Trait ParallelString

pub trait ParallelString {
Show 13 methods // Required method fn as_parallel_string(&self) -> &str; // Provided methods fn par_chars(&self) -> Chars<'_> { ... } fn par_char_indices(&self) -> CharIndices<'_> { ... } fn par_bytes(&self) -> Bytes<'_> { ... } fn par_encode_utf16(&self) -> EncodeUtf16<'_> { ... } fn par_split<P>(&self, separator: P) -> Split<'_, P> where P: Pattern { ... } fn par_split_inclusive<P>(&self, separator: P) -> SplitInclusive<'_, P> where P: Pattern { ... } fn par_split_terminator<P>(&self, terminator: P) -> SplitTerminator<'_, P> where P: Pattern { ... } fn par_lines(&self) -> Lines<'_> { ... } fn par_split_whitespace(&self) -> SplitWhitespace<'_> { ... } fn par_split_ascii_whitespace(&self) -> SplitAsciiWhitespace<'_> { ... } fn par_matches<P>(&self, pattern: P) -> Matches<'_, P> where P: Pattern { ... } fn par_match_indices<P>(&self, pattern: P) -> MatchIndices<'_, P> where P: Pattern { ... }
Available on crate feature rayon only.
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Parallel extensions for strings.

Required Methods§

fn as_parallel_string(&self) -> &str

Returns a plain string slice, which is used to implement the rest of the parallel methods.

Provided Methods§

fn par_chars(&self) -> Chars<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over the characters of a string.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let max = "hello".par_chars().max_by_key(|c| *c as i32);
assert_eq!(Some('o'), max);

fn par_char_indices(&self) -> CharIndices<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over the characters of a string, with their positions.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let min = "hello".par_char_indices().min_by_key(|&(_i, c)| c as i32);
assert_eq!(Some((1, 'e')), min);

fn par_bytes(&self) -> Bytes<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over the bytes of a string.

Note that multi-byte sequences (for code points greater than U+007F) are produced as separate items, but will not be split across threads. If you would prefer an indexed iterator without that guarantee, consider string.as_bytes().par_iter().copied() instead.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let max = "hello".par_bytes().max();
assert_eq!(Some(b'o'), max);

fn par_encode_utf16(&self) -> EncodeUtf16<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over a string encoded as UTF-16.

Note that surrogate pairs (for code points greater than U+FFFF) are produced as separate items, but will not be split across threads.

use rayon::prelude::*;

let max = "hello".par_encode_utf16().max();
assert_eq!(Some(b'o' as u16), max);

let text = "Zażółć gęślą jaźń";
let utf8_len = text.len();
let utf16_len = text.par_encode_utf16().count();
assert!(utf16_len <= utf8_len);

fn par_split<P>(&self, separator: P) -> Split<'_, P>
where P: Pattern,

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings separated by a given character or predicate, similar to str::split.

Note: the Pattern trait is private, for use only by Rayon itself. It is implemented for char, &[char], [char; N], &[char; N], and any function or closure F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sync + Send.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let total = "1, 2, buckle, 3, 4, door"
   .filter_map(|s| s.trim().parse::<i32>().ok())
assert_eq!(10, total);

fn par_split_inclusive<P>(&self, separator: P) -> SplitInclusive<'_, P>
where P: Pattern,

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings separated by a given character or predicate, keeping the matched part as a terminator of the substring similar to str::split_inclusive.

Note: the Pattern trait is private, for use only by Rayon itself. It is implemented for char, &[char], [char; N], &[char; N], and any function or closure F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sync + Send.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let lines: Vec<_> = "Mary had a little lamb\nlittle lamb\nlittle lamb."
assert_eq!(lines, ["Mary had a little lamb\n", "little lamb\n", "little lamb."]);

fn par_split_terminator<P>(&self, terminator: P) -> SplitTerminator<'_, P>
where P: Pattern,

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings terminated by a given character or predicate, similar to str::split_terminator. It’s equivalent to par_split, except it doesn’t produce an empty substring after a trailing terminator.

Note: the Pattern trait is private, for use only by Rayon itself. It is implemented for char, &[char], [char; N], &[char; N], and any function or closure F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sync + Send.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let parts: Vec<_> = "((1 + 3) * 2)"
    .par_split_terminator(|c| c == '(' || c == ')')
assert_eq!(vec!["", "", "1 + 3", " * 2"], parts);

fn par_lines(&self) -> Lines<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over the lines of a string, ending with an optional carriage return and with a newline (\r\n or just \n). The final line ending is optional, and line endings are not included in the output strings.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let lengths: Vec<_> = "hello world\nfizbuzz"
    .map(|l| l.len())
assert_eq!(vec![11, 7], lengths);

fn par_split_whitespace(&self) -> SplitWhitespace<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over the sub-slices of a string that are separated by any amount of whitespace.

As with str::split_whitespace, ‘whitespace’ is defined according to the terms of the Unicode Derived Core Property White_Space. If you only want to split on ASCII whitespace instead, use par_split_ascii_whitespace.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let longest = "which is the longest word?"
    .max_by_key(|word| word.len());
assert_eq!(Some("longest"), longest);

All kinds of whitespace are considered:

use rayon::prelude::*;
let words: Vec<&str> = " Mary   had\ta\u{2009}little  \n\t lamb"
assert_eq!(words, ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);

If the string is empty or all whitespace, the iterator yields no string slices:

use rayon::prelude::*;
assert_eq!("".par_split_whitespace().count(), 0);
assert_eq!("   ".par_split_whitespace().count(), 0);

fn par_split_ascii_whitespace(&self) -> SplitAsciiWhitespace<'_>

Returns a parallel iterator over the sub-slices of a string that are separated by any amount of ASCII whitespace.

To split by Unicode White_Space instead, use par_split_whitespace.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let longest = "which is the longest word?"
    .max_by_key(|word| word.len());
assert_eq!(Some("longest"), longest);

All kinds of ASCII whitespace are considered, but not Unicode White_Space:

use rayon::prelude::*;
let words: Vec<&str> = " Mary   had\ta\u{2009}little  \n\t lamb"
assert_eq!(words, ["Mary", "had", "a\u{2009}little", "lamb"]);

If the string is empty or all ASCII whitespace, the iterator yields no string slices:

use rayon::prelude::*;
assert_eq!("".par_split_whitespace().count(), 0);
assert_eq!("   ".par_split_whitespace().count(), 0);

fn par_matches<P>(&self, pattern: P) -> Matches<'_, P>
where P: Pattern,

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings that match a given character or predicate, similar to str::matches.

Note: the Pattern trait is private, for use only by Rayon itself. It is implemented for char, &[char], [char; N], &[char; N], and any function or closure F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sync + Send.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let total = "1, 2, buckle, 3, 4, door"
   .map(|s| s.parse::<i32>().expect("digit"))
assert_eq!(10, total);

fn par_match_indices<P>(&self, pattern: P) -> MatchIndices<'_, P>
where P: Pattern,

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings that match a given character or predicate, with their positions, similar to str::match_indices.

Note: the Pattern trait is private, for use only by Rayon itself. It is implemented for char, &[char], [char; N], &[char; N], and any function or closure F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sync + Send.

use rayon::prelude::*;
let digits: Vec<_> = "1, 2, buckle, 3, 4, door"
assert_eq!(digits, vec![(0, "1"), (3, "2"), (14, "3"), (17, "4")]);

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl ParallelString for str
