Crate reth_exex

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Execution extensions (ExEx).

An execution extension is a task that derives its state from Reth’s state.

Some examples of such state derives are rollups, bridges, and indexers.

An ExEx is a Future resolving to a Result<()> that is run indefinitely alongside Reth.

ExEx’s are initialized using an async closure that resolves to the ExEx; this closure gets passed an ExExContext where it is possible to spawn additional tasks and modify Reth.

Most ExEx’s will want to derive their state from the CanonStateNotification channel given in ExExContext. A new notification is emitted whenever blocks are executed in live and historical sync.


ExEx’s SHOULD emit an ExExEvent::FinishedHeight event to signify what blocks have been processed. This event is used by Reth to determine what state can be pruned.

An ExEx will only receive notifications for blocks greater than the block emitted in the event. To clarify: if the ExEx emits ExExEvent::FinishedHeight(0) it will receive notifications for any block_number > 0.

