
1//! Implements Ethereum wire protocol for versions 66, 67, and 68.
2//! Defines structs/enums for messages, request-response pairs, and broadcasts.
3//! Handles compatibility with [`EthVersion`].
5//! Examples include creating, encoding, and decoding protocol messages.
7//! Reference: [Ethereum Wire Protocol](
9use super::{
10    broadcast::NewBlockHashes, BlockBodies, BlockHeaders, GetBlockBodies, GetBlockHeaders,
11    GetNodeData, GetPooledTransactions, GetReceipts, NewBlock, NewPooledTransactionHashes66,
12    NewPooledTransactionHashes68, NodeData, PooledTransactions, Receipts, Status, Transactions,
14use crate::{EthNetworkPrimitives, EthVersion, NetworkPrimitives, SharedTransactions};
15use alloc::{boxed::Box, sync::Arc};
16use alloy_primitives::bytes::{Buf, BufMut};
17use alloy_rlp::{length_of_length, Decodable, Encodable, Header};
18use core::fmt::Debug;
20/// [`MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE`] is the maximum cap on the size of a protocol message.
22pub const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE: usize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
24/// Error when sending/receiving a message
25#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
26pub enum MessageError {
27    /// Flags an unrecognized message ID for a given protocol version.
28    #[error("message id {1:?} is invalid for version {0:?}")]
29    Invalid(EthVersion, EthMessageID),
30    /// Thrown when rlp decoding a message message failed.
31    #[error("RLP error: {0}")]
32    RlpError(#[from] alloy_rlp::Error),
35/// An `eth` protocol message, containing a message ID and payload.
36#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
37#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
38pub struct ProtocolMessage<N: NetworkPrimitives = EthNetworkPrimitives> {
39    /// The unique identifier representing the type of the Ethereum message.
40    pub message_type: EthMessageID,
41    /// The content of the message, including specific data based on the message type.
42    #[cfg_attr(
43        feature = "serde",
44        serde(bound = "EthMessage<N>: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
45    )]
46    pub message: EthMessage<N>,
49impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> ProtocolMessage<N> {
50    /// Create a new `ProtocolMessage` from a message type and message rlp bytes.
51    pub fn decode_message(version: EthVersion, buf: &mut &[u8]) -> Result<Self, MessageError> {
52        let message_type = EthMessageID::decode(buf)?;
54        let message = match message_type {
55            EthMessageID::Status => EthMessage::Status(Status::decode(buf)?),
56            EthMessageID::NewBlockHashes => {
57                if version.is_eth69() {
58                    return Err(MessageError::Invalid(version, EthMessageID::NewBlockHashes));
59                }
60                EthMessage::NewBlockHashes(NewBlockHashes::decode(buf)?)
61            }
62            EthMessageID::NewBlock => {
63                if version.is_eth69() {
64                    return Err(MessageError::Invalid(version, EthMessageID::NewBlock));
65                }
66                EthMessage::NewBlock(Box::new(NewBlock::decode(buf)?))
67            }
68            EthMessageID::Transactions => EthMessage::Transactions(Transactions::decode(buf)?),
69            EthMessageID::NewPooledTransactionHashes => {
70                if version >= EthVersion::Eth68 {
71                    EthMessage::NewPooledTransactionHashes68(NewPooledTransactionHashes68::decode(
72                        buf,
73                    )?)
74                } else {
75                    EthMessage::NewPooledTransactionHashes66(NewPooledTransactionHashes66::decode(
76                        buf,
77                    )?)
78                }
79            }
80            EthMessageID::GetBlockHeaders => EthMessage::GetBlockHeaders(RequestPair::decode(buf)?),
81            EthMessageID::BlockHeaders => EthMessage::BlockHeaders(RequestPair::decode(buf)?),
82            EthMessageID::GetBlockBodies => EthMessage::GetBlockBodies(RequestPair::decode(buf)?),
83            EthMessageID::BlockBodies => EthMessage::BlockBodies(RequestPair::decode(buf)?),
84            EthMessageID::GetPooledTransactions => {
85                EthMessage::GetPooledTransactions(RequestPair::decode(buf)?)
86            }
87            EthMessageID::PooledTransactions => {
88                EthMessage::PooledTransactions(RequestPair::decode(buf)?)
89            }
90            EthMessageID::GetNodeData => {
91                if version >= EthVersion::Eth67 {
92                    return Err(MessageError::Invalid(version, EthMessageID::GetNodeData))
93                }
94                EthMessage::GetNodeData(RequestPair::decode(buf)?)
95            }
96            EthMessageID::NodeData => {
97                if version >= EthVersion::Eth67 {
98                    return Err(MessageError::Invalid(version, EthMessageID::GetNodeData))
99                }
100                EthMessage::NodeData(RequestPair::decode(buf)?)
101            }
102            EthMessageID::GetReceipts => EthMessage::GetReceipts(RequestPair::decode(buf)?),
103            EthMessageID::Receipts => EthMessage::Receipts(RequestPair::decode(buf)?),
104        };
105        Ok(Self { message_type, message })
106    }
109impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> Encodable for ProtocolMessage<N> {
110    /// Encodes the protocol message into bytes. The message type is encoded as a single byte and
111    /// prepended to the message.
112    fn encode(&self, out: &mut dyn BufMut) {
113        self.message_type.encode(out);
114        self.message.encode(out);
115    }
116    fn length(&self) -> usize {
117        self.message_type.length() + self.message.length()
118    }
121impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> From<EthMessage<N>> for ProtocolMessage<N> {
122    fn from(message: EthMessage<N>) -> Self {
123        Self { message_type: message.message_id(), message }
124    }
127/// Represents messages that can be sent to multiple peers.
128#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
129pub struct ProtocolBroadcastMessage<N: NetworkPrimitives = EthNetworkPrimitives> {
130    /// The unique identifier representing the type of the Ethereum message.
131    pub message_type: EthMessageID,
132    /// The content of the message to be broadcasted, including specific data based on the message
133    /// type.
134    pub message: EthBroadcastMessage<N>,
137impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> Encodable for ProtocolBroadcastMessage<N> {
138    /// Encodes the protocol message into bytes. The message type is encoded as a single byte and
139    /// prepended to the message.
140    fn encode(&self, out: &mut dyn BufMut) {
141        self.message_type.encode(out);
142        self.message.encode(out);
143    }
144    fn length(&self) -> usize {
145        self.message_type.length() + self.message.length()
146    }
149impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> From<EthBroadcastMessage<N>> for ProtocolBroadcastMessage<N> {
150    fn from(message: EthBroadcastMessage<N>) -> Self {
151        Self { message_type: message.message_id(), message }
152    }
155/// Represents a message in the eth wire protocol, versions 66, 67 and 68.
157/// The ethereum wire protocol is a set of messages that are broadcast to the network in two
158/// styles:
159///  * A request message sent by a peer (such as [`GetPooledTransactions`]), and an associated
160///    response message (such as [`PooledTransactions`]).
161///  * A message that is broadcast to the network, without a corresponding request.
163/// The newer `eth/66` is an efficiency upgrade on top of `eth/65`, introducing a request id to
164/// correlate request-response message pairs. This allows for request multiplexing.
166/// The `eth/67` is based on `eth/66` but only removes two messages, [`GetNodeData`] and
167/// [`NodeData`].
169/// The `eth/68` changes only `NewPooledTransactionHashes` to include `types` and `sized`. For
170/// it, `NewPooledTransactionHashes` is renamed as [`NewPooledTransactionHashes66`] and
171/// [`NewPooledTransactionHashes68`] is defined.
172#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
173#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
174pub enum EthMessage<N: NetworkPrimitives = EthNetworkPrimitives> {
175    /// Represents a Status message required for the protocol handshake.
176    Status(Status),
177    /// Represents a `NewBlockHashes` message broadcast to the network.
178    NewBlockHashes(NewBlockHashes),
179    /// Represents a `NewBlock` message broadcast to the network.
180    #[cfg_attr(
181        feature = "serde",
182        serde(bound = "N::Block: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
183    )]
184    NewBlock(Box<NewBlock<N::Block>>),
185    /// Represents a Transactions message broadcast to the network.
186    #[cfg_attr(
187        feature = "serde",
188        serde(bound = "N::BroadcastedTransaction: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
189    )]
190    Transactions(Transactions<N::BroadcastedTransaction>),
191    /// Represents a `NewPooledTransactionHashes` message for eth/66 version.
192    NewPooledTransactionHashes66(NewPooledTransactionHashes66),
193    /// Represents a `NewPooledTransactionHashes` message for eth/68 version.
194    NewPooledTransactionHashes68(NewPooledTransactionHashes68),
195    // The following messages are request-response message pairs
196    /// Represents a `GetBlockHeaders` request-response pair.
197    GetBlockHeaders(RequestPair<GetBlockHeaders>),
198    /// Represents a `BlockHeaders` request-response pair.
199    #[cfg_attr(
200        feature = "serde",
201        serde(bound = "N::BlockHeader: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
202    )]
203    BlockHeaders(RequestPair<BlockHeaders<N::BlockHeader>>),
204    /// Represents a `GetBlockBodies` request-response pair.
205    GetBlockBodies(RequestPair<GetBlockBodies>),
206    /// Represents a `BlockBodies` request-response pair.
207    #[cfg_attr(
208        feature = "serde",
209        serde(bound = "N::BlockBody: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
210    )]
211    BlockBodies(RequestPair<BlockBodies<N::BlockBody>>),
212    /// Represents a `GetPooledTransactions` request-response pair.
213    GetPooledTransactions(RequestPair<GetPooledTransactions>),
214    /// Represents a `PooledTransactions` request-response pair.
215    #[cfg_attr(
216        feature = "serde",
217        serde(bound = "N::PooledTransaction: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
218    )]
219    PooledTransactions(RequestPair<PooledTransactions<N::PooledTransaction>>),
220    /// Represents a `GetNodeData` request-response pair.
221    GetNodeData(RequestPair<GetNodeData>),
222    /// Represents a `NodeData` request-response pair.
223    NodeData(RequestPair<NodeData>),
224    /// Represents a `GetReceipts` request-response pair.
225    GetReceipts(RequestPair<GetReceipts>),
226    /// Represents a Receipts request-response pair.
227    #[cfg_attr(
228        feature = "serde",
229        serde(bound = "N::Receipt: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned")
230    )]
231    Receipts(RequestPair<Receipts<N::Receipt>>),
234impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> EthMessage<N> {
235    /// Returns the message's ID.
236    pub const fn message_id(&self) -> EthMessageID {
237        match self {
238            Self::Status(_) => EthMessageID::Status,
239            Self::NewBlockHashes(_) => EthMessageID::NewBlockHashes,
240            Self::NewBlock(_) => EthMessageID::NewBlock,
241            Self::Transactions(_) => EthMessageID::Transactions,
242            Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes66(_) | Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes68(_) => {
243                EthMessageID::NewPooledTransactionHashes
244            }
245            Self::GetBlockHeaders(_) => EthMessageID::GetBlockHeaders,
246            Self::BlockHeaders(_) => EthMessageID::BlockHeaders,
247            Self::GetBlockBodies(_) => EthMessageID::GetBlockBodies,
248            Self::BlockBodies(_) => EthMessageID::BlockBodies,
249            Self::GetPooledTransactions(_) => EthMessageID::GetPooledTransactions,
250            Self::PooledTransactions(_) => EthMessageID::PooledTransactions,
251            Self::GetNodeData(_) => EthMessageID::GetNodeData,
252            Self::NodeData(_) => EthMessageID::NodeData,
253            Self::GetReceipts(_) => EthMessageID::GetReceipts,
254            Self::Receipts(_) => EthMessageID::Receipts,
255        }
256    }
258    /// Returns true if the message variant is a request.
259    pub const fn is_request(&self) -> bool {
260        matches!(
261            self,
262            Self::GetBlockBodies(_) |
263                Self::GetBlockHeaders(_) |
264                Self::GetReceipts(_) |
265                Self::GetPooledTransactions(_) |
266                Self::GetNodeData(_)
267        )
268    }
270    /// Returns true if the message variant is a response to a request.
271    pub const fn is_response(&self) -> bool {
272        matches!(
273            self,
274            Self::PooledTransactions(_) |
275                Self::Receipts(_) |
276                Self::BlockHeaders(_) |
277                Self::BlockBodies(_) |
278                Self::NodeData(_)
279        )
280    }
283impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> Encodable for EthMessage<N> {
284    fn encode(&self, out: &mut dyn BufMut) {
285        match self {
286            Self::Status(status) => status.encode(out),
287            Self::NewBlockHashes(new_block_hashes) => new_block_hashes.encode(out),
288            Self::NewBlock(new_block) => new_block.encode(out),
289            Self::Transactions(transactions) => transactions.encode(out),
290            Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes66(hashes) => hashes.encode(out),
291            Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes68(hashes) => hashes.encode(out),
292            Self::GetBlockHeaders(request) => request.encode(out),
293            Self::BlockHeaders(headers) => headers.encode(out),
294            Self::GetBlockBodies(request) => request.encode(out),
295            Self::BlockBodies(bodies) => bodies.encode(out),
296            Self::GetPooledTransactions(request) => request.encode(out),
297            Self::PooledTransactions(transactions) => transactions.encode(out),
298            Self::GetNodeData(request) => request.encode(out),
299            Self::NodeData(data) => data.encode(out),
300            Self::GetReceipts(request) => request.encode(out),
301            Self::Receipts(receipts) => receipts.encode(out),
302        }
303    }
304    fn length(&self) -> usize {
305        match self {
306            Self::Status(status) => status.length(),
307            Self::NewBlockHashes(new_block_hashes) => new_block_hashes.length(),
308            Self::NewBlock(new_block) => new_block.length(),
309            Self::Transactions(transactions) => transactions.length(),
310            Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes66(hashes) => hashes.length(),
311            Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes68(hashes) => hashes.length(),
312            Self::GetBlockHeaders(request) => request.length(),
313            Self::BlockHeaders(headers) => headers.length(),
314            Self::GetBlockBodies(request) => request.length(),
315            Self::BlockBodies(bodies) => bodies.length(),
316            Self::GetPooledTransactions(request) => request.length(),
317            Self::PooledTransactions(transactions) => transactions.length(),
318            Self::GetNodeData(request) => request.length(),
319            Self::NodeData(data) => data.length(),
320            Self::GetReceipts(request) => request.length(),
321            Self::Receipts(receipts) => receipts.length(),
322        }
323    }
326/// Represents broadcast messages of [`EthMessage`] with the same object that can be sent to
327/// multiple peers.
329/// Messages that contain a list of hashes depend on the peer the message is sent to. A peer should
330/// never receive a hash of an object (block, transaction) it has already seen.
332/// Note: This is only useful for outgoing messages.
333#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
334pub enum EthBroadcastMessage<N: NetworkPrimitives = EthNetworkPrimitives> {
335    /// Represents a new block broadcast message.
336    NewBlock(Arc<NewBlock<N::Block>>),
337    /// Represents a transactions broadcast message.
338    Transactions(SharedTransactions<N::BroadcastedTransaction>),
341// === impl EthBroadcastMessage ===
343impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> EthBroadcastMessage<N> {
344    /// Returns the message's ID.
345    pub const fn message_id(&self) -> EthMessageID {
346        match self {
347            Self::NewBlock(_) => EthMessageID::NewBlock,
348            Self::Transactions(_) => EthMessageID::Transactions,
349        }
350    }
353impl<N: NetworkPrimitives> Encodable for EthBroadcastMessage<N> {
354    fn encode(&self, out: &mut dyn BufMut) {
355        match self {
356            Self::NewBlock(new_block) => new_block.encode(out),
357            Self::Transactions(transactions) => transactions.encode(out),
358        }
359    }
361    fn length(&self) -> usize {
362        match self {
363            Self::NewBlock(new_block) => new_block.length(),
364            Self::Transactions(transactions) => transactions.length(),
365        }
366    }
369/// Represents message IDs for eth protocol messages.
371#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
372#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
373pub enum EthMessageID {
374    /// Status message.
375    Status = 0x00,
376    /// New block hashes message.
377    NewBlockHashes = 0x01,
378    /// Transactions message.
379    Transactions = 0x02,
380    /// Get block headers message.
381    GetBlockHeaders = 0x03,
382    /// Block headers message.
383    BlockHeaders = 0x04,
384    /// Get block bodies message.
385    GetBlockBodies = 0x05,
386    /// Block bodies message.
387    BlockBodies = 0x06,
388    /// New block message.
389    NewBlock = 0x07,
390    /// New pooled transaction hashes message.
391    NewPooledTransactionHashes = 0x08,
392    /// Requests pooled transactions.
393    GetPooledTransactions = 0x09,
394    /// Represents pooled transactions.
395    PooledTransactions = 0x0a,
396    /// Requests node data.
397    GetNodeData = 0x0d,
398    /// Represents node data.
399    NodeData = 0x0e,
400    /// Requests receipts.
401    GetReceipts = 0x0f,
402    /// Represents receipts.
403    Receipts = 0x10,
406impl EthMessageID {
407    /// Returns the max value.
408    pub const fn max() -> u8 {
409        Self::Receipts as u8
410    }
413impl Encodable for EthMessageID {
414    fn encode(&self, out: &mut dyn BufMut) {
415        out.put_u8(*self as u8);
416    }
417    fn length(&self) -> usize {
418        1
419    }
422impl Decodable for EthMessageID {
423    fn decode(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> alloy_rlp::Result<Self> {
424        let id = match buf.first().ok_or(alloy_rlp::Error::InputTooShort)? {
425            0x00 => Self::Status,
426            0x01 => Self::NewBlockHashes,
427            0x02 => Self::Transactions,
428            0x03 => Self::GetBlockHeaders,
429            0x04 => Self::BlockHeaders,
430            0x05 => Self::GetBlockBodies,
431            0x06 => Self::BlockBodies,
432            0x07 => Self::NewBlock,
433            0x08 => Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes,
434            0x09 => Self::GetPooledTransactions,
435            0x0a => Self::PooledTransactions,
436            0x0d => Self::GetNodeData,
437            0x0e => Self::NodeData,
438            0x0f => Self::GetReceipts,
439            0x10 => Self::Receipts,
440            _ => return Err(alloy_rlp::Error::Custom("Invalid message ID")),
441        };
442        buf.advance(1);
443        Ok(id)
444    }
447impl TryFrom<usize> for EthMessageID {
448    type Error = &'static str;
450    fn try_from(value: usize) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
451        match value {
452            0x00 => Ok(Self::Status),
453            0x01 => Ok(Self::NewBlockHashes),
454            0x02 => Ok(Self::Transactions),
455            0x03 => Ok(Self::GetBlockHeaders),
456            0x04 => Ok(Self::BlockHeaders),
457            0x05 => Ok(Self::GetBlockBodies),
458            0x06 => Ok(Self::BlockBodies),
459            0x07 => Ok(Self::NewBlock),
460            0x08 => Ok(Self::NewPooledTransactionHashes),
461            0x09 => Ok(Self::GetPooledTransactions),
462            0x0a => Ok(Self::PooledTransactions),
463            0x0d => Ok(Self::GetNodeData),
464            0x0e => Ok(Self::NodeData),
465            0x0f => Ok(Self::GetReceipts),
466            0x10 => Ok(Self::Receipts),
467            _ => Err("Invalid message ID"),
468        }
469    }
472/// This is used for all request-response style `eth` protocol messages.
473/// This can represent either a request or a response, since both include a message payload and
474/// request id.
475#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
476#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
477#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "arbitrary"), derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
478pub struct RequestPair<T> {
479    /// id for the contained request or response message
480    pub request_id: u64,
482    /// the request or response message payload
483    pub message: T,
486/// Allows messages with request ids to be serialized into RLP bytes.
487impl<T> Encodable for RequestPair<T>
489    T: Encodable,
491    fn encode(&self, out: &mut dyn alloy_rlp::BufMut) {
492        let header =
493            Header { list: true, payload_length: self.request_id.length() + self.message.length() };
495        header.encode(out);
496        self.request_id.encode(out);
497        self.message.encode(out);
498    }
500    fn length(&self) -> usize {
501        let mut length = 0;
502        length += self.request_id.length();
503        length += self.message.length();
504        length += length_of_length(length);
505        length
506    }
509/// Allows messages with request ids to be deserialized into RLP bytes.
510impl<T> Decodable for RequestPair<T>
512    T: Decodable,
514    fn decode(buf: &mut &[u8]) -> alloy_rlp::Result<Self> {
515        let header = Header::decode(buf)?;
517        let initial_length = buf.len();
518        let request_id = u64::decode(buf)?;
519        let message = T::decode(buf)?;
521        // Check that the buffer consumed exactly payload_length bytes after decoding the
522        // RequestPair
523        let consumed_len = initial_length - buf.len();
524        if consumed_len != header.payload_length {
525            return Err(alloy_rlp::Error::UnexpectedLength)
526        }
528        Ok(Self { request_id, message })
529    }
533mod tests {
534    use super::MessageError;
535    use crate::{
536        message::RequestPair, EthMessage, EthMessageID, EthNetworkPrimitives, EthVersion,
537        GetNodeData, NodeData, ProtocolMessage,
538    };
539    use alloy_primitives::hex;
540    use alloy_rlp::{Decodable, Encodable, Error};
541    use reth_ethereum_primitives::BlockBody;
543    fn encode<T: Encodable>(value: T) -> Vec<u8> {
544        let mut buf = vec![];
545        value.encode(&mut buf);
546        buf
547    }
549    #[test]
550    fn test_removed_message_at_eth67() {
551        let get_node_data = EthMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::GetNodeData(RequestPair {
552            request_id: 1337,
553            message: GetNodeData(vec![]),
554        });
555        let buf = encode(ProtocolMessage {
556            message_type: EthMessageID::GetNodeData,
557            message: get_node_data,
558        });
559        let msg = ProtocolMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::decode_message(
560            crate::EthVersion::Eth67,
561            &mut &buf[..],
562        );
563        assert!(matches!(msg, Err(MessageError::Invalid(..))));
565        let node_data = EthMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::NodeData(RequestPair {
566            request_id: 1337,
567            message: NodeData(vec![]),
568        });
569        let buf =
570            encode(ProtocolMessage { message_type: EthMessageID::NodeData, message: node_data });
571        let msg = ProtocolMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::decode_message(
572            crate::EthVersion::Eth67,
573            &mut &buf[..],
574        );
575        assert!(matches!(msg, Err(MessageError::Invalid(..))));
576    }
578    #[test]
579    fn request_pair_encode() {
580        let request_pair = RequestPair { request_id: 1337, message: vec![5u8] };
582        // c5: start of list (c0) + len(full_list) (length is <55 bytes)
583        // 82: 0x80 + len(1337)
584        // 05 39: 1337 (request_id)
585        // === full_list ===
586        // c1: start of list (c0) + len(list) (length is <55 bytes)
587        // 05: 5 (message)
588        let expected = hex!("c5820539c105");
589        let got = encode(request_pair);
590        assert_eq!(expected[..], got, "expected: {expected:X?}, got: {got:X?}",);
591    }
593    #[test]
594    fn request_pair_decode() {
595        let raw_pair = &hex!("c5820539c105")[..];
597        let expected = RequestPair { request_id: 1337, message: vec![5u8] };
599        let got = RequestPair::<Vec<u8>>::decode(&mut &*raw_pair).unwrap();
600        assert_eq!(expected.length(), raw_pair.len());
601        assert_eq!(expected, got);
602    }
604    #[test]
605    fn malicious_request_pair_decode() {
606        // A maliciously encoded request pair, where the len(full_list) is 5, but it
607        // actually consumes 6 bytes when decoding
608        //
609        // c5: start of list (c0) + len(full_list) (length is <55 bytes)
610        // 82: 0x80 + len(1337)
611        // 05 39: 1337 (request_id)
612        // === full_list ===
613        // c2: start of list (c0) + len(list) (length is <55 bytes)
614        // 05 05: 5 5(message)
615        let raw_pair = &hex!("c5820539c20505")[..];
617        let result = RequestPair::<Vec<u8>>::decode(&mut &*raw_pair);
618        assert!(matches!(result, Err(Error::UnexpectedLength)));
619    }
621    #[test]
622    fn empty_block_bodies_protocol() {
623        let empty_block_bodies =
624            ProtocolMessage::from(EthMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::BlockBodies(RequestPair {
625                request_id: 0,
626                message: Default::default(),
627            }));
628        let mut buf = Vec::new();
629        empty_block_bodies.encode(&mut buf);
630        let decoded =
631            ProtocolMessage::decode_message(EthVersion::Eth68, &mut buf.as_slice()).unwrap();
632        assert_eq!(empty_block_bodies, decoded);
633    }
635    #[test]
636    fn empty_block_body_protocol() {
637        let empty_block_bodies =
638            ProtocolMessage::from(EthMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::BlockBodies(RequestPair {
639                request_id: 0,
640                message: vec![BlockBody {
641                    transactions: vec![],
642                    ommers: vec![],
643                    withdrawals: Some(Default::default()),
644                }]
645                .into(),
646            }));
647        let mut buf = Vec::new();
648        empty_block_bodies.encode(&mut buf);
649        let decoded =
650            ProtocolMessage::decode_message(EthVersion::Eth68, &mut buf.as_slice()).unwrap();
651        assert_eq!(empty_block_bodies, decoded);
652    }
654    #[test]
655    fn decode_block_bodies_message() {
656        let buf = hex!("06c48199c1c0");
657        let msg = ProtocolMessage::<EthNetworkPrimitives>::decode_message(
658            EthVersion::Eth68,
659            &mut &buf[..],
660        )
661        .unwrap_err();
662        assert!(matches!(msg, MessageError::RlpError(alloy_rlp::Error::InputTooShort)));
663    }