Trait reth::builder::components::NetworkBuilder

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pub trait NetworkBuilder<Node, Pool>: Send
where Node: FullNodeTypes, Pool: TransactionPool,
{ // Required method fn build_network( self, ctx: &BuilderContext<Node>, pool: Pool, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<NetworkHandle, Report>> + Send; }
Expand description

A type that knows how to build the network implementation.

Required Methods§


fn build_network( self, ctx: &BuilderContext<Node>, pool: Pool, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<NetworkHandle, Report>> + Send

Launches the network implementation and returns the handle to it.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<Node, Pool> NetworkBuilder<Node, Pool> for OptimismNetworkBuilder
where Node: FullNodeTypes, Pool: TransactionPool + Unpin + 'static,


async fn build_network( self, ctx: &BuilderContext<Node>, pool: Pool, ) -> Result<NetworkHandle, Report>



impl<Node, F, Fut, Pool> NetworkBuilder<Node, Pool> for F
where Node: FullNodeTypes, Pool: TransactionPool, F: Fn(&BuilderContext<Node>, Pool) -> Fut + Send, Fut: Future<Output = Result<NetworkHandle, Report>> + Send,