pub fn post_block_consolidation_requests_contract_call<EvmConfig, DB>(
    evm_config: &EvmConfig,
    db: &mut DB,
    initialized_cfg: &CfgEnvWithHandlerCfg,
    initialized_block_env: &BlockEnv,
) -> Result<Vec<Request>, BlockExecutionError>
where DB: Database + DatabaseCommit, DB::Error: Display, EvmConfig: ConfigureEvm<Header = Header>,
Expand description

Apply the EIP-7251 post block contract call.

This constructs a new [Evm] with the given DB, and environment ([CfgEnvWithHandlerCfg] and [BlockEnv]) to execute the post block contract call.

This uses apply_consolidation_requests_contract_call to ultimately calculate the requests.