
Trait BlockNumReader

pub trait BlockNumReader:
    + Send
    + Sync {
    // Required methods
    fn chain_info(&self) -> Result<ChainInfo, ProviderError>;
    fn best_block_number(&self) -> Result<u64, ProviderError>;
    fn last_block_number(&self) -> Result<u64, ProviderError>;
    fn block_number(
        hash: FixedBytes<32>,
    ) -> Result<Option<u64>, ProviderError>;

    // Provided methods
    fn convert_hash_or_number(
        id: HashOrNumber,
    ) -> Result<Option<u64>, ProviderError> { ... }
    fn convert_number(
        id: HashOrNumber,
    ) -> Result<Option<FixedBytes<32>>, ProviderError> { ... }
Expand description

Client trait for getting important block numbers (such as the latest block number), converting block hashes to numbers, and fetching a block hash from its block number.

This trait also supports fetching block hashes and block numbers from a BlockHashOrNumber.

Required Methods§

fn chain_info(&self) -> Result<ChainInfo, ProviderError>

Returns the current info for the chain.

fn best_block_number(&self) -> Result<u64, ProviderError>

Returns the best block number in the chain.

fn last_block_number(&self) -> Result<u64, ProviderError>

Returns the last block number associated with the last canonical header in the database.

fn block_number( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> Result<Option<u64>, ProviderError>

Gets the BlockNumber for the given hash. Returns None if no block with this hash exists.

Provided Methods§

fn convert_hash_or_number( &self, id: HashOrNumber, ) -> Result<Option<u64>, ProviderError>

Gets the block number for the given BlockHashOrNumber. Returns None if no block with this hash exists. If the BlockHashOrNumber is a Number, it is returned as is.

fn convert_number( &self, id: HashOrNumber, ) -> Result<Option<FixedBytes<32>>, ProviderError>

Gets the block hash for the given BlockHashOrNumber. Returns None if no block with this number exists. If the BlockHashOrNumber is a Hash, it is returned as is.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'a, T> BlockNumReader for &'a T


impl<T> BlockNumReader for Arc<T>
