
1//! Estimate gas needed implementation
3use super::{Call, LoadPendingBlock};
4use crate::{AsEthApiError, FromEthApiError, IntoEthApiError};
5use alloy_primitives::{TxKind, U256};
6use alloy_rpc_types_eth::{state::StateOverride, transaction::TransactionRequest, BlockId};
7use futures::Future;
8use reth_chainspec::MIN_TRANSACTION_GAS;
9use reth_errors::ProviderError;
10use reth_evm::{Database, EvmEnvFor, TransactionEnv, TxEnvFor};
11use reth_provider::StateProvider;
12use reth_revm::{database::StateProviderDatabase, db::CacheDB};
13use reth_rpc_eth_types::{
14    error::api::FromEvmHalt,
15    revm_utils::{apply_state_overrides, caller_gas_allowance},
16    EthApiError, RevertError, RpcInvalidTransactionError,
18use reth_rpc_server_types::constants::gas_oracle::{CALL_STIPEND_GAS, ESTIMATE_GAS_ERROR_RATIO};
19use revm::context_interface::{result::ExecutionResult, Transaction};
20use tracing::trace;
22/// Gas execution estimates
23pub trait EstimateCall: Call {
24    /// Estimates the gas usage of the `request` with the state.
25    ///
26    /// This will execute the [`TransactionRequest`] and find the best gas limit via binary search.
27    ///
28    /// ## EVM settings
29    ///
30    /// This modifies certain EVM settings to mirror geth's `SkipAccountChecks` when transacting requests, see also: <>:
31    ///
32    ///  - `disable_eip3607` is set to `true`
33    ///  - `disable_base_fee` is set to `true`
34    ///  - `nonce` is set to `None`
35    fn estimate_gas_with<S>(
36        &self,
37        mut evm_env: EvmEnvFor<Self::Evm>,
38        mut request: TransactionRequest,
39        state: S,
40        state_override: Option<StateOverride>,
41    ) -> Result<U256, Self::Error>
42    where
43        S: StateProvider,
44    {
45        // Disabled because eth_estimateGas is sometimes used with eoa senders
46        // See <>
47        evm_env.cfg_env.disable_eip3607 = true;
49        // The basefee should be ignored for eth_estimateGas and similar
50        // See:
51        // <>
52        evm_env.cfg_env.disable_base_fee = true;
54        // set nonce to None so that the correct nonce is chosen by the EVM
55        request.nonce = None;
57        // Keep a copy of gas related request values
58        let tx_request_gas_limit = request.gas;
59        let tx_request_gas_price = request.gas_price;
60        // the gas limit of the corresponding block
61        let block_env_gas_limit = evm_env.block_env.gas_limit;
63        // Determine the highest possible gas limit, considering both the request's specified limit
64        // and the block's limit.
65        let mut highest_gas_limit = tx_request_gas_limit
66            .map(|mut tx_gas_limit| {
67                if block_env_gas_limit < tx_gas_limit {
68                    // requested gas limit is higher than the allowed gas limit, capping
69                    tx_gas_limit = block_env_gas_limit;
70                }
71                tx_gas_limit
72            })
73            .unwrap_or(block_env_gas_limit);
75        // Configure the evm env
76        let mut db = CacheDB::new(StateProviderDatabase::new(state));
77        let mut tx_env = self.create_txn_env(&evm_env, request, &mut db)?;
79        // Apply any state overrides if specified.
80        if let Some(state_override) = state_override {
81            apply_state_overrides(state_override, &mut db).map_err(Self::Error::from_eth_err)?;
82        }
84        // Optimize for simple transfer transactions, potentially reducing the gas estimate.
85        if tx_env.input().is_empty() {
86            if let TxKind::Call(to) = tx_env.kind() {
87                if let Ok(code) = db.db.account_code(&to) {
88                    let no_code_callee =|code| code.is_empty()).unwrap_or(true);
89                    if no_code_callee {
90                        // If the tx is a simple transfer (call to an account with no code) we can
91                        // shortcircuit. But simply returning
92                        // `MIN_TRANSACTION_GAS` is dangerous because there might be additional
93                        // field combos that bump the price up, so we try executing the function
94                        // with the minimum gas limit to make sure.
95                        let mut tx_env = tx_env.clone();
96                        tx_env.set_gas_limit(MIN_TRANSACTION_GAS);
97                        if let Ok((res, _)) = self.transact(&mut db, evm_env.clone(), tx_env) {
98                            if res.result.is_success() {
99                                return Ok(U256::from(MIN_TRANSACTION_GAS))
100                            }
101                        }
102                    }
103                }
104            }
105        }
107        // Check funds of the sender (only useful to check if transaction gas price is more than 0).
108        //
109        // The caller allowance is check by doing `(account.balance - tx.value) / tx.gas_price`
110        if tx_env.gas_price() > 0 {
111            // cap the highest gas limit by max gas caller can afford with given gas price
112            highest_gas_limit = highest_gas_limit
113                .min(caller_gas_allowance(&mut db, &tx_env).map_err(Self::Error::from_eth_err)?);
114        }
116        // If the provided gas limit is less than computed cap, use that
117        tx_env.set_gas_limit(tx_env.gas_limit().min(highest_gas_limit));
119        trace!(target: "rpc::eth::estimate", ?evm_env, ?tx_env, "Starting gas estimation");
121        // Execute the transaction with the highest possible gas limit.
122        let (mut res, (mut evm_env, mut tx_env)) =
123            match self.transact(&mut db, evm_env.clone(), tx_env.clone()) {
124                // Handle the exceptional case where the transaction initialization uses too much
125                // gas. If the gas price or gas limit was specified in the request,
126                // retry the transaction with the block's gas limit to determine if
127                // the failure was due to insufficient gas.
128                Err(err)
129                    if err.is_gas_too_high() &&
130                        (tx_request_gas_limit.is_some() || tx_request_gas_price.is_some()) =>
131                {
132                    return Err(self.map_out_of_gas_err(
133                        block_env_gas_limit,
134                        evm_env,
135                        tx_env,
136                        &mut db,
137                    ))
138                }
139                Err(err) if err.is_gas_too_low() => {
140                    // This failed because the configured gas cost of the tx was lower than what
141                    // actually consumed by the tx This can happen if the
142                    // request provided fee values manually and the resulting gas cost exceeds the
143                    // sender's allowance, so we return the appropriate error here
144                    return Err(RpcInvalidTransactionError::GasRequiredExceedsAllowance {
145                        gas_limit: tx_env.gas_limit(),
146                    }
147                    .into_eth_err())
148                }
149                // Propagate other results (successful or other errors).
150                ethres => ethres?,
151            };
153        let gas_refund = match res.result {
154            ExecutionResult::Success { gas_refunded, .. } => gas_refunded,
155            ExecutionResult::Halt { reason, .. } => {
156                // here we don't check for invalid opcode because already executed with highest gas
157                // limit
158                return Err(Self::Error::from_evm_halt(reason, tx_env.gas_limit()))
159            }
160            ExecutionResult::Revert { output, .. } => {
161                // if price or limit was included in the request then we can execute the request
162                // again with the block's gas limit to check if revert is gas related or not
163                return if tx_request_gas_limit.is_some() || tx_request_gas_price.is_some() {
164                    Err(self.map_out_of_gas_err(block_env_gas_limit, evm_env, tx_env, &mut db))
165                } else {
166                    // the transaction did revert
167                    Err(RpcInvalidTransactionError::Revert(RevertError::new(output)).into_eth_err())
168                }
169            }
170        };
172        // At this point we know the call succeeded but want to find the _best_ (lowest) gas the
173        // transaction succeeds with. We find this by doing a binary search over the possible range.
175        // we know the tx succeeded with the configured gas limit, so we can use that as the
176        // highest, in case we applied a gas cap due to caller allowance above
177        highest_gas_limit = tx_env.gas_limit();
179        // NOTE: this is the gas the transaction used, which is less than the
180        // transaction requires to succeed.
181        let mut gas_used = res.result.gas_used();
182        // the lowest value is capped by the gas used by the unconstrained transaction
183        let mut lowest_gas_limit = gas_used.saturating_sub(1);
185        // As stated in Geth, there is a good chance that the transaction will pass if we set the
186        // gas limit to the execution gas used plus the gas refund, so we check this first
187        // <
188        //
189        // Calculate the optimistic gas limit by adding gas used and gas refund,
190        // then applying a 64/63 multiplier to account for gas forwarding rules.
191        let optimistic_gas_limit = (gas_used + gas_refund + CALL_STIPEND_GAS) * 64 / 63;
192        if optimistic_gas_limit < highest_gas_limit {
193            // Set the transaction's gas limit to the calculated optimistic gas limit.
194            tx_env.set_gas_limit(optimistic_gas_limit);
195            // Re-execute the transaction with the new gas limit and update the result and
196            // environment.
197            (res, (evm_env, tx_env)) = self.transact(&mut db, evm_env, tx_env)?;
198            // Update the gas used based on the new result.
199            gas_used = res.result.gas_used();
200            // Update the gas limit estimates (highest and lowest) based on the execution result.
201            update_estimated_gas_range(
202                res.result,
203                optimistic_gas_limit,
204                &mut highest_gas_limit,
205                &mut lowest_gas_limit,
206            )?;
207        };
209        // Pick a point that's close to the estimated gas
210        let mut mid_gas_limit = std::cmp::min(
211            gas_used * 3,
212            ((highest_gas_limit as u128 + lowest_gas_limit as u128) / 2) as u64,
213        );
215        trace!(target: "rpc::eth::estimate", ?evm_env, ?tx_env, ?highest_gas_limit, ?lowest_gas_limit, ?mid_gas_limit, "Starting binary search for gas");
217        // Binary search narrows the range to find the minimum gas limit needed for the transaction
218        // to succeed.
219        while (highest_gas_limit - lowest_gas_limit) > 1 {
220            // An estimation error is allowed once the current gas limit range used in the binary
221            // search is small enough (less than 1.5% of the highest gas limit)
222            // <
223            if (highest_gas_limit - lowest_gas_limit) as f64 / (highest_gas_limit as f64) <
224                ESTIMATE_GAS_ERROR_RATIO
225            {
226                break
227            };
229            tx_env.set_gas_limit(mid_gas_limit);
231            // Execute transaction and handle potential gas errors, adjusting limits accordingly.
232            match self.transact(&mut db, evm_env.clone(), tx_env.clone()) {
233                Err(err) if err.is_gas_too_high() => {
234                    // Decrease the highest gas limit if gas is too high
235                    highest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;
236                }
237                Err(err) if err.is_gas_too_low() => {
238                    // Increase the lowest gas limit if gas is too low
239                    lowest_gas_limit = mid_gas_limit;
240                }
241                // Handle other cases, including successful transactions.
242                ethres => {
243                    // Unpack the result and environment if the transaction was successful.
244                    (res, (evm_env, tx_env)) = ethres?;
245                    // Update the estimated gas range based on the transaction result.
246                    update_estimated_gas_range(
247                        res.result,
248                        mid_gas_limit,
249                        &mut highest_gas_limit,
250                        &mut lowest_gas_limit,
251                    )?;
252                }
253            }
255            // New midpoint
256            mid_gas_limit = ((highest_gas_limit as u128 + lowest_gas_limit as u128) / 2) as u64;
257        }
259        Ok(U256::from(highest_gas_limit))
260    }
262    /// Estimate gas needed for execution of the `request` at the [`BlockId`].
263    fn estimate_gas_at(
264        &self,
265        request: TransactionRequest,
266        at: BlockId,
267        state_override: Option<StateOverride>,
268    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<U256, Self::Error>> + Send
269    where
270        Self: LoadPendingBlock,
271    {
272        async move {
273            let (evm_env, at) = self.evm_env_at(at).await?;
275            self.spawn_blocking_io(move |this| {
276                let state = this.state_at_block_id(at)?;
277                EstimateCall::estimate_gas_with(&this, evm_env, request, state, state_override)
278            })
279            .await
280        }
281    }
283    /// Executes the requests again after an out of gas error to check if the error is gas related
284    /// or not
285    #[inline]
286    fn map_out_of_gas_err<DB>(
287        &self,
288        env_gas_limit: u64,
289        evm_env: EvmEnvFor<Self::Evm>,
290        mut tx_env: TxEnvFor<Self::Evm>,
291        db: &mut DB,
292    ) -> Self::Error
293    where
294        DB: Database<Error = ProviderError>,
295        EthApiError: From<DB::Error>,
296    {
297        let req_gas_limit = tx_env.gas_limit();
298        tx_env.set_gas_limit(env_gas_limit);
299        let (res, _) = match self.transact(db, evm_env, tx_env) {
300            Ok(res) => res,
301            Err(err) => return err,
302        };
303        match res.result {
304            ExecutionResult::Success { .. } => {
305                // transaction succeeded by manually increasing the gas limit to
306                // highest, which means the caller lacks funds to pay for the tx
307                RpcInvalidTransactionError::BasicOutOfGas(req_gas_limit).into_eth_err()
308            }
309            ExecutionResult::Revert { output, .. } => {
310                // reverted again after bumping the limit
311                RpcInvalidTransactionError::Revert(RevertError::new(output)).into_eth_err()
312            }
313            ExecutionResult::Halt { reason, .. } => {
314                Self::Error::from_evm_halt(reason, req_gas_limit)
315            }
316        }
317    }
320/// Updates the highest and lowest gas limits for binary search based on the execution result.
322/// This function refines the gas limit estimates used in a binary search to find the optimal
323/// gas limit for a transaction. It adjusts the highest or lowest gas limits depending on
324/// whether the execution succeeded, reverted, or halted due to specific reasons.
326pub fn update_estimated_gas_range<Halt>(
327    result: ExecutionResult<Halt>,
328    tx_gas_limit: u64,
329    highest_gas_limit: &mut u64,
330    lowest_gas_limit: &mut u64,
331) -> Result<(), EthApiError> {
332    match result {
333        ExecutionResult::Success { .. } => {
334            // Cap the highest gas limit with the succeeding gas limit.
335            *highest_gas_limit = tx_gas_limit;
336        }
337        ExecutionResult::Revert { .. } | ExecutionResult::Halt { .. } => {
338            // We know that transaction succeeded with a higher gas limit before, so any failure
339            // means that we need to increase it.
340            //
341            // We are ignoring all halts here, and not just OOG errors because there are cases when
342            // non-OOG halt might flag insufficient gas limit as well.
343            //
344            // Common usage of invalid opcode in OpenZeppelin:
345            // <>
346            *lowest_gas_limit = tx_gas_limit;
347        }
348    };
350    Ok(())