Trait reth_node_core::rpc::eth::helpers::EthTransactions

pub trait EthTransactions: LoadTransaction {
Show 17 methods // Required methods fn provider(&self) -> impl BlockReaderIdExt; fn signers(&self) -> &RwLock<RawRwLock, Vec<Box<dyn EthSigner>>>; // Provided methods fn transaction_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<TransactionSource>, Self::Error>> + Send { ... } fn transactions_by_block( &self, block: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Vec<TransactionSigned>>, Self::Error>> + Send { ... } fn raw_transaction_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Bytes>, Self::Error>> + Send { ... } fn historical_transaction_by_hash_at( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<(TransactionSource, FixedBytes<32>)>, Self::Error>> + Send { ... } fn transaction_receipt( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<WithOtherFields<TransactionReceipt<AnyReceiptEnvelope<Log>>>>, Self::Error>> + Send where Self: LoadReceipt + 'static { ... } fn load_transaction_and_receipt( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<(TransactionSigned, TransactionMeta, Receipt)>, Self::Error>> + Send where Self: 'static { ... } fn transaction_by_block_and_tx_index( &self, block_id: BlockId, index: usize, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<<Self::NetworkTypes as Network>::TransactionResponse>, Self::Error>> + Send where Self: LoadBlock { ... } fn get_transaction_by_sender_and_nonce( &self, sender: Address, nonce: u64, include_pending: bool, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<<Self::NetworkTypes as Network>::TransactionResponse>, Self::Error>> + Send where Self: LoadBlock + LoadState { ... } fn raw_transaction_by_block_and_tx_index( &self, block_id: BlockId, index: usize, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Bytes>, Self::Error>> + Send where Self: LoadBlock { ... } fn send_raw_transaction( &self, tx: Bytes, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<FixedBytes<32>, Self::Error>> + Send { ... } fn send_transaction( &self, request: TransactionRequest, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<FixedBytes<32>, Self::Error>> + Send where Self: EthApiSpec + LoadBlock + LoadPendingBlock + LoadFee + Call { ... } fn sign_request( &self, from: &Address, request: TypedTransactionRequest, ) -> Result<TransactionSigned, Self::Error> { ... } fn sign( &self, account: Address, message: Bytes, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Bytes, Self::Error>> + Send { ... } fn sign_typed_data( &self, data: &TypedData, account: Address, ) -> Result<Bytes, Self::Error> { ... } fn find_signer( &self, account: &Address, ) -> Result<Box<dyn EthSigner>, Self::Error> { ... }
Expand description

Transaction related functions for the EthApiServer trait in the eth_ namespace.

This includes utilities for transaction tracing, transacting and inspection.

Async functions that are spawned onto the BlockingTaskPool begin with spawn_


There are subtle differences between when transacting TransactionRequest:

The endpoints eth_call and eth_estimateGas and eth_createAccessList should always disable the base fee check in the EnvWithHandlerCfg.

The behaviour for tracing endpoints is not consistent across clients. Geth also disables the basefee check for tracing: Erigon does not:

See also

This implementation follows the behaviour of Geth and disables the basefee check for tracing.

Required Methods§

fn provider(&self) -> impl BlockReaderIdExt

Returns a handle for reading data from disk.

Data access in default (L1) trait method implementations.

fn signers(&self) -> &RwLock<RawRwLock, Vec<Box<dyn EthSigner>>>

Returns a handle for signing data.

Singer access in default (L1) trait method implementations.

Provided Methods§

fn transaction_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<TransactionSource>, Self::Error>> + Send

Returns the transaction by hash.

Checks the pool and state.

Returns Ok(None) if no matching transaction was found.

fn transactions_by_block( &self, block: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Vec<TransactionSigned>>, Self::Error>> + Send

Get all transactions in the block with the given hash.

Returns None if block does not exist.

fn raw_transaction_by_hash( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Bytes>, Self::Error>> + Send

Returns the EIP-2718 encoded transaction by hash.

If this is a pooled EIP-4844 transaction, the blob sidecar is included.

Checks the pool and state.

Returns Ok(None) if no matching transaction was found.

fn historical_transaction_by_hash_at( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<(TransactionSource, FixedBytes<32>)>, Self::Error>> + Send

Returns the historical transaction and the block it was mined in

fn transaction_receipt( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<WithOtherFields<TransactionReceipt<AnyReceiptEnvelope<Log>>>>, Self::Error>> + Send
where Self: LoadReceipt + 'static,

Returns the transaction receipt for the given hash.

Returns None if the transaction does not exist or is pending Note: The tx receipt is not available for pending transactions.

fn load_transaction_and_receipt( &self, hash: FixedBytes<32>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<(TransactionSigned, TransactionMeta, Receipt)>, Self::Error>> + Send
where Self: 'static,

Helper method that loads a transaction and its receipt.

fn transaction_by_block_and_tx_index( &self, block_id: BlockId, index: usize, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<<Self::NetworkTypes as Network>::TransactionResponse>, Self::Error>> + Send
where Self: LoadBlock,

Get transaction by BlockId and index of transaction within that block.

Returns Ok(None) if the block does not exist, or index is out of range.

fn get_transaction_by_sender_and_nonce( &self, sender: Address, nonce: u64, include_pending: bool, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<<Self::NetworkTypes as Network>::TransactionResponse>, Self::Error>> + Send
where Self: LoadBlock + LoadState,

Find a transaction by sender’s address and nonce.

fn raw_transaction_by_block_and_tx_index( &self, block_id: BlockId, index: usize, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Bytes>, Self::Error>> + Send
where Self: LoadBlock,

Get transaction, as raw bytes, by BlockId and index of transaction within that block.

Returns Ok(None) if the block does not exist, or index is out of range.

fn send_raw_transaction( &self, tx: Bytes, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<FixedBytes<32>, Self::Error>> + Send

Decodes and recovers the transaction and submits it to the pool.

Returns the hash of the transaction.

fn send_transaction( &self, request: TransactionRequest, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<FixedBytes<32>, Self::Error>> + Send

Signs transaction with a matching signer, if any and submits the transaction to the pool. Returns the hash of the signed transaction.

fn sign_request( &self, from: &Address, request: TypedTransactionRequest, ) -> Result<TransactionSigned, Self::Error>

Signs a transaction, with configured signers.

fn sign( &self, account: Address, message: Bytes, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Bytes, Self::Error>> + Send

Signs given message. Returns the signature.

fn sign_typed_data( &self, data: &TypedData, account: Address, ) -> Result<Bytes, Self::Error>

Encodes and signs the typed data according EIP-712. Payload must implement Eip712 trait.

fn find_signer( &self, account: &Address, ) -> Result<Box<dyn EthSigner>, Self::Error>

Returns the signer for the given account, if found in configured signers.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
