
1use alloy_primitives::{Address, TxNumber};
2use reth_config::config::SenderRecoveryConfig;
3use reth_consensus::ConsensusError;
4use reth_db::static_file::TransactionMask;
5use reth_db_api::{
6    cursor::DbCursorRW,
7    table::Value,
8    tables,
9    transaction::{DbTx, DbTxMut},
10    DbTxUnwindExt, RawValue,
12use reth_primitives_traits::{GotExpected, NodePrimitives, SignedTransaction};
13use reth_provider::{
14    BlockReader, DBProvider, HeaderProvider, ProviderError, PruneCheckpointReader,
15    StaticFileProviderFactory, StatsReader,
17use reth_prune_types::PruneSegment;
18use reth_stages_api::{
19    BlockErrorKind, EntitiesCheckpoint, ExecInput, ExecOutput, Stage, StageCheckpoint, StageError,
20    StageId, UnwindInput, UnwindOutput,
22use reth_static_file_types::StaticFileSegment;
23use std::{fmt::Debug, ops::Range, sync::mpsc};
24use thiserror::Error;
25use tracing::*;
27/// Maximum amount of transactions to read from disk at one time before we flush their senders to
28/// disk. Since each rayon worker will hold at most 100 transactions (`WORKER_CHUNK_SIZE`), we
29/// effectively max limit each batch to 1000 channels in memory.
30const BATCH_SIZE: usize = 100_000;
32/// Maximum number of senders to recover per rayon worker job.
33const WORKER_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 100;
35/// Type alias for a sender that transmits the result of sender recovery.
36type RecoveryResultSender = mpsc::Sender<Result<(u64, Address), Box<SenderRecoveryStageError>>>;
38/// The sender recovery stage iterates over existing transactions,
39/// recovers the transaction signer and stores them
40/// in [`TransactionSenders`][reth_db_api::tables::TransactionSenders] table.
41#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
42pub struct SenderRecoveryStage {
43    /// The size of inserted items after which the control
44    /// flow will be returned to the pipeline for commit
45    pub commit_threshold: u64,
48impl SenderRecoveryStage {
49    /// Create new instance of [`SenderRecoveryStage`].
50    pub const fn new(config: SenderRecoveryConfig) -> Self {
51        Self { commit_threshold: config.commit_threshold }
52    }
55impl Default for SenderRecoveryStage {
56    fn default() -> Self {
57        Self { commit_threshold: 5_000_000 }
58    }
61impl<Provider> Stage<Provider> for SenderRecoveryStage
63    Provider: DBProvider<Tx: DbTxMut>
64        + BlockReader
65        + StaticFileProviderFactory<Primitives: NodePrimitives<SignedTx: Value + SignedTransaction>>
66        + StatsReader
67        + PruneCheckpointReader,
69    /// Return the id of the stage
70    fn id(&self) -> StageId {
71        StageId::SenderRecovery
72    }
74    /// Retrieve the range of transactions to iterate over by querying
75    /// [`BlockBodyIndices`][reth_db_api::tables::BlockBodyIndices],
76    /// collect transactions within that range, recover signer for each transaction and store
77    /// entries in the [`TransactionSenders`][reth_db_api::tables::TransactionSenders] table.
78    fn execute(&mut self, provider: &Provider, input: ExecInput) -> Result<ExecOutput, StageError> {
79        if input.target_reached() {
80            return Ok(ExecOutput::done(input.checkpoint()))
81        }
83        let (tx_range, block_range, is_final_range) =
84            input.next_block_range_with_transaction_threshold(provider, self.commit_threshold)?;
85        let end_block = *block_range.end();
87        // No transactions to walk over
88        if tx_range.is_empty() {
89            info!(target: "sync::stages::sender_recovery", ?tx_range, "Target transaction already reached");
90            return Ok(ExecOutput {
91                checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(end_block)
92                    .with_entities_stage_checkpoint(stage_checkpoint(provider)?),
93                done: is_final_range,
94            })
95        }
97        // Acquire the cursor for inserting elements
98        let mut senders_cursor = provider.tx_ref().cursor_write::<tables::TransactionSenders>()?;
100        info!(target: "sync::stages::sender_recovery", ?tx_range, "Recovering senders");
102        // Iterate over transactions in batches, recover the senders and append them
103        let batch = tx_range
104            .clone()
105            .step_by(BATCH_SIZE)
106            .map(|start| start..std::cmp::min(start + BATCH_SIZE as u64, tx_range.end))
107            .collect::<Vec<Range<u64>>>();
109        let tx_batch_sender = setup_range_recovery(provider);
111        for range in batch {
112            recover_range(range, provider, tx_batch_sender.clone(), &mut senders_cursor)?;
113        }
115        Ok(ExecOutput {
116            checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(end_block)
117                .with_entities_stage_checkpoint(stage_checkpoint(provider)?),
118            done: is_final_range,
119        })
120    }
122    /// Unwind the stage.
123    fn unwind(
124        &mut self,
125        provider: &Provider,
126        input: UnwindInput,
127    ) -> Result<UnwindOutput, StageError> {
128        let (_, unwind_to, _) = input.unwind_block_range_with_threshold(self.commit_threshold);
130        // Lookup latest tx id that we should unwind to
131        let latest_tx_id = provider
132            .block_body_indices(unwind_to)?
133            .ok_or(ProviderError::BlockBodyIndicesNotFound(unwind_to))?
134            .last_tx_num();
135        provider.tx_ref().unwind_table_by_num::<tables::TransactionSenders>(latest_tx_id)?;
137        Ok(UnwindOutput {
138            checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(unwind_to)
139                .with_entities_stage_checkpoint(stage_checkpoint(provider)?),
140        })
141    }
144fn recover_range<Provider, CURSOR>(
145    tx_range: Range<u64>,
146    provider: &Provider,
147    tx_batch_sender: mpsc::Sender<Vec<(Range<u64>, RecoveryResultSender)>>,
148    senders_cursor: &mut CURSOR,
149) -> Result<(), StageError>
151    Provider: DBProvider + HeaderProvider + StaticFileProviderFactory,
152    CURSOR: DbCursorRW<tables::TransactionSenders>,
154    debug!(target: "sync::stages::sender_recovery", ?tx_range, "Sending batch for processing");
156    // Preallocate channels for each chunks in the batch
157    let (chunks, receivers): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = tx_range
158        .clone()
159        .step_by(WORKER_CHUNK_SIZE)
160        .map(|start| {
161            let range = start..std::cmp::min(start + WORKER_CHUNK_SIZE as u64, tx_range.end);
162            let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
163            // Range and channel sender will be sent to rayon worker
164            ((range, tx), rx)
165        })
166        .unzip();
168    if let Some(err) = tx_batch_sender.send(chunks).err() {
169        return Err(StageError::Fatal(err.into()));
170    }
172    debug!(target: "sync::stages::sender_recovery", ?tx_range, "Appending recovered senders to the database");
174    let mut processed_transactions = 0;
175    for channel in receivers {
176        while let Ok(recovered) = channel.recv() {
177            let (tx_id, sender) = match recovered {
178                Ok(result) => result,
179                Err(error) => {
180                    return match *error {
181                        SenderRecoveryStageError::FailedRecovery(err) => {
182                            // get the block number for the bad transaction
183                            let block_number = provider
184                                .tx_ref()
185                                .get::<tables::TransactionBlocks>(err.tx)?
186                                .ok_or(ProviderError::BlockNumberForTransactionIndexNotFound)?;
188                            // fetch the sealed header so we can use it in the sender recovery
189                            // unwind
190                            let sealed_header =
191                                provider.sealed_header(block_number)?.ok_or_else(|| {
192                                    ProviderError::HeaderNotFound(block_number.into())
193                                })?;
195                            Err(StageError::Block {
196                                block: Box::new(sealed_header.block_with_parent()),
197                                error: BlockErrorKind::Validation(
198                                    ConsensusError::TransactionSignerRecoveryError,
199                                ),
200                            })
201                        }
202                        SenderRecoveryStageError::StageError(err) => Err(err),
203                        SenderRecoveryStageError::RecoveredSendersMismatch(expectation) => {
204                            Err(StageError::Fatal(
205                                SenderRecoveryStageError::RecoveredSendersMismatch(expectation)
206                                    .into(),
207                            ))
208                        }
209                    }
210                }
211            };
212            senders_cursor.append(tx_id, &sender)?;
213            processed_transactions += 1;
214        }
215    }
216    debug!(target: "sync::stages::sender_recovery", ?tx_range, "Finished recovering senders batch");
218    // Fail safe to ensure that we do not proceed without having recovered all senders.
219    let expected = tx_range.end - tx_range.start;
220    if processed_transactions != expected {
221        return Err(StageError::Fatal(
222            SenderRecoveryStageError::RecoveredSendersMismatch(GotExpected {
223                got: processed_transactions,
224                expected,
225            })
226            .into(),
227        ));
228    }
229    Ok(())
232/// Spawns a thread to handle the recovery of transaction senders for
233/// specified chunks of a given batch. It processes incoming ranges, fetching and recovering
234/// transactions in parallel using global rayon pool
235fn setup_range_recovery<Provider>(
236    provider: &Provider,
237) -> mpsc::Sender<Vec<(Range<u64>, RecoveryResultSender)>>
239    Provider: DBProvider
240        + HeaderProvider
241        + StaticFileProviderFactory<Primitives: NodePrimitives<SignedTx: Value + SignedTransaction>>,
243    let (tx_sender, tx_receiver) = mpsc::channel::<Vec<(Range<u64>, RecoveryResultSender)>>();
244    let static_file_provider = provider.static_file_provider();
246    // We do not use `tokio::task::spawn_blocking` because, during a shutdown,
247    // there will be a timeout grace period in which Tokio does not allow spawning
248    // additional blocking tasks. This would cause this function to return
249    // `SenderRecoveryStageError::RecoveredSendersMismatch` at the end.
250    //
251    // However, using `std::thread::spawn` allows us to utilize the timeout grace
252    // period to complete some work without throwing errors during the shutdown.
253    std::thread::spawn(move || {
254        while let Ok(chunks) = tx_receiver.recv() {
255            for (chunk_range, recovered_senders_tx) in chunks {
256                // Read the raw value, and let the rayon worker to decompress & decode.
257                let chunk = match static_file_provider.fetch_range_with_predicate(
258                    StaticFileSegment::Transactions,
259                    chunk_range.clone(),
260                    |cursor, number| {
261                        Ok(cursor
262                            .get_one::<TransactionMask<
263                                RawValue<<Provider::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::SignedTx>,
264                            >>(number.into())?
265                            .map(|tx| (number, tx)))
266                    },
267                    |_| true,
268                ) {
269                    Ok(chunk) => chunk,
270                    Err(err) => {
271                        // We exit early since we could not process this chunk.
272                        let _ = recovered_senders_tx
273                            .send(Err(Box::new(SenderRecoveryStageError::StageError(err.into()))));
274                        break
275                    }
276                };
278                // Spawn the task onto the global rayon pool
279                // This task will send the results through the channel after it has read the
280                // transaction and calculated the sender.
281                rayon::spawn(move || {
282                    let mut rlp_buf = Vec::with_capacity(128);
283                    for (number, tx) in chunk {
284                        let res = tx
285                            .value()
286                            .map_err(|err| {
287                                Box::new(SenderRecoveryStageError::StageError(err.into()))
288                            })
289                            .and_then(|tx| recover_sender((number, tx), &mut rlp_buf));
291                        let is_err = res.is_err();
293                        let _ = recovered_senders_tx.send(res);
295                        // Finish early
296                        if is_err {
297                            break
298                        }
299                    }
300                });
301            }
302        }
303    });
304    tx_sender
308fn recover_sender<T: SignedTransaction>(
309    (tx_id, tx): (TxNumber, T),
310    rlp_buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
311) -> Result<(u64, Address), Box<SenderRecoveryStageError>> {
312    rlp_buf.clear();
313    // We call [Signature::encode_and_recover_unchecked] because transactions run in the pipeline
314    // are known to be valid - this means that we do not need to check whether or not the `s`
315    // value is greater than `secp256k1n / 2` if past EIP-2. There are transactions
316    // pre-homestead which have large `s` values, so using [Signature::recover_signer] here
317    // would not be backwards-compatible.
318    let sender = tx.recover_signer_unchecked_with_buf(rlp_buf).map_err(|_| {
319        SenderRecoveryStageError::FailedRecovery(FailedSenderRecoveryError { tx: tx_id })
320    })?;
322    Ok((tx_id, sender))
325fn stage_checkpoint<Provider>(provider: &Provider) -> Result<EntitiesCheckpoint, StageError>
327    Provider: StatsReader + StaticFileProviderFactory + PruneCheckpointReader,
329    let pruned_entries = provider
330        .get_prune_checkpoint(PruneSegment::SenderRecovery)?
331        .and_then(|checkpoint| checkpoint.tx_number)
332        .unwrap_or_default();
333    Ok(EntitiesCheckpoint {
334        // If `TransactionSenders` table was pruned, we will have a number of entries in it not
335        // matching the actual number of processed transactions. To fix that, we add the
336        // number of pruned `TransactionSenders` entries.
337        processed: provider.count_entries::<tables::TransactionSenders>()? as u64 + pruned_entries,
338        // Count only static files entries. If we count the database entries too, we may have
339        // duplicates. We're sure that the static files have all entries that database has,
340        // because we run the `StaticFileProducer` before starting the pipeline.
341        total: provider.static_file_provider().count_entries::<tables::Transactions>()? as u64,
342    })
345#[derive(Error, Debug)]
347enum SenderRecoveryStageError {
348    /// A transaction failed sender recovery
349    #[error(transparent)]
350    FailedRecovery(#[from] FailedSenderRecoveryError),
352    /// Number of recovered senders does not match
353    #[error("mismatched sender count during recovery: {_0}")]
354    RecoveredSendersMismatch(GotExpected<u64>),
356    /// A different type of stage error occurred
357    #[error(transparent)]
358    StageError(#[from] StageError),
361#[derive(Error, Debug)]
362#[error("sender recovery failed for transaction {tx}")]
363struct FailedSenderRecoveryError {
364    /// The transaction that failed sender recovery
365    tx: TxNumber,
369mod tests {
370    use super::*;
371    use crate::test_utils::{
372        stage_test_suite_ext, ExecuteStageTestRunner, StageTestRunner, StorageKind,
373        TestRunnerError, TestStageDB, UnwindStageTestRunner,
374    };
375    use alloy_primitives::{BlockNumber, B256};
376    use assert_matches::assert_matches;
377    use reth_db_api::cursor::DbCursorRO;
378    use reth_ethereum_primitives::{Block, TransactionSigned};
379    use reth_primitives_traits::{SealedBlock, SignedTransaction};
380    use reth_provider::{
381        providers::StaticFileWriter, BlockBodyIndicesProvider, DatabaseProviderFactory,
382        PruneCheckpointWriter, StaticFileProviderFactory, TransactionsProvider,
383    };
384    use reth_prune_types::{PruneCheckpoint, PruneMode};
385    use reth_stages_api::StageUnitCheckpoint;
386    use reth_testing_utils::generators::{
387        self, random_block, random_block_range, BlockParams, BlockRangeParams,
388    };
390    stage_test_suite_ext!(SenderRecoveryTestRunner, sender_recovery);
392    /// Execute a block range with a single transaction
393    #[tokio::test]
394    async fn execute_single_transaction() {
395        let (previous_stage, stage_progress) = (500, 100);
396        let mut rng = generators::rng();
398        // Set up the runner
399        let runner = SenderRecoveryTestRunner::default();
400        let input = ExecInput {
401            target: Some(previous_stage),
402            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(stage_progress)),
403        };
405        // Insert blocks with a single transaction at block `stage_progress + 10`
406        let non_empty_block_number = stage_progress + 10;
407        let blocks = (
408            .map(|number| {
409                random_block(
410                    &mut rng,
411                    number,
412                    BlockParams {
413                        tx_count: Some((number == non_empty_block_number) as u8),
414                        ..Default::default()
415                    },
416                )
417            })
418            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
419        runner
420            .db
421            .insert_blocks(blocks.iter(), StorageKind::Static)
422            .expect("failed to insert blocks");
424        let rx = runner.execute(input);
426        // Assert the successful result
427        let result = rx.await.unwrap();
428        assert_matches!(
429            result,
430            Ok(ExecOutput { checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
431                block_number,
432                stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
433                    processed: 1,
434                    total: 1
435                }))
436            }, done: true }) if block_number == previous_stage
437        );
439        // Validate the stage execution
440        assert!(runner.validate_execution(input, result.ok()).is_ok(), "execution validation");
441    }
443    /// Execute the stage twice with input range that exceeds the commit threshold
444    #[tokio::test]
445    async fn execute_intermediate_commit() {
446        let mut rng = generators::rng();
448        let threshold = 10;
449        let mut runner = SenderRecoveryTestRunner::default();
450        runner.set_threshold(threshold);
451        let (stage_progress, previous_stage) = (1000, 1100); // input exceeds threshold
453        // Manually seed once with full input range
454        let seed = random_block_range(
455            &mut rng,
456            stage_progress + 1..=previous_stage,
457            BlockRangeParams { parent: Some(B256::ZERO), tx_count: 0..4, ..Default::default() },
458        ); // set tx count range high enough to hit the threshold
459        runner
460            .db
461            .insert_blocks(seed.iter(), StorageKind::Static)
462            .expect("failed to seed execution");
464        let total_transactions = runner
465            .db
466            .factory
467            .static_file_provider()
468            .count_entries::<tables::Transactions>()
469            .unwrap() as u64;
471        let first_input = ExecInput {
472            target: Some(previous_stage),
473            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(stage_progress)),
474        };
476        // Execute first time
477        let result = runner.execute(first_input).await.unwrap();
478        let mut tx_count = 0;
479        let expected_progress = seed
480            .iter()
481            .find(|x| {
482                tx_count += x.transaction_count();
483                tx_count as u64 > threshold
484            })
485            .map(|x| x.number)
486            .unwrap_or(previous_stage);
487        assert_matches!(result, Ok(_));
488        assert_eq!(
489            result.unwrap(),
490            ExecOutput {
491                checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(expected_progress).with_entities_stage_checkpoint(
492                    EntitiesCheckpoint {
493                        processed: runner.db.table::<tables::TransactionSenders>().unwrap().len()
494                            as u64,
495                        total: total_transactions
496                    }
497                ),
498                done: false
499            }
500        );
502        // Execute second time to completion
503        runner.set_threshold(u64::MAX);
504        let second_input = ExecInput {
505            target: Some(previous_stage),
506            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(expected_progress)),
507        };
508        let result = runner.execute(second_input).await.unwrap();
509        assert_matches!(result, Ok(_));
510        assert_eq!(
511            result.as_ref().unwrap(),
512            &ExecOutput {
513                checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(previous_stage).with_entities_stage_checkpoint(
514                    EntitiesCheckpoint { processed: total_transactions, total: total_transactions }
515                ),
516                done: true
517            }
518        );
520        assert!(runner.validate_execution(first_input, result.ok()).is_ok(), "validation failed");
521    }
523    #[test]
524    fn stage_checkpoint_pruned() {
525        let db = TestStageDB::default();
526        let mut rng = generators::rng();
528        let blocks = random_block_range(
529            &mut rng,
530            0..=100,
531            BlockRangeParams { parent: Some(B256::ZERO), tx_count: 0..10, ..Default::default() },
532        );
533        db.insert_blocks(blocks.iter(), StorageKind::Static).expect("insert blocks");
535        let max_pruned_block = 30;
536        let max_processed_block = 70;
538        let mut tx_senders = Vec::new();
539        let mut tx_number = 0;
540        for block in &blocks[..=max_processed_block] {
541            for transaction in &block.body().transactions {
542                if block.number > max_pruned_block {
543                    tx_senders
544                        .push((tx_number, transaction.recover_signer().expect("recover signer")));
545                }
546                tx_number += 1;
547            }
548        }
549        db.insert_transaction_senders(tx_senders).expect("insert tx hash numbers");
551        let provider = db.factory.provider_rw().unwrap();
552        provider
553            .save_prune_checkpoint(
554                PruneSegment::SenderRecovery,
555                PruneCheckpoint {
556                    block_number: Some(max_pruned_block),
557                    tx_number: Some(
558                        blocks[..=max_pruned_block as usize]
559                            .iter()
560                            .map(|block| block.transaction_count() as u64)
561                            .sum(),
562                    ),
563                    prune_mode: PruneMode::Full,
564                },
565            )
566            .expect("save stage checkpoint");
567        provider.commit().expect("commit");
569        let provider = db.factory.database_provider_rw().unwrap();
570        assert_eq!(
571            stage_checkpoint(&provider).expect("stage checkpoint"),
572            EntitiesCheckpoint {
573                processed: blocks[..=max_processed_block]
574                    .iter()
575                    .map(|block| block.transaction_count() as u64)
576                    .sum(),
577                total: blocks.iter().map(|block| block.transaction_count() as u64).sum()
578            }
579        );
580    }
582    struct SenderRecoveryTestRunner {
583        db: TestStageDB,
584        threshold: u64,
585    }
587    impl Default for SenderRecoveryTestRunner {
588        fn default() -> Self {
589            Self { threshold: 1000, db: TestStageDB::default() }
590        }
591    }
593    impl SenderRecoveryTestRunner {
594        fn set_threshold(&mut self, threshold: u64) {
595            self.threshold = threshold;
596        }
598        /// # Panics
599        ///
600        /// 1. If there are any entries in the [`tables::TransactionSenders`] table above a given
601        ///    block number.
602        /// 2. If the is no requested block entry in the bodies table, but
603        ///    [`tables::TransactionSenders`] is not empty.
604        fn ensure_no_senders_by_block(&self, block: BlockNumber) -> Result<(), TestRunnerError> {
605            let body_result = self
606                .db
607                .factory
608                .provider_rw()?
609                .block_body_indices(block)?
610                .ok_or(ProviderError::BlockBodyIndicesNotFound(block));
611            match body_result {
612                Ok(body) => self.db.ensure_no_entry_above::<tables::TransactionSenders, _>(
613                    body.last_tx_num(),
614                    |key| key,
615                )?,
616                Err(_) => {
617                    assert!(self.db.table_is_empty::<tables::TransactionSenders>()?);
618                }
619            };
621            Ok(())
622        }
623    }
625    impl StageTestRunner for SenderRecoveryTestRunner {
626        type S = SenderRecoveryStage;
628        fn db(&self) -> &TestStageDB {
629            &self.db
630        }
632        fn stage(&self) -> Self::S {
633            SenderRecoveryStage { commit_threshold: self.threshold }
634        }
635    }
637    impl ExecuteStageTestRunner for SenderRecoveryTestRunner {
638        type Seed = Vec<SealedBlock<Block>>;
640        fn seed_execution(&mut self, input: ExecInput) -> Result<Self::Seed, TestRunnerError> {
641            let mut rng = generators::rng();
642            let stage_progress = input.checkpoint().block_number;
643            let end =;
645            let blocks = random_block_range(
646                &mut rng,
647                stage_progress..=end,
648                BlockRangeParams { parent: Some(B256::ZERO), tx_count: 0..2, ..Default::default() },
649            );
650            self.db.insert_blocks(blocks.iter(), StorageKind::Static)?;
651            Ok(blocks)
652        }
654        fn validate_execution(
655            &self,
656            input: ExecInput,
657            output: Option<ExecOutput>,
658        ) -> Result<(), TestRunnerError> {
659            match output {
660                Some(output) => {
661                    let provider = self.db.factory.provider()?;
662                    let start_block = input.next_block();
663                    let end_block = output.checkpoint.block_number;
665                    if start_block > end_block {
666                        return Ok(())
667                    }
669                    let mut body_cursor =
670                        provider.tx_ref().cursor_read::<tables::BlockBodyIndices>()?;
671                    body_cursor.seek_exact(start_block)?;
673                    while let Some((_, body)) = {
674                        for tx_id in body.tx_num_range() {
675                            let transaction: TransactionSigned = provider
676                                .transaction_by_id_unhashed(tx_id)?
677                                .expect("no transaction entry");
678                            let signer =
679                                transaction.recover_signer().expect("failed to recover signer");
680                            assert_eq!(Some(signer), provider.transaction_sender(tx_id)?)
681                        }
682                    }
683                }
684                None => self.ensure_no_senders_by_block(input.checkpoint().block_number)?,
685            };
687            Ok(())
688        }
689    }
691    impl UnwindStageTestRunner for SenderRecoveryTestRunner {
692        fn validate_unwind(&self, input: UnwindInput) -> Result<(), TestRunnerError> {
693            self.ensure_no_senders_by_block(input.unwind_to)
694        }
695    }