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Common RPC constants.
- Cache specific constants
- GPO specific constants
- The default port for the auth server.
ENGINE_ API_ IPC_ ENDPOINT Non-Windows Theengine_api
IPC endpoint - The default eth historical proof window.
- The default port for the http server
IPC_ ENDPOINT Non-Windows The default IPC endpoint - The default maximum block range allowed to filter
- The default maximum of logs in a single response.
- The default limit for blocks count in
. - The default number of getproof calls we are allowing to run concurrently.
- The default port for the ws server
- Maximum eth historical proof window. Equivalent to roughly 6 months of data on a 12 second block time, and a month on a 2 second block time.
- The default maximum number tracing requests we’re allowing concurrently. Tracing is mostly CPU bound so we’re limiting the number of concurrent requests to something lower that the number of cores, in order to minimize the impact on the rest of the system.