
1use alloy_consensus::{EnvKzgSettings, SidecarBuilder, SimpleCoder, TxEip4844Variant, TxEnvelope};
2use alloy_eips::eip7702::SignedAuthorization;
3use alloy_network::{
4    eip2718::Encodable2718, Ethereum, EthereumWallet, TransactionBuilder, TransactionBuilder4844,
6use alloy_primitives::{hex, Address, Bytes, TxKind, B256, U256};
7use alloy_rpc_types_eth::{Authorization, TransactionInput, TransactionRequest};
8use alloy_signer::SignerSync;
9use alloy_signer_local::PrivateKeySigner;
10use eyre::Ok;
12/// Helper for transaction operations
14pub struct TransactionTestContext;
16impl TransactionTestContext {
17    /// Creates a static transfer and signs it, returning an envelope.
18    pub async fn transfer_tx(chain_id: u64, wallet: PrivateKeySigner) -> TxEnvelope {
19        let tx = tx(chain_id, 21000, None, None, 0);
20        Self::sign_tx(wallet, tx).await
21    }
23    /// Creates a static transfer and signs it, returning bytes.
24    pub async fn transfer_tx_bytes(chain_id: u64, wallet: PrivateKeySigner) -> Bytes {
25        let signed = Self::transfer_tx(chain_id, wallet).await;
26        signed.encoded_2718().into()
27    }
29    /// Creates a deployment transaction and signs it, returning an envelope.
30    pub async fn deploy_tx(
31        chain_id: u64,
32        gas: u64,
33        init_code: Bytes,
34        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
35    ) -> TxEnvelope {
36        let tx = tx(chain_id, gas, Some(init_code), None, 0);
37        Self::sign_tx(wallet, tx).await
38    }
40    /// Creates a deployment transaction and signs it, returning bytes.
41    pub async fn deploy_tx_bytes(
42        chain_id: u64,
43        gas: u64,
44        init_code: Bytes,
45        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
46    ) -> Bytes {
47        let signed = Self::deploy_tx(chain_id, gas, init_code, wallet).await;
48        signed.encoded_2718().into()
49    }
51    /// Creates an EIP-7702 set code transaction and signs it, returning an envelope.
52    ///
53    /// The EIP-7702 will delegate the code of the signer to the contract at `delegate_to`.
54    pub async fn set_code_tx(
55        chain_id: u64,
56        delegate_to: Address,
57        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
58    ) -> TxEnvelope {
59        let authorization =
60            Authorization { chain_id: U256::from(chain_id), address: delegate_to, nonce: 0 };
61        let signature = wallet
62            .sign_hash_sync(&authorization.signature_hash())
63            .expect("could not sign authorization");
64        let tx = tx(chain_id, 48100, None, Some(authorization.into_signed(signature)), 0);
65        Self::sign_tx(wallet, tx).await
66    }
68    /// Creates an EIP-7702 set code transaction and signs it, returning bytes.
69    ///
70    /// The EIP-7702 will delegate the code of the signer to the contract at `delegate_to`.
71    pub async fn set_code_tx_bytes(
72        chain_id: u64,
73        delegate_to: Address,
74        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
75    ) -> Bytes {
76        let signed = Self::set_code_tx(chain_id, delegate_to, wallet).await;
77        signed.encoded_2718().into()
78    }
80    /// Creates a tx with blob sidecar and sign it
81    pub async fn tx_with_blobs(
82        chain_id: u64,
83        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
84    ) -> eyre::Result<TxEnvelope> {
85        let mut tx = tx(chain_id, 210000, None, None, 0);
87        let mut builder = SidecarBuilder::<SimpleCoder>::new();
88        builder.ingest(b"dummy blob");
89        tx.set_blob_sidecar(;
90        tx.set_max_fee_per_blob_gas(15e9 as u128);
92        let signed = Self::sign_tx(wallet, tx).await;
93        Ok(signed)
94    }
96    /// Signs an arbitrary [`TransactionRequest`] using the provided wallet
97    pub async fn sign_tx(wallet: PrivateKeySigner, tx: TransactionRequest) -> TxEnvelope {
98        let signer = EthereumWallet::from(wallet);
99        <TransactionRequest as TransactionBuilder<Ethereum>>::build(tx, &signer).await.unwrap()
100    }
102    /// Creates a tx with blob sidecar and sign it, returning bytes
103    pub async fn tx_with_blobs_bytes(
104        chain_id: u64,
105        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
106    ) -> eyre::Result<Bytes> {
107        let signed = Self::tx_with_blobs(chain_id, wallet).await?;
109        Ok(signed.encoded_2718().into())
110    }
112    /// Creates and encodes an Optimism L1 block information transaction.
113    pub async fn optimism_l1_block_info_tx(
114        chain_id: u64,
115        wallet: PrivateKeySigner,
116        nonce: u64,
117    ) -> Bytes {
118        let l1_block_info = Bytes::from_static(&hex!("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"));
119        let tx = tx(chain_id, 210000, Some(l1_block_info), None, nonce);
120        let signer = EthereumWallet::from(wallet);
121        <TransactionRequest as TransactionBuilder<Ethereum>>::build(tx, &signer)
122            .await
123            .unwrap()
124            .encoded_2718()
125            .into()
126    }
128    /// Validates the sidecar of a given tx envelope and returns the versioned hashes
129    #[track_caller]
130    pub fn validate_sidecar(tx: TxEnvelope) -> Vec<B256> {
131        let proof_setting = EnvKzgSettings::Default;
133        match tx {
134            TxEnvelope::Eip4844(signed) => match signed.tx() {
135                TxEip4844Variant::TxEip4844WithSidecar(tx) => {
136                    tx.validate_blob(proof_setting.get()).unwrap();
137                    tx.sidecar.versioned_hashes().collect()
138                }
139                _ => panic!("Expected Eip4844 transaction with sidecar"),
140            },
141            _ => panic!("Expected Eip4844 transaction"),
142        }
143    }
146/// Creates a type 2 transaction
147fn tx(
148    chain_id: u64,
149    gas: u64,
150    data: Option<Bytes>,
151    delegate_to: Option<SignedAuthorization>,
152    nonce: u64,
153) -> TransactionRequest {
154    TransactionRequest {
155        nonce: Some(nonce),
156        value: Some(U256::from(100)),
157        to: Some(TxKind::Call(Address::random())),
158        gas: Some(gas),
159        max_fee_per_gas: Some(20e9 as u128),
160        max_priority_fee_per_gas: Some(20e9 as u128),
161        chain_id: Some(chain_id),
162        input: TransactionInput { input: None, data },
163        authorization_list:|addr| vec![addr]),
164        ..Default::default()
165    }