending_outbound();
325 }
326 }
328 pub fn disconnect(&self, node: PeerId, reason: Option<DisconnectReason>) {
333 if let Some(session) = self.active_sessions.get(&node) {
334 session.disconnect(reason);
335 }
336 }
338 pub fn disconnect_all(&self, reason: Option<DisconnectReason>) {
343 for session in self.active_sessions.values() {
344 session.disconnect(reason);
345 }
346 }
348 pub fn disconnect_all_pending(&mut self) {
350 for session in self.pending_sessions.values_mut() {
351 session.disconnect();
352 }
353 }
355 pub fn send_message(&self, peer_id: &PeerId, msg: PeerMessage<N>) {
357 if let Some(session) = self.active_sessions.get(peer_id) {
358 let _ = session.commands_to_session.try_send(SessionCommand::Message(msg)).inspect_err(
359 |e| {
360 if let TrySendError::Full(_) = e {
361 debug!(
362 target: "net::session",
363 ?peer_id,
364 "session command buffer full, dropping message"
365 );
366 self.metrics.total_outgoing_peer_messages_dropped.increment(1);
367 }
368 },
369 );
370 }
371 }
373 fn remove_pending_session(&mut self, id: &SessionId) -> Option<PendingSessionHandle> {
375 let session = self.pending_sessions.remove(id)?;
376 self.counter.dec_pending(&session.direction);
377 Some(session)
378 }
380 fn remove_active_session(&mut self, id: &PeerId) -> Option<ActiveSessionHandle<N>> {
382 let session = self.active_sessions.remove(id)?;
383 self.counter.dec_active(&session.direction);
384 Some(session)
385 }
387 pub(crate) fn try_disconnect_incoming_connection(
391 &self,
392 stream: TcpStream,
393 reason: DisconnectReason,
394 ) {
395 if !self.disconnections_counter.has_capacity() {
396 return
398 }
400 let guard = self.disconnections_counter.clone();
401 let secret_key = self.secret_key;
403 self.spawn(async move {
404 trace!(
405 target: "net::session",
406 "gracefully disconnecting incoming connection"
407 );
408 if let Ok(stream) = get_ecies_stream(stream, secret_key, Direction::Incoming).await {
409 let mut unauth = UnauthedP2PStream::new(stream);
410 let _ = unauth.send_disconnect(reason).await;
411 drop(guard);
412 }
413 });
414 }
416 pub(crate) fn poll(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<SessionEvent<N>> {
420 match self.active_session_rx.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
422 Poll::Pending => {}
423 Poll::Ready(None) => {
424 unreachable!("Manager holds both channel halves.")
425 }
426 Poll::Ready(Some(event)) => {
427 return match event {
428 ActiveSessionMessage::Disconnected { peer_id, remote_addr } => {
429 trace!(
430 target: "net::session",
431 ?peer_id,
432 "gracefully disconnected active session."
433 );
434 self.remove_active_session(&peer_id);
435 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::Disconnected { peer_id, remote_addr })
436 }
437 ActiveSessionMessage::ClosedOnConnectionError {
438 peer_id,
439 remote_addr,
440 error,
441 } => {
442 trace!(target: "net::session", ?peer_id, %error,"closed session.");
443 self.remove_active_session(&peer_id);
444 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::SessionClosedOnConnectionError {
445 remote_addr,
446 peer_id,
447 error,
448 })
449 }
450 ActiveSessionMessage::ValidMessage { peer_id, message } => {
451 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::ValidMessage { peer_id, message })
452 }
453 ActiveSessionMessage::BadMessage { peer_id } => {
454 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::BadMessage { peer_id })
455 }
456 ActiveSessionMessage::ProtocolBreach { peer_id } => {
457 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::ProtocolBreach { peer_id })
458 }
459 }
460 }
461 }
463 let event = match self.pending_session_rx.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
465 Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,
466 Poll::Ready(None) => unreachable!("Manager holds both channel halves."),
467 Poll::Ready(Some(event)) => event,
468 };
469 match event {
470 PendingSessionEvent::Established {
471 session_id,
472 remote_addr,
473 local_addr,
474 peer_id,
475 capabilities,
476 conn,
477 status,
478 direction,
479 client_id,
480 } => {
481 self.remove_pending_session(&session_id);
484 if self.active_sessions.contains_key(&peer_id) {
486 trace!(
487 target: "net::session",
488 ?session_id,
489 ?remote_addr,
490 ?peer_id,
491 ?direction,
492 "already connected"
493 );
495 self.spawn(async move {
496 let _ =
498 conn.into_inner().disconnect(DisconnectReason::AlreadyConnected).await;
499 });
501 return Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::AlreadyConnected {
502 peer_id,
503 remote_addr,
504 direction,
505 })
506 }
508 let (commands_to_session, commands_rx) = mpsc::channel(self.session_command_buffer);
510 let (to_session_tx, messages_rx) = mpsc::channel(self.session_command_buffer);
512 let messages = PeerRequestSender::new(peer_id, to_session_tx);
514 let timeout = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(
515 self.initial_internal_request_timeout.as_millis() as u64,
516 ));
518 let version = conn.version();
521 let session = ActiveSession {
522 next_id: 0,
523 remote_peer_id: peer_id,
524 remote_addr,
525 remote_capabilities: Arc::clone(&capabilities),
526 session_id,
527 commands_rx: ReceiverStream::new(commands_rx),
528 to_session_manager: self.active_session_tx.clone(),
529 pending_message_to_session: None,
530 internal_request_rx: ReceiverStream::new(messages_rx).fuse(),
531 inflight_requests: Default::default(),
532 conn,
533 queued_outgoing: QueuedOutgoingMessages::new(
534 self.metrics.queued_outgoing_messages.clone(),
535 ),
536 received_requests_from_remote: Default::default(),
537 internal_request_timeout_interval: tokio::time::interval(
538 self.initial_internal_request_timeout,
539 ),
540 internal_request_timeout: Arc::clone(&timeout),
541 protocol_breach_request_timeout: self.protocol_breach_request_timeout,
542 terminate_message: None,
543 };
545 self.spawn(session);
547 let client_version = client_id.into();
548 let handle = ActiveSessionHandle {
549 status: status.clone(),
550 direction,
551 session_id,
552 remote_id: peer_id,
553 version,
554 established: Instant::now(),
555 capabilities: Arc::clone(&capabilities),
556 commands_to_session,
557 client_version: Arc::clone(&client_version),
558 remote_addr,
559 local_addr,
560 };
562 self.active_sessions.insert(peer_id, handle);
563 self.counter.inc_active(&direction);
565 if direction.is_outgoing() {
566 self.metrics.total_dial_successes.increment(1);
567 }
569 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::SessionEstablished {
570 peer_id,
571 remote_addr,
572 client_version,
573 version,
574 capabilities,
575 status,
576 messages,
577 direction,
578 timeout,
579 })
580 }
581 PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected { remote_addr, session_id, direction, error } => {
582 trace!(
583 target: "net::session",
584 ?session_id,
585 ?remote_addr,
586 ?error,
587 "disconnected pending session"
588 );
589 self.remove_pending_session(&session_id);
590 match direction {
591 Direction::Incoming => {
592 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::IncomingPendingSessionClosed {
593 remote_addr,
594 error,
595 })
596 }
597 Direction::Outgoing(peer_id) => {
598 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::OutgoingPendingSessionClosed {
599 remote_addr,
600 peer_id,
601 error,
602 })
603 }
604 }
605 }
606 PendingSessionEvent::OutgoingConnectionError {
607 remote_addr,
608 session_id,
609 peer_id,
610 error,
611 } => {
612 trace!(
613 target: "net::session",
614 %error,
615 ?session_id,
616 ?remote_addr,
617 ?peer_id,
618 "connection refused"
619 );
620 self.remove_pending_session(&session_id);
621 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::OutgoingConnectionError { remote_addr, peer_id, error })
622 }
623 PendingSessionEvent::EciesAuthError { remote_addr, session_id, error, direction } => {
624 trace!(
625 target: "net::session",
626 %error,
627 ?session_id,
628 ?remote_addr,
629 "ecies auth failed"
630 );
631 self.remove_pending_session(&session_id);
632 match direction {
633 Direction::Incoming => {
634 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::IncomingPendingSessionClosed {
635 remote_addr,
636 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Ecies(error)),
637 })
638 }
639 Direction::Outgoing(peer_id) => {
640 Poll::Ready(SessionEvent::OutgoingPendingSessionClosed {
641 remote_addr,
642 peer_id,
643 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Ecies(error)),
644 })
645 }
646 }
647 }
648 }
649 }
652#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
654struct DisconnectionsCounter(Arc<()>);
656impl DisconnectionsCounter {
659 fn has_capacity(&self) -> bool {
662 Arc::strong_count(&self.0) <= Self::MAX_CONCURRENT_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECTIONS
663 }
668pub enum SessionEvent<N: NetworkPrimitives> {
669 SessionEstablished {
673 peer_id: PeerId,
675 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
677 client_version: Arc<str>,
679 capabilities: Arc<Capabilities>,
681 version: EthVersion,
683 status: Arc<Status>,
685 messages: PeerRequestSender<PeerRequest<N>>,
687 direction: Direction,
689 timeout: Arc<AtomicU64>,
692 },
693 AlreadyConnected {
695 peer_id: PeerId,
697 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
699 direction: Direction,
701 },
702 ValidMessage {
704 peer_id: PeerId,
706 message: PeerMessage<N>,
708 },
709 BadMessage {
711 peer_id: PeerId,
713 },
714 ProtocolBreach {
716 peer_id: PeerId,
718 },
719 IncomingPendingSessionClosed {
721 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
723 error: Option<PendingSessionHandshakeError>,
725 },
726 OutgoingPendingSessionClosed {
728 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
730 peer_id: PeerId,
732 error: Option<PendingSessionHandshakeError>,
734 },
735 OutgoingConnectionError {
737 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
739 peer_id: PeerId,
741 error: io::Error,
743 },
744 SessionClosedOnConnectionError {
746 peer_id: PeerId,
748 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
750 error: EthStreamError,
752 },
753 Disconnected {
755 peer_id: PeerId,
757 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
759 },
762#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
764pub enum PendingSessionHandshakeError {
765 #[error(transparent)]
767 Eth(EthStreamError),
768 #[error(transparent)]
770 Ecies(ECIESError),
771 #[error("authentication timed out")]
773 Timeout,
774 #[error("Mandatory extra capability unsupported")]
776 UnsupportedExtraCapability,
779impl PendingSessionHandshakeError {
780 pub const fn as_disconnected(&self) -> Option<DisconnectReason> {
782 match self {
783 Self::Eth(eth_err) => eth_err.as_disconnected(),
784 _ => None,
785 }
786 }
789#[derive(Debug, Clone, thiserror::Error)]
792#[error("session limit reached {0}")]
793pub struct ExceedsSessionLimit(pub(crate) u32);
795pub(crate) async fn pending_session_with_timeout<F, N: NetworkPrimitives>(
797 timeout: Duration,
798 session_id: SessionId,
799 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
800 direction: Direction,
801 events: mpsc::Sender<PendingSessionEvent<N>>,
802 f: F,
803) where
804 F: Future<Output = ()>,
806 if tokio::time::timeout(timeout, f).await.is_err() {
807 trace!(target: "net::session", ?remote_addr, ?direction, "pending session timed out");
808 let event = PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
809 remote_addr,
810 session_id,
811 direction,
812 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Timeout),
813 };
814 let _ = events.send(event).await;
815 }
822pub(crate) async fn start_pending_incoming_session<N: NetworkPrimitives>(
823 handshake: Arc<dyn EthRlpxHandshake>,
824 disconnect_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
825 session_id: SessionId,
826 stream: TcpStream,
827 events: mpsc::Sender<PendingSessionEvent<N>>,
828 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
829 secret_key: SecretKey,
830 hello: HelloMessageWithProtocols,
831 status: Status,
832 fork_filter: ForkFilter,
833 extra_handlers: RlpxSubProtocolHandlers,
834) {
835 authenticate(
836 handshake,
837 disconnect_rx,
838 events,
839 stream,
840 session_id,
841 remote_addr,
842 secret_key,
843 Direction::Incoming,
844 hello,
845 status,
846 fork_filter,
847 extra_handlers,
848 )
849 .await
852#[instrument(skip_all, fields(%remote_addr, peer_id), target = "net")]
855async fn start_pending_outbound_session<N: NetworkPrimitives>(
856 handshake: Arc<dyn EthRlpxHandshake>,
857 disconnect_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
858 events: mpsc::Sender<PendingSessionEvent<N>>,
859 session_id: SessionId,
860 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
861 remote_peer_id: PeerId,
862 secret_key: SecretKey,
863 hello: HelloMessageWithProtocols,
864 status: Status,
865 fork_filter: ForkFilter,
866 extra_handlers: RlpxSubProtocolHandlers,
867) {
868 let stream = match TcpStream::connect(remote_addr).await {
869 Ok(stream) => {
870 if let Err(err) = stream.set_nodelay(true) {
871 tracing::warn!(target: "net::session", "set nodelay failed: {:?}", err);
872 }
873 stream
874 }
875 Err(error) => {
876 let _ = events
877 .send(PendingSessionEvent::OutgoingConnectionError {
878 remote_addr,
879 session_id,
880 peer_id: remote_peer_id,
881 error,
882 })
883 .await;
884 return
885 }
886 };
887 authenticate(
888 handshake,
889 disconnect_rx,
890 events,
891 stream,
892 session_id,
893 remote_addr,
894 secret_key,
895 Direction::Outgoing(remote_peer_id),
896 hello,
897 status,
898 fork_filter,
899 extra_handlers,
900 )
901 .await
906async fn authenticate<N: NetworkPrimitives>(
907 handshake: Arc<dyn EthRlpxHandshake>,
908 disconnect_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
909 events: mpsc::Sender<PendingSessionEvent<N>>,
910 stream: TcpStream,
911 session_id: SessionId,
912 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
913 secret_key: SecretKey,
914 direction: Direction,
915 hello: HelloMessageWithProtocols,
916 status: Status,
917 fork_filter: ForkFilter,
918 extra_handlers: RlpxSubProtocolHandlers,
919) {
920 let local_addr = stream.local_addr().ok();
921 let stream = match get_ecies_stream(stream, secret_key, direction).await {
922 Ok(stream) => stream,
923 Err(error) => {
924 let _ = events
925 .send(PendingSessionEvent::EciesAuthError {
926 remote_addr,
927 session_id,
928 error,
929 direction,
930 })
931 .await;
932 return
933 }
934 };
936 let unauthed = UnauthedP2PStream::new(stream);
938 let auth = authenticate_stream(
939 handshake,
940 unauthed,
941 session_id,
942 remote_addr,
943 local_addr,
944 direction,
945 hello,
946 status,
947 fork_filter,
948 extra_handlers,
949 )
950 .boxed();
952 match futures::future::select(disconnect_rx, auth).await {
953 Either::Left((_, _)) => {
954 let _ = events
955 .send(PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
956 remote_addr,
957 session_id,
958 direction,
959 error: None,
960 })
961 .await;
962 }
963 Either::Right((res, _)) => {
964 let _ = events.send(res).await;
965 }
966 }
969async fn get_ecies_stream<Io: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin>(
972 stream: Io,
973 secret_key: SecretKey,
974 direction: Direction,
975) -> Result<ECIESStream<Io>, ECIESError> {
976 match direction {
977 Direction::Incoming => ECIESStream::incoming(stream, secret_key).await,
978 Direction::Outgoing(remote_peer_id) => {
979 ECIESStream::connect(stream, secret_key, remote_peer_id).await
980 }
981 }
991async fn authenticate_stream<N: NetworkPrimitives>(
992 handshake: Arc<dyn EthRlpxHandshake>,
993 stream: UnauthedP2PStream<ECIESStream<TcpStream>>,
994 session_id: SessionId,
995 remote_addr: SocketAddr,
996 local_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
997 direction: Direction,
998 mut hello: HelloMessageWithProtocols,
999 mut status: Status,
1000 fork_filter: ForkFilter,
1001 mut extra_handlers: RlpxSubProtocolHandlers,
1002) -> PendingSessionEvent<N> {
1003 extra_handlers.retain(|handler| hello.try_add_protocol(handler.protocol()).is_ok());
1006 let (mut p2p_stream, their_hello) = match stream.handshake(hello).await {
1008 Ok(stream_res) => stream_res,
1009 Err(err) => {
1010 return PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
1011 remote_addr,
1012 session_id,
1013 direction,
1014 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Eth(err.into())),
1015 }
1016 }
1017 };
1019 if !extra_handlers.is_empty() {
1021 while let Some(pos) = extra_handlers.iter().position(|handler| {
1023 p2p_stream
1024 .shared_capabilities()
1025 .ensure_matching_capability(&handler.protocol().cap)
1026 .is_err()
1027 }) {
1028 let handler = extra_handlers.remove(pos);
1029 if handler.on_unsupported_by_peer(
1030 p2p_stream.shared_capabilities(),
1031 direction,
1032 their_hello.id,
1033 ) == OnNotSupported::Disconnect
1034 {
1035 return PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
1036 remote_addr,
1037 session_id,
1038 direction,
1039 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::UnsupportedExtraCapability),
1040 };
1041 }
1042 }
1043 }
1045 let eth_version = match p2p_stream.shared_capabilities().eth_version() {
1047 Ok(version) => version,
1048 Err(err) => {
1049 return PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
1050 remote_addr,
1051 session_id,
1052 direction,
1053 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Eth(err.into())),
1054 }
1055 }
1056 };
1058 let (conn, their_status) = if p2p_stream.shared_capabilities().len() == 1 {
1059 status.set_eth_version(eth_version);
1065 match handshake
1067 .handshake(&mut p2p_stream, status, fork_filter.clone(), HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)
1068 .await
1069 {
1070 Ok(their_status) => {
1071 let eth_stream = EthStream::new(status.version, p2p_stream);
1072 (eth_stream.into(), their_status)
1073 }
1074 Err(err) => {
1075 return PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
1076 remote_addr,
1077 session_id,
1078 direction,
1079 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Eth(err)),
1080 }
1081 }
1082 }
1083 } else {
1084 let mut multiplex_stream = RlpxProtocolMultiplexer::new(p2p_stream);
1087 for handler in extra_handlers.into_iter() {
1089 let cap = handler.protocol().cap;
1090 let remote_peer_id = their_hello.id;
1092 multiplex_stream
1093 .install_protocol(&cap, move |conn| {
1094 handler.into_connection(direction, remote_peer_id, conn)
1095 })
1096 .ok();
1097 }
1099 let (multiplex_stream, their_status) =
1100 match multiplex_stream.into_eth_satellite_stream(status, fork_filter).await {
1101 Ok((multiplex_stream, their_status)) => (multiplex_stream, their_status),
1102 Err(err) => {
1103 return PendingSessionEvent::Disconnected {
1104 remote_addr,
1105 session_id,
1106 direction,
1107 error: Some(PendingSessionHandshakeError::Eth(err)),
1108 }
1109 }
1110 };
1112 (multiplex_stream.into(), their_status)
1113 };
1115 PendingSessionEvent::Established {
1116 session_id,
1117 remote_addr,
1118 local_addr,
1119 peer_id: their_hello.id,
1120 capabilities: Arc::new(Capabilities::from(their_hello.capabilities)),
1121 status: Arc::new(their_status),
1122 conn,
1123 direction,
1124 client_id: their_hello.client_version,
1125 }