
Trait PoolTransaction

pub trait PoolTransaction:
    + Send
    + Sync
    + Clone
    + TryFrom<Recovered<Self::Consensus>, Error = Self::TryFromConsensusError>
    + Into<Recovered<Self::Consensus>>
    + From<Recovered<Self::Pooled>> {
    type TryFromConsensusError: Display;
    type Consensus: SignedTransaction + From<Self::Pooled>;
    type Pooled: SignedTransaction;

Show 31 methods // Required methods fn try_consensus_into_pooled( tx: Recovered<Self::Consensus>, ) -> Result<Recovered<Self::Pooled>, Self::TryFromConsensusError>; fn hash(&self) -> &FixedBytes<32>; fn sender(&self) -> Address; fn sender_ref(&self) -> &Address; fn nonce(&self) -> u64; fn cost(&self) -> &Uint<256, 4>; fn gas_limit(&self) -> u64; fn max_fee_per_gas(&self) -> u128; fn access_list(&self) -> Option<&AccessList>; fn max_priority_fee_per_gas(&self) -> Option<u128>; fn max_fee_per_blob_gas(&self) -> Option<u128>; fn effective_tip_per_gas(&self, base_fee: u64) -> Option<u128>; fn priority_fee_or_price(&self) -> u128; fn kind(&self) -> TxKind; fn is_create(&self) -> bool; fn input(&self) -> &[u8] ; fn size(&self) -> usize; fn tx_type(&self) -> u8; fn encoded_length(&self) -> usize; fn chain_id(&self) -> Option<u64>; // Provided methods fn try_from_consensus( tx: Recovered<Self::Consensus>, ) -> Result<Self, Self::TryFromConsensusError> { ... } fn clone_into_consensus(&self) -> Recovered<Self::Consensus> { ... } fn into_consensus(self) -> Recovered<Self::Consensus> { ... } fn from_pooled(pooled: Recovered<Self::Pooled>) -> Self { ... } fn try_into_pooled( self, ) -> Result<Recovered<Self::Pooled>, Self::TryFromConsensusError> { ... } fn pooled_into_consensus(tx: Self::Pooled) -> Self::Consensus { ... } fn to(&self) -> Option<Address> { ... } fn is_eip1559(&self) -> bool { ... } fn is_eip4844(&self) -> bool { ... } fn is_eip7702(&self) -> bool { ... } fn ensure_max_init_code_size( &self, max_init_code_size: usize, ) -> Result<(), InvalidPoolTransactionError> { ... }
Expand description

Trait for transaction types used inside the pool.

This supports two transaction formats

  • Consensus format: the form the transaction takes when it is included in a block.
  • Pooled format: the form the transaction takes when it is gossiping around the network.

This distinction is necessary for the EIP-4844 blob transactions, which require an additional sidecar when they are gossiped around the network. It is expected that the Consensus format is a subset of the Pooled format.

Required Associated Types§

type TryFromConsensusError: Display

Associated error type for the try_from_consensus method.

type Consensus: SignedTransaction + From<Self::Pooled>

Associated type representing the raw consensus variant of the transaction.

type Pooled: SignedTransaction

Associated type representing the recovered pooled variant of the transaction.

Required Methods§

fn try_consensus_into_pooled( tx: Recovered<Self::Consensus>, ) -> Result<Recovered<Self::Pooled>, Self::TryFromConsensusError>

Tries to convert the Consensus type into the Pooled type.

fn hash(&self) -> &FixedBytes<32>

Hash of the transaction.

fn sender(&self) -> Address

The Sender of the transaction.

fn sender_ref(&self) -> &Address

Reference to the Sender of the transaction.

fn nonce(&self) -> u64

Returns the nonce for this transaction.

fn cost(&self) -> &Uint<256, 4>

Returns the cost that this transaction is allowed to consume:

For EIP-1559 transactions: max_fee_per_gas * gas_limit + tx_value. For legacy transactions: gas_price * gas_limit + tx_value. For EIP-4844 blob transactions: max_fee_per_gas * gas_limit + tx_value + max_blob_fee_per_gas * blob_gas_used.

fn gas_limit(&self) -> u64

Amount of gas that should be used in executing this transaction. This is paid up-front.

fn max_fee_per_gas(&self) -> u128

Returns the EIP-1559 the maximum fee per gas the caller is willing to pay.

For legacy transactions this is gas_price.

This is also commonly referred to as the “Gas Fee Cap” (GasFeeCap).

fn access_list(&self) -> Option<&AccessList>

Returns the access_list for the particular transaction type. For Legacy transactions, returns default.

fn max_priority_fee_per_gas(&self) -> Option<u128>

Returns the EIP-1559 Priority fee the caller is paying to the block author.

This will return None for non-EIP1559 transactions

fn max_fee_per_blob_gas(&self) -> Option<u128>

Returns the EIP-4844 max fee per data gas

This will return None for non-EIP4844 transactions

fn effective_tip_per_gas(&self, base_fee: u64) -> Option<u128>

Returns the effective tip for this transaction.

For EIP-1559 transactions: min(max_fee_per_gas - base_fee, max_priority_fee_per_gas). For legacy transactions: gas_price - base_fee.

fn priority_fee_or_price(&self) -> u128

Returns the max priority fee per gas if the transaction is an EIP-1559 transaction, and otherwise returns the gas price.

fn kind(&self) -> TxKind

Returns the transaction’s TxKind, which is the address of the recipient or TxKind::Create if the transaction is a contract creation.

fn is_create(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the transaction is a contract creation. We don’t provide a default implementation via kind as it copies the 21-byte TxKind for this simple check. A proper implementation shouldn’t allocate.

fn input(&self) -> &[u8]

Returns the input data of this transaction.

fn size(&self) -> usize

Returns a measurement of the heap usage of this type and all its internals.

fn tx_type(&self) -> u8

Returns the transaction type

fn encoded_length(&self) -> usize

Returns the length of the rlp encoded transaction object

Note: Implementations should cache this value.

fn chain_id(&self) -> Option<u64>

Returns chain_id

Provided Methods§

fn try_from_consensus( tx: Recovered<Self::Consensus>, ) -> Result<Self, Self::TryFromConsensusError>

Define a method to convert from the Consensus type to Self

fn clone_into_consensus(&self) -> Recovered<Self::Consensus>

Clone the transaction into a consensus variant.

This method is preferred when the PoolTransaction already wraps the consensus variant.

fn into_consensus(self) -> Recovered<Self::Consensus>

Define a method to convert from the Self type to Consensus

fn from_pooled(pooled: Recovered<Self::Pooled>) -> Self

Define a method to convert from the Pooled type to Self

fn try_into_pooled( self, ) -> Result<Recovered<Self::Pooled>, Self::TryFromConsensusError>

Tries to convert the Consensus type into the Pooled type.

fn pooled_into_consensus(tx: Self::Pooled) -> Self::Consensus

Converts the Pooled type into the Consensus type.

fn to(&self) -> Option<Address>

Returns the recipient of the transaction if it is not a TxKind::Create transaction.

fn is_eip1559(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the transaction is an EIP-1559 transaction.

fn is_eip4844(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the transaction is an EIP-4844 transaction.

fn is_eip7702(&self) -> bool

Returns true if the transaction is an EIP-7702 transaction.

fn ensure_max_init_code_size( &self, max_init_code_size: usize, ) -> Result<(), InvalidPoolTransactionError>

Ensures that the transaction’s code size does not exceed the provided max_init_code_size.

This is specifically relevant for contract creation transactions (TxKind::Create), where the input data contains the initialization code. If the input code size exceeds the configured limit, an InvalidPoolTransactionError::ExceedsMaxInitCodeSize error is returned.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
