Trait reth::transaction_pool::pool::ParkedOrd

pub trait ParkedOrd: Ord + Clone + From<Arc<ValidPoolTransaction<Self::Transaction>>> + Into<Arc<ValidPoolTransaction<Self::Transaction>>> + Deref<Target = Arc<ValidPoolTransaction<Self::Transaction>>> {
    type Transaction: PoolTransaction;
Expand description

Helper trait used for custom Ord wrappers around a transaction.

This is effectively a wrapper for Arc<ValidPoolTransaction> with custom Ord implementation.

Required Associated Types§

type Transaction: PoolTransaction

The wrapper transaction type.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T> ParkedOrd for BasefeeOrd<T>
where T: PoolTransaction,


type Transaction = T


impl<T> ParkedOrd for QueuedOrd<T>
where T: PoolTransaction,


type Transaction = T