
1use super::missing_static_data_error;
2use futures_util::TryStreamExt;
3use reth_db_api::{
4    cursor::DbCursorRO,
5    tables,
6    transaction::{DbTx, DbTxMut},
8use reth_network_p2p::bodies::{downloader::BodyDownloader, response::BlockResponse};
9use reth_provider::{
10    providers::StaticFileWriter, BlockReader, BlockWriter, DBProvider, ProviderError,
11    StaticFileProviderFactory, StatsReader, StorageLocation,
13use reth_stages_api::{
14    EntitiesCheckpoint, ExecInput, ExecOutput, Stage, StageCheckpoint, StageError, StageId,
15    UnwindInput, UnwindOutput,
17use reth_static_file_types::StaticFileSegment;
18use reth_storage_errors::provider::ProviderResult;
19use std::{
20    cmp::Ordering,
21    task::{ready, Context, Poll},
23use tracing::*;
25/// The body stage downloads block bodies.
27/// The body stage downloads block bodies for all block headers stored locally in storage.
29/// # Empty blocks
31/// Blocks with an ommers hash corresponding to no ommers *and* a transaction root corresponding to
32/// no transactions will not have a block body downloaded for them, since it would be meaningless to
33/// do so.
35/// This also means that if there is no body for the block in storage (assuming the
36/// block number <= the synced block of this stage), then the block can be considered empty.
38/// # Tables
40/// The bodies are processed and data is inserted into these tables:
42/// - [`BlockOmmers`][reth_db_api::tables::BlockOmmers]
43/// - [`BlockBodies`][reth_db_api::tables::BlockBodyIndices]
44/// - [`Transactions`][reth_db_api::tables::Transactions]
45/// - [`TransactionBlocks`][reth_db_api::tables::TransactionBlocks]
47/// # Genesis
49/// This stage expects that the genesis has been inserted into the appropriate tables:
51/// - The header tables (see [`HeaderStage`][crate::stages::HeaderStage])
52/// - The [`BlockOmmers`][reth_db_api::tables::BlockOmmers] table
53/// - The [`BlockBodies`][reth_db_api::tables::BlockBodyIndices] table
54/// - The [`Transactions`][reth_db_api::tables::Transactions] table
56pub struct BodyStage<D: BodyDownloader> {
57    /// The body downloader.
58    downloader: D,
59    /// Block response buffer.
60    buffer: Option<Vec<BlockResponse<D::Block>>>,
63impl<D: BodyDownloader> BodyStage<D> {
64    /// Create new bodies stage from downloader.
65    pub const fn new(downloader: D) -> Self {
66        Self { downloader, buffer: None }
67    }
69    /// Ensures that static files and database are in sync.
70    fn ensure_consistency<Provider>(
71        &self,
72        provider: &Provider,
73        unwind_block: Option<u64>,
74    ) -> Result<(), StageError>
75    where
76        Provider: DBProvider<Tx: DbTxMut> + BlockReader + StaticFileProviderFactory,
77    {
78        // Get id for the next tx_num of zero if there are no transactions.
79        let next_tx_num = provider
80            .tx_ref()
81            .cursor_read::<tables::TransactionBlocks>()?
82            .last()?
83            .map(|(id, _)| id + 1)
84            .unwrap_or_default();
86        let static_file_provider = provider.static_file_provider();
88        // Make sure Transactions static file is at the same height. If it's further, this
89        // input execution was interrupted previously and we need to unwind the static file.
90        let next_static_file_tx_num = static_file_provider
91            .get_highest_static_file_tx(StaticFileSegment::Transactions)
92            .map(|id| id + 1)
93            .unwrap_or_default();
95        match next_static_file_tx_num.cmp(&next_tx_num) {
96            // If static files are ahead, we are currently unwinding the stage or we didn't reach
97            // the database commit in a previous stage run. So, our only solution is to unwind the
98            // static files and proceed from the database expected height.
99            Ordering::Greater => {
100                let highest_db_block =
101                    provider.tx_ref().entries::<tables::BlockBodyIndices>()? as u64;
102                let mut static_file_producer =
103                    static_file_provider.latest_writer(StaticFileSegment::Transactions)?;
104                static_file_producer
105                    .prune_transactions(next_static_file_tx_num - next_tx_num, highest_db_block)?;
106                // Since this is a database <-> static file inconsistency, we commit the change
107                // straight away.
108                static_file_producer.commit()?;
109            }
110            // If static files are behind, then there was some corruption or loss of files. This
111            // error will trigger an unwind, that will bring the database to the same height as the
112            // static files.
113            Ordering::Less => {
114                // If we are already in the process of unwind, this might be fine because we will
115                // fix the inconsistency right away.
116                if let Some(unwind_to) = unwind_block {
117                    let next_tx_num_after_unwind = provider
118                        .block_body_indices(unwind_to)?
119                        .map(|b| b.next_tx_num())
120                        .ok_or(ProviderError::BlockBodyIndicesNotFound(unwind_to))?;
122                    // This means we need a deeper unwind.
123                    if next_tx_num_after_unwind > next_static_file_tx_num {
124                        return Err(missing_static_data_error(
125                            next_static_file_tx_num.saturating_sub(1),
126                            &static_file_provider,
127                            provider,
128                            StaticFileSegment::Transactions,
129                        )?)
130                    }
131                } else {
132                    return Err(missing_static_data_error(
133                        next_static_file_tx_num.saturating_sub(1),
134                        &static_file_provider,
135                        provider,
136                        StaticFileSegment::Transactions,
137                    )?)
138                }
139            }
140            Ordering::Equal => {}
141        }
143        Ok(())
144    }
147impl<Provider, D> Stage<Provider> for BodyStage<D>
149    Provider: DBProvider<Tx: DbTxMut>
150        + StaticFileProviderFactory
151        + StatsReader
152        + BlockReader
153        + BlockWriter<Block = D::Block>,
154    D: BodyDownloader,
156    /// Return the id of the stage
157    fn id(&self) -> StageId {
158        StageId::Bodies
159    }
161    fn poll_execute_ready(
162        &mut self,
163        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
164        input: ExecInput,
165    ) -> Poll<Result<(), StageError>> {
166        if input.target_reached() || self.buffer.is_some() {
167            return Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
168        }
170        // Update the header range on the downloader
171        self.downloader.set_download_range(input.next_block_range())?;
173        // Poll next downloader item.
174        let maybe_next_result = ready!(self.downloader.try_poll_next_unpin(cx));
176        // Task downloader can return `None` only if the response relaying channel was closed. This
177        // is a fatal error to prevent the pipeline from running forever.
178        let response = match maybe_next_result {
179            Some(Ok(downloaded)) => {
180                self.buffer = Some(downloaded);
181                Ok(())
182            }
183            Some(Err(err)) => Err(err.into()),
184            None => Err(StageError::ChannelClosed),
185        };
186        Poll::Ready(response)
187    }
189    /// Download block bodies from the last checkpoint for this stage up until the latest synced
190    /// header, limited by the stage's batch size.
191    fn execute(&mut self, provider: &Provider, input: ExecInput) -> Result<ExecOutput, StageError> {
192        if input.target_reached() {
193            return Ok(ExecOutput::done(input.checkpoint()))
194        }
195        let (from_block, to_block) = input.next_block_range().into_inner();
197        self.ensure_consistency(provider, None)?;
199        debug!(target: "sync::stages::bodies", stage_progress = from_block, target = to_block, "Commencing sync");
201        let buffer = self.buffer.take().ok_or(StageError::MissingDownloadBuffer)?;
202        trace!(target: "sync::stages::bodies", bodies_len = buffer.len(), "Writing blocks");
203        let highest_block = buffer.last().map(|r| r.block_number()).unwrap_or(from_block);
205        // Write bodies to database.
206        provider.append_block_bodies(
207            buffer
208                .into_iter()
209                .map(|response| (response.block_number(), response.into_body()))
210                .collect(),
211            // We are writing transactions directly to static files.
212            StorageLocation::StaticFiles,
213        )?;
215        // The stage is "done" if:
216        // - We got fewer blocks than our target
217        // - We reached our target and the target was not limited by the batch size of the stage
218        let done = highest_block == to_block;
219        Ok(ExecOutput {
220            checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(highest_block)
221                .with_entities_stage_checkpoint(stage_checkpoint(provider)?),
222            done,
223        })
224    }
226    /// Unwind the stage.
227    fn unwind(
228        &mut self,
229        provider: &Provider,
230        input: UnwindInput,
231    ) -> Result<UnwindOutput, StageError> {
232        self.buffer.take();
234        self.ensure_consistency(provider, Some(input.unwind_to))?;
235        provider.remove_bodies_above(input.unwind_to, StorageLocation::Both)?;
237        Ok(UnwindOutput {
238            checkpoint: StageCheckpoint::new(input.unwind_to)
239                .with_entities_stage_checkpoint(stage_checkpoint(provider)?),
240        })
241    }
244// TODO(alexey): ideally, we want to measure Bodies stage progress in bytes, but it's hard to know
245//  beforehand how many bytes we need to download. So the good solution would be to measure the
246//  progress in gas as a proxy to size. Execution stage uses a similar approach.
247fn stage_checkpoint<Provider>(provider: &Provider) -> ProviderResult<EntitiesCheckpoint>
249    Provider: StatsReader + StaticFileProviderFactory,
251    Ok(EntitiesCheckpoint {
252        processed: provider.count_entries::<tables::BlockBodyIndices>()? as u64,
253        // Count only static files entries. If we count the database entries too, we may have
254        // duplicates. We're sure that the static files have all entries that database has,
255        // because we run the `StaticFileProducer` before starting the pipeline.
256        total: provider.static_file_provider().count_entries::<tables::Headers>()? as u64,
257    })
261mod tests {
262    use super::*;
263    use crate::test_utils::{
264        stage_test_suite_ext, ExecuteStageTestRunner, StageTestRunner, UnwindStageTestRunner,
265    };
266    use assert_matches::assert_matches;
267    use reth_provider::StaticFileProviderFactory;
268    use reth_stages_api::StageUnitCheckpoint;
269    use test_utils::*;
271    stage_test_suite_ext!(BodyTestRunner, body);
273    /// Checks that the stage downloads at most `batch_size` blocks.
274    #[tokio::test]
275    async fn partial_body_download() {
276        let (stage_progress, previous_stage) = (1, 200);
278        // Set up test runner
279        let mut runner = BodyTestRunner::default();
280        let input = ExecInput {
281            target: Some(previous_stage),
282            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(stage_progress)),
283        };
284        runner.seed_execution(input).expect("failed to seed execution");
286        // Set the batch size (max we sync per stage execution) to less than the number of blocks
287        // the previous stage synced (10 vs 20)
288        let batch_size = 10;
289        runner.set_batch_size(batch_size);
291        // Run the stage
292        let rx = runner.execute(input);
294        // Check that we only synced around `batch_size` blocks even though the number of blocks
295        // synced by the previous stage is higher
296        let output = rx.await.unwrap();
297        runner.db().factory.static_file_provider().commit().unwrap();
298        assert_matches!(
299            output,
300            Ok(ExecOutput { checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
301                block_number,
302                stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
303                    processed, // 1 seeded block body + batch size
304                    total // seeded headers
305                }))
306            }, done: false }) if block_number < 200 &&
307                processed == batch_size + 1 && total == previous_stage + 1
308        );
309        assert!(runner.validate_execution(input, output.ok()).is_ok(), "execution validation");
310    }
312    /// Same as [partial_body_download] except the `batch_size` is not hit.
313    #[tokio::test]
314    async fn full_body_download() {
315        let (stage_progress, previous_stage) = (1, 20);
317        // Set up test runner
318        let mut runner = BodyTestRunner::default();
319        let input = ExecInput {
320            target: Some(previous_stage),
321            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(stage_progress)),
322        };
323        runner.seed_execution(input).expect("failed to seed execution");
325        // Set the batch size to more than what the previous stage synced (40 vs 20)
326        runner.set_batch_size(40);
328        // Run the stage
329        let rx = runner.execute(input);
331        // Check that we synced all blocks successfully, even though our `batch_size` allows us to
332        // sync more (if there were more headers)
333        let output = rx.await.unwrap();
334        runner.db().factory.static_file_provider().commit().unwrap();
335        assert_matches!(
336            output,
337            Ok(ExecOutput {
338                checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
339                    block_number: 20,
340                    stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
341                        processed,
342                        total
343                    }))
344                },
345                done: true
346            }) if processed + 1 == total && total == previous_stage + 1
347        );
348        assert!(runner.validate_execution(input, output.ok()).is_ok(), "execution validation");
349    }
351    /// Same as [full_body_download] except we have made progress before
352    #[tokio::test]
353    async fn sync_from_previous_progress() {
354        let (stage_progress, previous_stage) = (1, 21);
356        // Set up test runner
357        let mut runner = BodyTestRunner::default();
358        let input = ExecInput {
359            target: Some(previous_stage),
360            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(stage_progress)),
361        };
362        runner.seed_execution(input).expect("failed to seed execution");
364        let batch_size = 10;
365        runner.set_batch_size(batch_size);
367        // Run the stage
368        let rx = runner.execute(input);
370        // Check that we synced at least 10 blocks
371        let first_run = rx.await.unwrap();
372        runner.db().factory.static_file_provider().commit().unwrap();
373        assert_matches!(
374            first_run,
375            Ok(ExecOutput { checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
376                block_number,
377                stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
378                    processed,
379                    total
380                }))
381            }, done: false }) if block_number >= 10 &&
382                processed - 1 == batch_size && total == previous_stage + 1
383        );
384        let first_run_checkpoint = first_run.unwrap().checkpoint;
386        // Execute again on top of the previous run
387        let input =
388            ExecInput { target: Some(previous_stage), checkpoint: Some(first_run_checkpoint) };
389        let rx = runner.execute(input);
391        // Check that we synced more blocks
392        let output = rx.await.unwrap();
393        runner.db().factory.static_file_provider().commit().unwrap();
394        assert_matches!(
395            output,
396            Ok(ExecOutput { checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
397                block_number,
398                stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
399                    processed,
400                    total
401                }))
402            }, done: true }) if block_number > first_run_checkpoint.block_number &&
403                processed + 1 == total && total == previous_stage + 1
404        );
405        assert_matches!(
406            runner.validate_execution(input, output.ok()),
407            Ok(_),
408            "execution validation"
409        );
410    }
412    /// Checks that the stage unwinds correctly, even if a transaction in a block is missing.
413    #[tokio::test]
414    async fn unwind_missing_tx() {
415        let (stage_progress, previous_stage) = (1, 20);
417        // Set up test runner
418        let mut runner = BodyTestRunner::default();
419        let input = ExecInput {
420            target: Some(previous_stage),
421            checkpoint: Some(StageCheckpoint::new(stage_progress)),
422        };
423        runner.seed_execution(input).expect("failed to seed execution");
425        // Set the batch size to more than what the previous stage synced (40 vs 20)
426        runner.set_batch_size(40);
428        // Run the stage
429        let rx = runner.execute(input);
431        // Check that we synced all blocks successfully, even though our `batch_size` allows us to
432        // sync more (if there were more headers)
433        let output = rx.await.unwrap();
434        runner.db().factory.static_file_provider().commit().unwrap();
435        assert_matches!(
436            output,
437            Ok(ExecOutput { checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
438                block_number,
439                stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
440                    processed,
441                    total
442                }))
443            }, done: true }) if block_number == previous_stage &&
444                processed + 1 == total && total == previous_stage + 1
445        );
446        let checkpoint = output.unwrap().checkpoint;
447        runner
448            .validate_db_blocks(input.checkpoint().block_number, checkpoint.block_number)
449            .expect("Written block data invalid");
451        // Delete a transaction
452        let static_file_provider = runner.db().factory.static_file_provider();
453        {
454            let mut static_file_producer =
455                static_file_provider.latest_writer(StaticFileSegment::Transactions).unwrap();
456            static_file_producer.prune_transactions(1, checkpoint.block_number).unwrap();
457            static_file_producer.commit().unwrap();
458        }
459        // Unwind all of it
460        let unwind_to = 1;
461        let input = UnwindInput { bad_block: None, checkpoint, unwind_to };
462        let res = runner.unwind(input).await;
463        assert_matches!(
464            res,
465            Ok(UnwindOutput { checkpoint: StageCheckpoint {
466                block_number: 1,
467                stage_checkpoint: Some(StageUnitCheckpoint::Entities(EntitiesCheckpoint {
468                    processed: 1,
469                    total
470                }))
471            }}) if total == previous_stage + 1
472        );
474        assert_matches!(runner.validate_unwind(input), Ok(_), "unwind validation");
475    }
477    mod test_utils {
478        use crate::{
479            stages::bodies::BodyStage,
480            test_utils::{
481                ExecuteStageTestRunner, StageTestRunner, TestRunnerError, TestStageDB,
482                UnwindStageTestRunner,
483            },
484        };
485        use alloy_consensus::{BlockHeader, Header};
486        use alloy_primitives::{BlockNumber, TxNumber, B256};
487        use futures_util::Stream;
488        use reth_db::{static_file::HeaderWithHashMask, tables};
489        use reth_db_api::{
490            cursor::DbCursorRO,
491            models::{StoredBlockBodyIndices, StoredBlockOmmers},
492            transaction::{DbTx, DbTxMut},
493        };
494        use reth_ethereum_primitives::{Block, BlockBody};
495        use reth_network_p2p::{
496            bodies::{
497                downloader::{BodyDownloader, BodyDownloaderResult},
498                response::BlockResponse,
499            },
500            error::DownloadResult,
501        };
502        use reth_primitives_traits::{SealedBlock, SealedHeader};
503        use reth_provider::{
504            providers::StaticFileWriter, test_utils::MockNodeTypesWithDB, HeaderProvider,
505            ProviderFactory, StaticFileProviderFactory, TransactionsProvider,
506        };
507        use reth_stages_api::{ExecInput, ExecOutput, UnwindInput};
508        use reth_static_file_types::StaticFileSegment;
509        use reth_testing_utils::generators::{
510            self, random_block_range, random_signed_tx, BlockRangeParams,
511        };
512        use std::{
513            collections::{HashMap, VecDeque},
514            ops::RangeInclusive,
515            pin::Pin,
516            task::{Context, Poll},
517        };
519        /// The block hash of the genesis block.
520        pub(crate) const GENESIS_HASH: B256 = B256::ZERO;
522        /// A helper to create a collection of block bodies keyed by their hash.
523        pub(crate) fn body_by_hash(block: &SealedBlock<Block>) -> (B256, BlockBody) {
524            (block.hash(), block.body().clone())
525        }
527        /// A helper struct for running the [`BodyStage`].
528        pub(crate) struct BodyTestRunner {
529            responses: HashMap<B256, BlockBody>,
530            db: TestStageDB,
531            batch_size: u64,
532        }
534        impl Default for BodyTestRunner {
535            fn default() -> Self {
536                Self { responses: HashMap::default(), db: TestStageDB::default(), batch_size: 1000 }
537            }
538        }
540        impl BodyTestRunner {
541            pub(crate) fn set_batch_size(&mut self, batch_size: u64) {
542                self.batch_size = batch_size;
543            }
545            pub(crate) fn set_responses(&mut self, responses: HashMap<B256, BlockBody>) {
546                self.responses = responses;
547            }
548        }
550        impl StageTestRunner for BodyTestRunner {
551            type S = BodyStage<TestBodyDownloader>;
553            fn db(&self) -> &TestStageDB {
554                &self.db
555            }
557            fn stage(&self) -> Self::S {
558                BodyStage::new(TestBodyDownloader::new(
559                    self.db.factory.clone(),
560                    self.responses.clone(),
561                    self.batch_size,
562                ))
563            }
564        }
566        impl ExecuteStageTestRunner for BodyTestRunner {
567            type Seed = Vec<SealedBlock<Block>>;
569            fn seed_execution(&mut self, input: ExecInput) -> Result<Self::Seed, TestRunnerError> {
570                let start = input.checkpoint().block_number;
571                let end =;
573                let static_file_provider = self.db.factory.static_file_provider();
575                let mut rng = generators::rng();
577                // Static files do not support gaps in headers, so we need to generate 0 to end
578                let blocks = random_block_range(
579                    &mut rng,
580                    0..=end,
581                    BlockRangeParams {
582                        parent: Some(GENESIS_HASH),
583                        tx_count: 0..2,
584                        ..Default::default()
585                    },
586                );
587                self.db.insert_headers_with_td(blocks.iter().map(|block| block.sealed_header()))?;
588                if let Some(progress) = blocks.get(start as usize) {
589                    // Insert last progress data
590                    {
591                        let tx = self.db.factory.provider_rw()?.into_tx();
592                        let mut static_file_producer = static_file_provider
593                            .get_writer(start, StaticFileSegment::Transactions)?;
595                        let body = StoredBlockBodyIndices {
596                            first_tx_num: 0,
597                            tx_count: progress.transaction_count() as u64,
598                        };
600                        static_file_producer.set_block_range(0..=progress.number);
602                        body.tx_num_range().try_for_each(|tx_num| {
603                            let transaction = random_signed_tx(&mut rng);
604                            static_file_producer.append_transaction(tx_num, &transaction).map(drop)
605                        })?;
607                        if body.tx_count != 0 {
608                            tx.put::<tables::TransactionBlocks>(
609                                body.last_tx_num(),
610                                progress.number,
611                            )?;
612                        }
614                        tx.put::<tables::BlockBodyIndices>(progress.number, body)?;
616                        if !progress.ommers_hash_is_empty() {
617                            tx.put::<tables::BlockOmmers>(
618                                progress.number,
619                                StoredBlockOmmers { ommers: progress.body().ommers.clone() },
620                            )?;
621                        }
623                        static_file_producer.commit()?;
624                        tx.commit()?;
625                    }
626                }
627                self.set_responses(blocks.iter().map(body_by_hash).collect());
628                Ok(blocks)
629            }
631            fn validate_execution(
632                &self,
633                input: ExecInput,
634                output: Option<ExecOutput>,
635            ) -> Result<(), TestRunnerError> {
636                let highest_block = match output.as_ref() {
637                    Some(output) => output.checkpoint,
638                    None => input.checkpoint(),
639                }
640                .block_number;
641                self.validate_db_blocks(highest_block, highest_block)
642            }
643        }
645        impl UnwindStageTestRunner for BodyTestRunner {
646            fn validate_unwind(&self, input: UnwindInput) -> Result<(), TestRunnerError> {
647                self.db.ensure_no_entry_above::<tables::BlockBodyIndices, _>(
648                    input.unwind_to,
649                    |key| key,
650                )?;
651                self.db
652                    .ensure_no_entry_above::<tables::BlockOmmers, _>(input.unwind_to, |key| key)?;
653                if let Some(last_tx_id) = self.get_last_tx_id()? {
654                    self.db
655                        .ensure_no_entry_above::<tables::Transactions, _>(last_tx_id, |key| key)?;
656                    self.db.ensure_no_entry_above::<tables::TransactionBlocks, _>(
657                        last_tx_id,
658                        |key| key,
659                    )?;
660                }
661                Ok(())
662            }
663        }
665        impl BodyTestRunner {
666            /// Get the last available tx id if any
667            pub(crate) fn get_last_tx_id(&self) -> Result<Option<TxNumber>, TestRunnerError> {
668                let last_body = self.db.query(|tx| {
669                    let v = tx.cursor_read::<tables::BlockBodyIndices>()?.last()?;
670                    Ok(v)
671                })?;
672                Ok(match last_body {
673                    Some((_, body)) if body.tx_count != 0 => {
674                        Some(body.first_tx_num + body.tx_count - 1)
675                    }
676                    _ => None,
677                })
678            }
680            /// Validate that the inserted block data is valid
681            pub(crate) fn validate_db_blocks(
682                &self,
683                prev_progress: BlockNumber,
684                highest_block: BlockNumber,
685            ) -> Result<(), TestRunnerError> {
686                let static_file_provider = self.db.factory.static_file_provider();
688                self.db.query(|tx| {
689                    // Acquire cursors on body related tables
690                    let mut bodies_cursor = tx.cursor_read::<tables::BlockBodyIndices>()?;
691                    let mut ommers_cursor = tx.cursor_read::<tables::BlockOmmers>()?;
692                    let mut tx_block_cursor = tx.cursor_read::<tables::TransactionBlocks>()?;
694                    let first_body_key = match bodies_cursor.first()? {
695                        Some((key, _)) => key,
696                        None => return Ok(()),
697                    };
699                    let mut prev_number: Option<BlockNumber> = None;
702                    for entry in bodies_cursor.walk(Some(first_body_key))? {
703                        let (number, body) = entry?;
705                        // Validate sequentiality only after prev progress,
706                        // since the data before is mocked and can contain gaps
707                        if number > prev_progress {
708                            if let Some(prev_key) = prev_number {
709                                assert_eq!(prev_key + 1, number, "Body entries must be sequential");
710                            }
711                        }
713                        // Validate that the current entry is below or equals to the highest allowed block
714                        assert!(
715                            number <= highest_block,
716                            "We wrote a block body outside of our synced range. Found block with number {number}, highest block according to stage is {highest_block}",
717                        );
719                        let header = static_file_provider.header_by_number(number)?.expect("to be present");
720                        // Validate that ommers exist if any
721                        let stored_ommers =  ommers_cursor.seek_exact(number)?;
722                        if header.ommers_hash_is_empty() {
723                            assert!(stored_ommers.is_none(), "Unexpected ommers entry");
724                        } else {
725                            assert!(stored_ommers.is_some(), "Missing ommers entry");
726                        }
728                        let tx_block_id = tx_block_cursor.seek_exact(body.last_tx_num())?.map(|(_,b)| b);
729                        if body.tx_count == 0 {
730                            assert_ne!(tx_block_id,Some(number));
731                        } else {
732                            assert_eq!(tx_block_id, Some(number));
733                        }
735                        for tx_id in body.tx_num_range() {
736                            assert!(static_file_provider.transaction_by_id(tx_id)?.is_some(), "Transaction is missing.");
737                        }
739                        prev_number = Some(number);
740                    }
741                    Ok(())
742                })?;
743                Ok(())
744            }
745        }
747        /// A [`BodyDownloader`] that is backed by an internal [`HashMap`] for testing.
748        #[derive(Debug)]
749        pub(crate) struct TestBodyDownloader {
750            provider_factory: ProviderFactory<MockNodeTypesWithDB>,
751            responses: HashMap<B256, BlockBody>,
752            headers: VecDeque<SealedHeader>,
753            batch_size: u64,
754        }
756        impl TestBodyDownloader {
757            pub(crate) fn new(
758                provider_factory: ProviderFactory<MockNodeTypesWithDB>,
759                responses: HashMap<B256, BlockBody>,
760                batch_size: u64,
761            ) -> Self {
762                Self { provider_factory, responses, headers: VecDeque::default(), batch_size }
763            }
764        }
766        impl BodyDownloader for TestBodyDownloader {
767            type Block = Block;
769            fn set_download_range(
770                &mut self,
771                range: RangeInclusive<BlockNumber>,
772            ) -> DownloadResult<()> {
773                let static_file_provider = self.provider_factory.static_file_provider();
775                for header in static_file_provider.fetch_range_iter(
776                    StaticFileSegment::Headers,
777                    *range.start()..*range.end() + 1,
778                    |cursor, number| cursor.get_two::<HeaderWithHashMask<Header>>(number.into()),
779                )? {
780                    let (header, hash) = header?;
781                    self.headers.push_back(SealedHeader::new(header, hash));
782                }
784                Ok(())
785            }
786        }
788        impl Stream for TestBodyDownloader {
789            type Item = BodyDownloaderResult<Block>;
790            fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
791                let this = self.get_mut();
793                if this.headers.is_empty() {
794                    return Poll::Ready(None)
795                }
797                let mut response =
798                    Vec::with_capacity(std::cmp::min(this.headers.len(), this.batch_size as usize));
799                while let Some(header) = this.headers.pop_front() {
800                    if header.is_empty() {
801                        response.push(BlockResponse::Empty(header))
802                    } else {
803                        let body =
804                            this.responses.remove(&header.hash()).expect("requested unknown body");
805                        response.push(BlockResponse::Full(SealedBlock::from_sealed_parts(
806                            header, body,
807                        )));
808                    }
810                    if response.len() as u64 >= this.batch_size {
811                        break
812                    }
813                }
815                if !response.is_empty() {
816                    return Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(response)))
817                }
819                panic!("requested bodies without setting headers")
820            }
821        }
822    }