Expand description
Commonly used types for prune usage.
- Prune
Checkpoint - Saves the pruning progress of a stage.
- Prune
Modes - Pruning configuration for every segment of the data that can be pruned.
- Pruned
Segment Info - Represents information of a pruner run for a segment.
- Pruner
Output - Pruner run output.
- Receipts
LogPrune Config - Configuration for pruning receipts not associated with logs emitted by the specified contracts.
- Segment
Output - Segment pruning output.
- Segment
Output Checkpoint - Segment pruning checkpoint.
- Prune
Interrupt Reason - Reason for interrupting a prune run.
- Prune
Mode - Prune mode.
- Prune
Progress - Progress of pruning.
- Prune
Purpose - Prune purpose.
- Prune
Segment - Segment of the data that can be pruned.
- Prune
Segment Error PruneSegment
error type.- Pruner
Event - An event emitted by a pruner.
PRUNING_ DISTANCE - Minimum distance from the tip necessary for the node to work correctly: