Trait reth::builder::Node

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pub trait Node<N>: NodeTypes + Clone
where N: FullNodeTypes,
{ type ComponentsBuilder: NodeComponentsBuilder<N>; // Required method fn components_builder(self) -> Self::ComponentsBuilder; }
Expand description

A crate::Node is a NodeTypes that comes with preconfigured components.

This can be used to configure the builder with a preset of components.

Required Associated Types§


type ComponentsBuilder: NodeComponentsBuilder<N>

The type that builds the node’s components.

Required Methods§


fn components_builder(self) -> Self::ComponentsBuilder

Returns a NodeComponentsBuilder for the node.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<N> Node<N> for OptimismNode



impl<N, C> Node<N> for AnyNode<N, C>
where N: FullNodeTypes + Clone, C: NodeComponentsBuilder<N> + Clone + Sync + Unpin + 'static,