
1//! Shared models for <https://github.com/ethereum/tests>
3use crate::{assert::assert_equal, Error};
4use alloy_consensus::Header as RethHeader;
5use alloy_eips::eip4895::Withdrawals;
6use alloy_primitives::{keccak256, Address, Bloom, Bytes, B256, B64, U256};
7use reth_chainspec::{ChainSpec, ChainSpecBuilder};
8use reth_db_api::{
9    cursor::DbDupCursorRO,
10    tables,
11    transaction::{DbTx, DbTxMut},
13use reth_primitives::{Account as RethAccount, Bytecode, SealedHeader, StorageEntry};
14use serde::Deserialize;
15use std::{collections::BTreeMap, ops::Deref};
17/// The definition of a blockchain test.
18#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize)]
19#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
20pub struct BlockchainTest {
21    /// Genesis block header.
22    pub genesis_block_header: Header,
23    /// RLP encoded genesis block.
24    #[serde(rename = "genesisRLP")]
25    pub genesis_rlp: Option<Bytes>,
26    /// Block data.
27    pub blocks: Vec<Block>,
28    /// The expected post state.
29    pub post_state: Option<BTreeMap<Address, Account>>,
30    /// The expected post state merkle root.
31    pub post_state_hash: Option<B256>,
32    /// The test pre-state.
33    pub pre: State,
34    /// Hash of the best block.
35    pub lastblockhash: B256,
36    /// Network spec.
37    pub network: ForkSpec,
38    #[serde(default)]
39    /// Engine spec.
40    pub seal_engine: SealEngine,
43/// A block header in an Ethereum blockchain test.
44#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Deserialize, Default)]
45#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
46pub struct Header {
47    /// Bloom filter.
48    pub bloom: Bloom,
49    /// Coinbase.
50    pub coinbase: Address,
51    /// Difficulty.
52    pub difficulty: U256,
53    /// Extra data.
54    pub extra_data: Bytes,
55    /// Gas limit.
56    pub gas_limit: U256,
57    /// Gas used.
58    pub gas_used: U256,
59    /// Block Hash.
60    pub hash: B256,
61    /// Mix hash.
62    pub mix_hash: B256,
63    /// Seal nonce.
64    pub nonce: B64,
65    /// Block number.
66    pub number: U256,
67    /// Parent hash.
68    pub parent_hash: B256,
69    /// Receipt trie.
70    pub receipt_trie: B256,
71    /// State root.
72    pub state_root: B256,
73    /// Timestamp.
74    pub timestamp: U256,
75    /// Transactions trie.
76    pub transactions_trie: B256,
77    /// Uncle hash.
78    pub uncle_hash: B256,
79    /// Base fee per gas.
80    pub base_fee_per_gas: Option<U256>,
81    /// Withdrawals root.
82    pub withdrawals_root: Option<B256>,
83    /// Blob gas used.
84    pub blob_gas_used: Option<U256>,
85    /// Excess blob gas.
86    pub excess_blob_gas: Option<U256>,
87    /// Parent beacon block root.
88    pub parent_beacon_block_root: Option<B256>,
89    /// Requests root.
90    pub requests_hash: Option<B256>,
91    /// Target blobs per block.
92    pub target_blobs_per_block: Option<U256>,
95impl From<Header> for SealedHeader {
96    fn from(value: Header) -> Self {
97        let header = RethHeader {
98            base_fee_per_gas: value.base_fee_per_gas.map(|v| v.to::<u64>()),
99            beneficiary: value.coinbase,
100            difficulty: value.difficulty,
101            extra_data: value.extra_data,
102            gas_limit: value.gas_limit.to::<u64>(),
103            gas_used: value.gas_used.to::<u64>(),
104            mix_hash: value.mix_hash,
105            nonce: u64::from_be_bytes(value.nonce.0).into(),
106            number: value.number.to::<u64>(),
107            timestamp: value.timestamp.to::<u64>(),
108            transactions_root: value.transactions_trie,
109            receipts_root: value.receipt_trie,
110            ommers_hash: value.uncle_hash,
111            state_root: value.state_root,
112            parent_hash: value.parent_hash,
113            logs_bloom: value.bloom,
114            withdrawals_root: value.withdrawals_root,
115            blob_gas_used: value.blob_gas_used.map(|v| v.to::<u64>()),
116            excess_blob_gas: value.excess_blob_gas.map(|v| v.to::<u64>()),
117            parent_beacon_block_root: value.parent_beacon_block_root,
118            requests_hash: value.requests_hash,
119        };
120        Self::new(header, value.hash)
121    }
124/// A block in an Ethereum blockchain test.
125#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Default)]
126#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
127pub struct Block {
128    /// Block header.
129    pub block_header: Option<Header>,
130    /// RLP encoded block bytes
131    pub rlp: Bytes,
132    /// Transactions
133    pub transactions: Option<Vec<Transaction>>,
134    /// Uncle/ommer headers
135    pub uncle_headers: Option<Vec<Header>>,
136    /// Transaction Sequence
137    pub transaction_sequence: Option<Vec<TransactionSequence>>,
138    /// Withdrawals
139    pub withdrawals: Option<Withdrawals>,
142/// Transaction sequence in block
143#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Default)]
145#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
146pub struct TransactionSequence {
147    exception: String,
148    raw_bytes: Bytes,
149    valid: String,
152/// Ethereum blockchain test data state.
153#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Default)]
154pub struct State(BTreeMap<Address, Account>);
156impl State {
157    /// Write the state to the database.
158    pub fn write_to_db(&self, tx: &impl DbTxMut) -> Result<(), Error> {
159        for (&address, account) in &self.0 {
160            let hashed_address = keccak256(address);
161            let has_code = !account.code.is_empty();
162            let code_hash = has_code.then(|| keccak256(&account.code));
163            let reth_account = RethAccount {
164                balance: account.balance,
165                nonce: account.nonce.to::<u64>(),
166                bytecode_hash: code_hash,
167            };
168            tx.put::<tables::PlainAccountState>(address, reth_account)?;
169            tx.put::<tables::HashedAccounts>(hashed_address, reth_account)?;
171            if let Some(code_hash) = code_hash {
172                tx.put::<tables::Bytecodes>(code_hash, Bytecode::new_raw(account.code.clone()))?;
173            }
175            for (k, v) in &account.storage {
176                if v.is_zero() {
177                    continue
178                }
179                let storage_key = B256::from_slice(&k.to_be_bytes::<32>());
180                tx.put::<tables::PlainStorageState>(
181                    address,
182                    StorageEntry { key: storage_key, value: *v },
183                )?;
184                tx.put::<tables::HashedStorages>(
185                    hashed_address,
186                    StorageEntry { key: keccak256(storage_key), value: *v },
187                )?;
188            }
189        }
190        Ok(())
191    }
194impl Deref for State {
195    type Target = BTreeMap<Address, Account>;
197    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
198        &self.0
199    }
202/// An account.
203#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Clone, Default)]
205pub struct Account {
206    /// Balance.
207    pub balance: U256,
208    /// Code.
209    pub code: Bytes,
210    /// Nonce.
211    pub nonce: U256,
212    /// Storage.
213    pub storage: BTreeMap<U256, U256>,
216impl Account {
217    /// Check that the account matches what is in the database.
218    ///
219    /// In case of a mismatch, `Err(Error::Assertion)` is returned.
220    pub fn assert_db(&self, address: Address, tx: &impl DbTx) -> Result<(), Error> {
221        let account =
222            tx.get_by_encoded_key::<tables::PlainAccountState>(&address)?.ok_or_else(|| {
223                Error::Assertion(format!(
224                    "Expected account ({address}) is missing from DB: {self:?}"
225                ))
226            })?;
228        assert_equal(self.balance, account.balance, "Balance does not match")?;
229        assert_equal(self.nonce.to(), account.nonce, "Nonce does not match")?;
231        if let Some(bytecode_hash) = account.bytecode_hash {
232            assert_equal(keccak256(&self.code), bytecode_hash, "Bytecode does not match")?;
233        } else {
234            assert_equal(
235                self.code.is_empty(),
236                true,
237                "Expected empty bytecode, got bytecode in db.",
238            )?;
239        }
241        let mut storage_cursor = tx.cursor_dup_read::<tables::PlainStorageState>()?;
242        for (slot, value) in &self.storage {
243            if let Some(entry) =
244                storage_cursor.seek_by_key_subkey(address, B256::new(slot.to_be_bytes()))?
245            {
246                if U256::from_be_bytes(entry.key.0) == *slot {
247                    assert_equal(
248                        *value,
249                        entry.value,
250                        &format!("Storage for slot {slot:?} does not match"),
251                    )?;
252                } else {
253                    return Err(Error::Assertion(format!(
254                        "Slot {slot:?} is missing from the database. Expected {value:?}"
255                    )))
256                }
257            } else {
258                return Err(Error::Assertion(format!(
259                    "Slot {slot:?} is missing from the database. Expected {value:?}"
260                )))
261            }
262        }
264        Ok(())
265    }
268/// Fork specification.
269#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash, Ord, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)]
270pub enum ForkSpec {
271    /// Frontier
272    Frontier,
273    /// Frontier to Homestead
274    FrontierToHomesteadAt5,
275    /// Homestead
276    Homestead,
277    /// Homestead to Tangerine
278    HomesteadToDaoAt5,
279    /// Homestead to Tangerine
280    HomesteadToEIP150At5,
281    /// Tangerine
282    EIP150,
283    /// Spurious Dragon
284    EIP158, // EIP-161: State trie clearing
285    /// Spurious Dragon to Byzantium
286    EIP158ToByzantiumAt5,
287    /// Byzantium
288    Byzantium,
289    /// Byzantium to Constantinople
290    ByzantiumToConstantinopleAt5, // SKIPPED
291    /// Byzantium to Constantinople
292    ByzantiumToConstantinopleFixAt5,
293    /// Constantinople
294    Constantinople, // SKIPPED
295    /// Constantinople fix
296    ConstantinopleFix,
297    /// Istanbul
298    Istanbul,
299    /// Berlin
300    Berlin,
301    /// Berlin to London
302    BerlinToLondonAt5,
303    /// London
304    London,
305    /// Paris aka The Merge
306    Merge,
307    /// Shanghai
308    Shanghai,
309    /// Merge EOF test
310    #[serde(alias = "Merge+3540+3670")]
311    MergeEOF,
312    /// After Merge Init Code test
313    #[serde(alias = "Merge+3860")]
314    MergeMeterInitCode,
315    /// After Merge plus new PUSH0 opcode
316    #[serde(alias = "Merge+3855")]
317    MergePush0,
318    /// Cancun
319    Cancun,
320    /// Fork Spec which is unknown to us
321    #[serde(other)]
322    Unknown,
325impl From<ForkSpec> for ChainSpec {
326    fn from(fork_spec: ForkSpec) -> Self {
327        let spec_builder = ChainSpecBuilder::mainnet();
329        match fork_spec {
330            ForkSpec::Frontier => spec_builder.frontier_activated(),
331            ForkSpec::Homestead | ForkSpec::FrontierToHomesteadAt5 => {
332                spec_builder.homestead_activated()
333            }
334            ForkSpec::EIP150 | ForkSpec::HomesteadToDaoAt5 | ForkSpec::HomesteadToEIP150At5 => {
335                spec_builder.tangerine_whistle_activated()
336            }
337            ForkSpec::EIP158 => spec_builder.spurious_dragon_activated(),
338            ForkSpec::Byzantium |
339            ForkSpec::EIP158ToByzantiumAt5 |
340            ForkSpec::ConstantinopleFix |
341            ForkSpec::ByzantiumToConstantinopleFixAt5 => spec_builder.byzantium_activated(),
342            ForkSpec::Istanbul => spec_builder.istanbul_activated(),
343            ForkSpec::Berlin => spec_builder.berlin_activated(),
344            ForkSpec::London | ForkSpec::BerlinToLondonAt5 => spec_builder.london_activated(),
345            ForkSpec::Merge |
346            ForkSpec::MergeEOF |
347            ForkSpec::MergeMeterInitCode |
348            ForkSpec::MergePush0 => spec_builder.paris_activated(),
349            ForkSpec::Shanghai => spec_builder.shanghai_activated(),
350            ForkSpec::Cancun => spec_builder.cancun_activated(),
351            ForkSpec::ByzantiumToConstantinopleAt5 | ForkSpec::Constantinople => {
352                panic!("Overridden with PETERSBURG")
353            }
354            ForkSpec::Unknown => {
355                panic!("Unknown fork");
356            }
357        }
358        .build()
359    }
362/// Possible seal engines.
363#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Deserialize)]
364pub enum SealEngine {
365    /// No consensus checks.
366    #[default]
367    NoProof,
370/// Ethereum blockchain test transaction data.
371#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize)]
372#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
373pub struct Transaction {
374    /// Transaction type
375    #[serde(rename = "type")]
376    pub transaction_type: Option<U256>,
377    /// Data.
378    pub data: Bytes,
379    /// Gas limit.
380    pub gas_limit: U256,
381    /// Gas price.
382    pub gas_price: Option<U256>,
383    /// Nonce.
384    pub nonce: U256,
385    /// Signature r part.
386    pub r: U256,
387    /// Signature s part.
388    pub s: U256,
389    /// Parity bit.
390    pub v: U256,
391    /// Transaction value.
392    pub value: U256,
393    /// Chain ID.
394    pub chain_id: Option<U256>,
395    /// Access list.
396    pub access_list: Option<AccessList>,
397    /// Max fee per gas.
398    pub max_fee_per_gas: Option<U256>,
399    /// Max priority fee per gas
400    pub max_priority_fee_per_gas: Option<U256>,
401    /// Transaction hash.
402    pub hash: Option<B256>,
405/// Access list item
406#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize, Clone)]
407#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
408pub struct AccessListItem {
409    /// Account address
410    pub address: Address,
411    /// Storage key.
412    pub storage_keys: Vec<B256>,
415/// Access list.
416pub type AccessList = Vec<AccessListItem>;
419mod tests {
420    use super::*;
422    #[test]
423    fn header_deserialize() {
424        let test = r#"{
425            "baseFeePerGas" : "0x0a",
426            "bloom" : "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
427            "coinbase" : "0x2adc25665018aa1fe0e6bc666dac8fc2697ff9ba",
428            "difficulty" : "0x020000",
429            "extraData" : "0x00",
430            "gasLimit" : "0x10000000000000",
431            "gasUsed" : "0x10000000000000",
432            "hash" : "0x7ebfee2a2c785fef181b8ffd92d4a48a0660ec000f465f309757e3f092d13882",
433            "mixHash" : "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
434            "nonce" : "0x0000000000000000",
435            "number" : "0x01",
436            "parentHash" : "0xa8f2eb2ea9dccbf725801eef5a31ce59bada431e888dfd5501677cc4365dc3be",
437            "receiptTrie" : "0xbdd943f5c62ae0299324244a0f65524337ada9817e18e1764631cc1424f3a293",
438            "stateRoot" : "0xc9c6306ee3e5acbaabe8e2fa28a10c12e27bad1d1aacc271665149f70519f8b0",
439            "timestamp" : "0x03e8",
440            "transactionsTrie" : "0xf5893b055ca05e4f14d1792745586a1376e218180bd56bd96b2b024e1dc78300",
441            "uncleHash" : "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347"
442        }"#;
443        let res = serde_json::from_str::<Header>(test);
444        assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to deserialize Header with error: {res:?}");
445    }
447    #[test]
448    fn transaction_deserialize() {
449        let test = r#"[
450            {
451                "accessList" : [
452                ],
453                "chainId" : "0x01",
454                "data" : "0x693c61390000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
455                "gasLimit" : "0x10000000000000",
456                "maxFeePerGas" : "0x07d0",
457                "maxPriorityFeePerGas" : "0x00",
458                "nonce" : "0x01",
459                "r" : "0x5fecc3972a35c9e341b41b0c269d9a7325e13269fb01c2f64cbce1046b3441c8",
460                "s" : "0x7d4d0eda0e4ebd53c5d0b6fc35c600b317f8fa873b3963ab623ec9cec7d969bd",
461                "sender" : "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b",
462                "to" : "0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc",
463                "type" : "0x02",
464                "v" : "0x01",
465                "value" : "0x00"
466            }
467        ]"#;
469        let res = serde_json::from_str::<Vec<Transaction>>(test);
470        assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to deserialize transaction with error: {res:?}");
471    }