Crate reth_node_core::rpc::types::admin

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Types for the admin Ethereum JSON-RPC namespace.


  • Represents a short summary of the eth sub-protocol metadata known about a connected peer
  • Represents a short summary of the eth sub-protocol metadata known about the host peer.
  • This includes general information about a running node, spanning networking and protocol details.
  • An event emitted when peers are either added or dropped from a p2p server or when a message is sent or received on a peer connection.
  • Represents a short summary of information known about a connected peer.
  • Represents networking related information about the peer, including details about whether or not it is inbound, trusted, or static.
  • Represents the protocols that a peer supports.
  • Represents a node’s discovery and listener ports.
  • Represents protocols that the connected RPC node supports.
  • Represents a short summary of the snap sub-protocol metadata known about a connected peer.
  • Represents a short summary of the host’s snap sub-protocol metadata.


  • Can contain either eth protocol info or a string “handshake”, which geth uses if the peer is still completing the handshake for the protocol.
  • The type of a peer event.
  • Can contain either snap protocol info or a string “handshake”, which geth uses if the peer is still completing the handshake for the protocol.