Trait reth::builder::PayloadTypes

pub trait PayloadTypes: Send + Sync + Unpin + Debug + Clone {
    type BuiltPayload: BuiltPayload + Clone + Unpin;
    type PayloadAttributes: PayloadAttributes + Unpin;
    type PayloadBuilderAttributes: PayloadBuilderAttributes<RpcPayloadAttributes = Self::PayloadAttributes> + Clone + Unpin;
Expand description

The types that are used by the engine API.

Required Associated Types§

type BuiltPayload: BuiltPayload + Clone + Unpin

The built payload type.

type PayloadAttributes: PayloadAttributes + Unpin

The RPC payload attributes type the CL node emits via the engine API.

type PayloadBuilderAttributes: PayloadBuilderAttributes<RpcPayloadAttributes = Self::PayloadAttributes> + Clone + Unpin

The payload attributes type that contains information about a running payload job.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl PayloadTypes for OptimismEngineTypes


impl PayloadTypes for EthEngineTypes
