Module tx_fetcher

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Constants used by TransactionFetcher.


Average byte size of an encoded transaction.
Default budget for finding an idle fallback peer for any hash pending fetch, when said search is budget constrained.
Default budget for finding hashes in the intersection of transactions announced by a peer and in the cache of hashes pending fetch, when said search is budget constrained.
Default divisor of the max inflight request when calculating search breadth of the search for any idle peer to which to send a request filled with hashes pending fetch. The max inflight requests is configured in TransactionFetcherInfo.
Default divisor of the max inflight request when calculating search breadth of the search for the intersection of hashes announced by a peer and hashes pending fetch. The max inflight requests is configured in TransactionFetcherInfo.
search for any idle peer to which to send a request filled with hashes pending fetch. The max pending pool imports is configured in PendingPoolImportsInfo.
Default divisor to the max pending pool imports when calculating search breadth of the search for any idle peer to which to send a request filled with hashes pending fetch. The max pending pool imports is configured in PendingPoolImportsInfo.
Default marginal on fallback peers. This is the case, since a transaction is only requested once from each individual peer.
Marginal on the number of hashes to preallocate memory for in a GetPooledTransactions request, when packed according to the Eth68 protocol version. To make sure enough memory is preallocated in most cases, it’s sensible to use a margin. This, since the capacity is calculated based on median value MEDIAN_BYTE_SIZE_SMALL_LEGACY_TX_ENCODED. There may otherwise be a noteworthy number of cases where just 1 or 2 bytes too little memory is preallocated.
Default max size for cache of inflight and pending transactions fetch.
Default limit for number of transactions waiting for an idle peer to be fetched from.
Default maximum concurrent GetPooledTransactions requests.
Default maximum number of concurrent GetPooledTransactionss to allow per peer. This number reflects concurrent requests for different hashes.
Default number of alternative peers to keep track of for each transaction pending fetch. At most DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, which defaults to 2 peers, can ever be needed per peer.
Default max inflight request when fetching pending hashes.
Default maximum number of hashes pending fetch to tolerate at any time.
Default maximum request retires per TxHash. Note, this is reset should the TxHash re-appear in an announcement after it has been evicted from the hashes pending fetch cache, i.e. the counter is restarted. If this happens, it is likely a very popular transaction, that should and can indeed be fetched hence this behaviour is favourable.
Default soft limit for a PooledTransactions response when it’s used as expected response in calibrating the filling of a GetPooledTransactions request, when the request is filled from hashes pending fetch.
Default soft limit for the byte size of a PooledTransactions response on assembling a GetPooledTransactions request. This defaults to less than the SOFT_LIMIT_BYTE_SIZE_POOLED_TRANSACTIONS_RESPONSE, at 2 MiB, used when assembling a PooledTransactions response.
Default soft limit for the number of hashes in a GetPooledTransactions request, when it is filled from hashes pending fetch.
Median observed size in bytes of a small encoded legacy transaction.


Returns the approx number of transactions that a GetPooledTransactions request will have capacity for w.r.t. the Eth66 protocol version. This is useful for preallocating memory.
Returns the approx number of transaction hashes that a GetPooledTransactions request will have capacity for w.r.t. the Eth68 protocol version. This is useful for preallocating memory.