Trait reth_provider::BlockReader

pub trait BlockReader:
    + HeaderProvider
    + TransactionsProvider
    + ReceiptProvider
    + RequestsProvider
    + WithdrawalsProvider
    + Send
    + Sync {
Show 14 methods // Required methods fn find_block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, source: BlockSource, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>; fn block(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>; fn pending_block(&self) -> Result<Option<SealedBlock>, ProviderError>; fn pending_block_with_senders( &self, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>; fn pending_block_and_receipts( &self, ) -> Result<Option<(SealedBlock, Vec<Receipt>)>, ProviderError>; fn ommers( &self, id: HashOrNumber, ) -> Result<Option<Vec<Header>>, ProviderError>; fn block_body_indices( &self, num: u64, ) -> Result<Option<StoredBlockBodyIndices>, ProviderError>; fn block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>; fn sealed_block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>; fn block_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<Block>, ProviderError>; fn block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>; fn sealed_block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>; // Provided methods fn block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError> { ... } fn block_by_number(&self, num: u64) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError> { ... }
Expand description

Api trait for fetching Block related data.

If not requested otherwise, implementers of this trait should prioritize fetching blocks from the database.

Required Methods§

fn find_block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, source: BlockSource, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>

Tries to find in the given block source.

Note: this only operates on the hash because the number might be ambiguous.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn block(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>

Returns the block with given id from the database.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn pending_block(&self) -> Result<Option<SealedBlock>, ProviderError>

Returns the pending block if available

Note: This returns a [SealedBlock] because it’s expected that this is sealed by the provider and the caller does not know the hash.

fn pending_block_with_senders( &self, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>

Returns the pending block if available

Note: This returns a [SealedBlockWithSenders] because it’s expected that this is sealed by the provider and the caller does not know the hash.

fn pending_block_and_receipts( &self, ) -> Result<Option<(SealedBlock, Vec<Receipt>)>, ProviderError>

Returns the pending block and receipts if available.

fn ommers(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Vec<Header>>, ProviderError>

Returns the ommers/uncle headers of the given block from the database.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn block_body_indices( &self, num: u64, ) -> Result<Option<StoredBlockBodyIndices>, ProviderError>

Returns the block body indices with matching number from database.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>

Returns the block with senders with matching number or hash from database.

Returns the block’s transactions in the requested variant.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn sealed_block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>

Returns the sealed block with senders with matching number or hash from database.

Returns the block’s transactions in the requested variant.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn block_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<Block>, ProviderError>

Returns all blocks in the given inclusive range.

Note: returns only available blocks

fn block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>

Returns a range of blocks from the database, along with the senders of each transaction in the blocks.

fn sealed_block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>

Returns a range of sealed blocks from the database, along with the senders of each transaction in the blocks.

Provided Methods§

fn block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>

Returns the block with matching hash from the database.

Returns None if block is not found.

fn block_by_number(&self, num: u64) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>

Returns the block with matching number from database.

Returns None if block is not found.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'a, T> BlockReader for &'a T


fn find_block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, source: BlockSource, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn pending_block(&self) -> Result<Option<SealedBlock>, ProviderError>


fn pending_block_with_senders( &self, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn pending_block_and_receipts( &self, ) -> Result<Option<(SealedBlock, Vec<Receipt>)>, ProviderError>


fn ommers(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Vec<Header>>, ProviderError>


fn block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block_by_number(&self, num: u64) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block_body_indices( &self, num: u64, ) -> Result<Option<StoredBlockBodyIndices>, ProviderError>


fn block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn sealed_block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn block_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn sealed_block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


impl<T> BlockReader for Arc<T>


fn find_block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, source: BlockSource, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn pending_block(&self) -> Result<Option<SealedBlock>, ProviderError>


fn pending_block_with_senders( &self, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn pending_block_and_receipts( &self, ) -> Result<Option<(SealedBlock, Vec<Receipt>)>, ProviderError>


fn ommers(&self, id: HashOrNumber) -> Result<Option<Vec<Header>>, ProviderError>


fn block_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block_by_number(&self, num: u64) -> Result<Option<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block_body_indices( &self, num: u64, ) -> Result<Option<StoredBlockBodyIndices>, ProviderError>


fn block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn sealed_block_with_senders( &self, id: HashOrNumber, transaction_kind: TransactionVariant, ) -> Result<Option<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn block_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<Block>, ProviderError>


fn block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<BlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>


fn sealed_block_with_senders_range( &self, range: RangeInclusive<u64>, ) -> Result<Vec<SealedBlockWithSenders>, ProviderError>
