Trait reth_revm::interpreter::primitives::bitvec::mem::BitRegister

pub trait BitRegister: Unsigned + BitOps {
    const ALL: Self;
    const INDX: u8 = _;
    const MASK: u8 = _;
Expand description

§Register Descriptions

This trait describes the unsigned integer types that can be manipulated in a target processor’s general-purpose registers. It has no bearing on the processor instructions or registers used to interact with the memory bus, and solely exists to describe integers that can exist on a system.

Required Associated Constants§

const ALL: Self

The literal !0.

Provided Associated Constants§

const INDX: u8 = _

The number of bits required to store an index in the range 0 .. BITS.

const MASK: u8 = _

A mask over all bits that can be used as an index within the element. This is the value with the least significant INDX-many bits set high.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl BitRegister for u8


const ALL: u8 = 255u8


impl BitRegister for u16


const ALL: u16 = 65_535u16


impl BitRegister for u32


const ALL: u32 = 4_294_967_295u32


impl BitRegister for u64

Available on 64-bit only.

u64 can only be used as a register on processors whose word size is at least 64 bits.

This implementation is not present on targets with 32-bit processor words.


const ALL: u64 = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615u64


impl BitRegister for usize


const ALL: usize = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615usize
