
1//! Executor metrics.
3//! Block processing related to syncing should take care to update the metrics by using either
4//! [`ExecutorMetrics::execute_metered`] or [`ExecutorMetrics::metered_one`].
5use crate::{execute::Executor, Database, OnStateHook};
6use alloy_consensus::BlockHeader;
7use alloy_evm::block::StateChangeSource;
8use metrics::{Counter, Gauge, Histogram};
9use reth_execution_types::BlockExecutionOutput;
10use reth_metrics::Metrics;
11use reth_primitives_traits::{NodePrimitives, RecoveredBlock};
12use revm::state::EvmState;
13use std::time::Instant;
15/// Wrapper struct that combines metrics and state hook
16struct MeteredStateHook {
17    metrics: ExecutorMetrics,
18    inner_hook: Box<dyn OnStateHook>,
21impl OnStateHook for MeteredStateHook {
22    fn on_state(&mut self, source: StateChangeSource, state: &EvmState) {
23        // Update the metrics for the number of accounts, storage slots and bytecodes loaded
24        let accounts = state.keys().len();
25        let storage_slots = state.values().map(|account|<usize>();
26        let bytecodes = state
27            .values()
28            .filter(|account| !
29            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
30            .len();
32        self.metrics.accounts_loaded_histogram.record(accounts as f64);
33        self.metrics.storage_slots_loaded_histogram.record(storage_slots as f64);
34        self.metrics.bytecodes_loaded_histogram.record(bytecodes as f64);
36        // Call the original state hook
37        self.inner_hook.on_state(source, state);
38    }
41/// Executor metrics.
42// TODO(onbjerg): add sload/sstore
43#[derive(Metrics, Clone)]
44#[metrics(scope = "sync.execution")]
45pub struct ExecutorMetrics {
46    /// The total amount of gas processed.
47    pub gas_processed_total: Counter,
48    /// The instantaneous amount of gas processed per second.
49    pub gas_per_second: Gauge,
51    /// The Histogram for amount of time taken to execute blocks.
52    pub execution_histogram: Histogram,
53    /// The total amount of time it took to execute the latest block.
54    pub execution_duration: Gauge,
56    /// The Histogram for number of accounts loaded when executing the latest block.
57    pub accounts_loaded_histogram: Histogram,
58    /// The Histogram for number of storage slots loaded when executing the latest block.
59    pub storage_slots_loaded_histogram: Histogram,
60    /// The Histogram for number of bytecodes loaded when executing the latest block.
61    pub bytecodes_loaded_histogram: Histogram,
63    /// The Histogram for number of accounts updated when executing the latest block.
64    pub accounts_updated_histogram: Histogram,
65    /// The Histogram for number of storage slots updated when executing the latest block.
66    pub storage_slots_updated_histogram: Histogram,
67    /// The Histogram for number of bytecodes updated when executing the latest block.
68    pub bytecodes_updated_histogram: Histogram,
71impl ExecutorMetrics {
72    fn metered<F, R, B>(&self, block: &RecoveredBlock<B>, f: F) -> R
73    where
74        F: FnOnce() -> R,
75        B: reth_primitives_traits::Block,
76    {
77        // Execute the block and record the elapsed time.
78        let execute_start = Instant::now();
79        let output = f();
80        let execution_duration = execute_start.elapsed().as_secs_f64();
82        // Update gas metrics.
83        self.gas_processed_total.increment(block.header().gas_used());
84        self.gas_per_second.set(block.header().gas_used() as f64 / execution_duration);
85        self.execution_histogram.record(execution_duration);
86        self.execution_duration.set(execution_duration);
88        output
89    }
91    /// Execute the given block using the provided [`Executor`] and update metrics for the
92    /// execution.
93    ///
94    /// Compared to [`Self::metered_one`], this method additionally updates metrics for the number
95    /// of accounts, storage slots and bytecodes loaded and updated.
96    /// Execute the given block using the provided [`Executor`] and update metrics for the
97    /// execution.
98    pub fn execute_metered<E, DB>(
99        &self,
100        executor: E,
101        input: &RecoveredBlock<<E::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::Block>,
102        state_hook: Box<dyn OnStateHook>,
103    ) -> Result<BlockExecutionOutput<<E::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::Receipt>, E::Error>
104    where
105        DB: Database,
106        E: Executor<DB>,
107    {
108        // clone here is cheap, all the metrics are Option<Arc<_>>. additionally
109        // they are gloally registered so that the data recorded in the hook will
110        // be accessible.
111        let wrapper = MeteredStateHook { metrics: self.clone(), inner_hook: state_hook };
113        // Use metered to execute and track timing/gas metrics
114        let output = self.metered(input, || executor.execute_with_state_hook(input, wrapper))?;
116        // Update the metrics for the number of accounts, storage slots and bytecodes updated
117        let accounts = output.state.state.len();
118        let storage_slots =
119            output.state.state.values().map(|account|<usize>();
120        let bytecodes = output.state.contracts.len();
122        self.accounts_updated_histogram.record(accounts as f64);
123        self.storage_slots_updated_histogram.record(storage_slots as f64);
124        self.bytecodes_updated_histogram.record(bytecodes as f64);
126        Ok(output)
127    }
129    /// Execute the given block and update metrics for the execution.
130    pub fn metered_one<F, R, B>(&self, input: &RecoveredBlock<B>, f: F) -> R
131    where
132        F: FnOnce(&RecoveredBlock<B>) -> R,
133        B: reth_primitives_traits::Block,
134    {
135        self.metered(input, || f(input))
136    }
140mod tests {
141    use super::*;
142    use alloy_eips::eip7685::Requests;
143    use alloy_primitives::{B256, U256};
144    use metrics_util::debugging::{DebugValue, DebuggingRecorder, Snapshotter};
145    use reth_ethereum_primitives::EthPrimitives;
146    use reth_execution_types::BlockExecutionResult;
147    use revm::{
148        database_interface::EmptyDB,
149        state::{Account, AccountInfo, AccountStatus, EvmStorage, EvmStorageSlot},
150    };
151    use revm_database::State;
152    use std::sync::mpsc;
154    /// A mock executor that simulates state changes
155    struct MockExecutor {
156        state: EvmState,
157    }
159    impl<DB: Database + Default> Executor<DB> for MockExecutor {
160        type Primitives = EthPrimitives;
161        type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
163        fn execute_one(
164            &mut self,
165            _block: &RecoveredBlock<<Self::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::Block>,
166        ) -> Result<BlockExecutionResult<<Self::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::Receipt>, Self::Error>
167        {
168            Ok(BlockExecutionResult {
169                receipts: vec![],
170                requests: Requests::default(),
171                gas_used: 0,
172            })
173        }
175        fn execute_one_with_state_hook<F>(
176            &mut self,
177            _block: &RecoveredBlock<<Self::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::Block>,
178            mut hook: F,
179        ) -> Result<BlockExecutionResult<<Self::Primitives as NodePrimitives>::Receipt>, Self::Error>
180        where
181            F: OnStateHook + 'static,
182        {
183            // Call hook with our mock state
184            hook.on_state(StateChangeSource::Transaction(0), &self.state);
186            Ok(BlockExecutionResult {
187                receipts: vec![],
188                requests: Requests::default(),
189                gas_used: 0,
190            })
191        }
193        fn into_state(self) -> revm_database::State<DB> {
194            State::builder().with_database(Default::default()).build()
195        }
197        fn size_hint(&self) -> usize {
198            0
199        }
200    }
202    struct ChannelStateHook {
203        output: i32,
204        sender: mpsc::Sender<i32>,
205    }
207    impl OnStateHook for ChannelStateHook {
208        fn on_state(&mut self, _source: StateChangeSource, _state: &EvmState) {
209            let _ = self.sender.send(self.output);
210        }
211    }
213    fn setup_test_recorder() -> Snapshotter {
214        let recorder = DebuggingRecorder::new();
215        let snapshotter = recorder.snapshotter();
216        recorder.install().unwrap();
217        snapshotter
218    }
220    #[test]
221    fn test_executor_metrics_hook_metrics_recorded() {
222        let snapshotter = setup_test_recorder();
223        let metrics = ExecutorMetrics::default();
224        let input = RecoveredBlock::default();
226        let (tx, _rx) = mpsc::channel();
227        let expected_output = 42;
228        let state_hook = Box::new(ChannelStateHook { sender: tx, output: expected_output });
230        let state = {
231            let mut state = EvmState::default();
232            let storage =
233                EvmStorage::from_iter([(U256::from(1), EvmStorageSlot::new(U256::from(2)))]);
234            state.insert(
235                Default::default(),
236                Account {
237                    info: AccountInfo {
238                        balance: U256::from(100),
239                        nonce: 10,
240                        code_hash: B256::random(),
241                        code: Default::default(),
242                    },
243                    storage,
244                    status: AccountStatus::Loaded,
245                },
246            );
247            state
248        };
249        let executor = MockExecutor { state };
250        let _result = metrics.execute_metered::<_, EmptyDB>(executor, &input, state_hook).unwrap();
252        let snapshot = snapshotter.snapshot().into_vec();
254        for metric in snapshot {
255            let metric_name = metric.0.key().name();
256            if metric_name == "sync.execution.accounts_loaded_histogram" ||
257                metric_name == "sync.execution.storage_slots_loaded_histogram" ||
258                metric_name == "sync.execution.bytecodes_loaded_histogram"
259            {
260                if let DebugValue::Histogram(vs) = metric.3 {
261                    assert!(
262                        vs.iter().any(|v| v.into_inner() > 0.0),
263                        "metric {metric_name} not recorded"
264                    );
265                }
266            }
267        }
268    }
270    #[test]
271    fn test_executor_metrics_hook_called() {
272        let metrics = ExecutorMetrics::default();
273        let input = RecoveredBlock::default();
275        let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
276        let expected_output = 42;
277        let state_hook = Box::new(ChannelStateHook { sender: tx, output: expected_output });
279        let state = EvmState::default();
281        let executor = MockExecutor { state };
282        let _result = metrics.execute_metered::<_, EmptyDB>(executor, &input, state_hook).unwrap();
284        let actual_output = rx.try_recv().unwrap();
285        assert_eq!(actual_output, expected_output);
286    }