Trait reth::builder::components::PayloadServiceBuilder

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pub trait PayloadServiceBuilder<Node, Pool>: Send
where Node: FullNodeTypes, Pool: TransactionPool,
{ // Required method fn spawn_payload_service( self, ctx: &BuilderContext<Node>, pool: Pool, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<PayloadBuilderHandle<<Node as NodeTypes>::Engine>, Report>> + Send; }
Expand description

A type that knows how to spawn the payload service.

Required Methods§


fn spawn_payload_service( self, ctx: &BuilderContext<Node>, pool: Pool, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<PayloadBuilderHandle<<Node as NodeTypes>::Engine>, Report>> + Send

Spawns the payload service and returns the handle to it.

The BuilderContext is provided to allow access to the node’s configuration.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<Node, EVM, Pool> PayloadServiceBuilder<Node, Pool> for OptimismPayloadBuilder<EVM>
where Node: FullNodeTypes<Engine = OptimismEngineTypes>, Pool: TransactionPool + Unpin + 'static, EVM: ConfigureEvm,


async fn spawn_payload_service( self, ctx: &BuilderContext<Node>, pool: Pool, ) -> Result<PayloadBuilderHandle<<Node as NodeTypes>::Engine>, Report>



impl<Node, F, Fut, Pool> PayloadServiceBuilder<Node, Pool> for F
where Node: FullNodeTypes, Pool: TransactionPool, F: Fn(&BuilderContext<Node>, Pool) -> Fut + Send, Fut: Future<Output = Result<PayloadBuilderHandle<<Node as NodeTypes>::Engine>, Report>> + Send,