Function reth::rpc::server_types::eth::pending_block::pre_block_blockhashes_update

source ยท
pub fn pre_block_blockhashes_update<DB>(
    db: &mut DB,
    chain_spec: &ChainSpec,
    initialized_block_env: &BlockEnv,
    block_number: u64,
    parent_block_hash: FixedBytes<32>,
) -> Result<(), EthApiError>
where DB: Database<Error = ProviderError> + DatabaseCommit, <DB as Database>::Error: Display,
Expand description

Apply the EIP-2935 pre block state transitions.

This constructs a new Evm with the given DB, and environment CfgEnvWithHandlerCfg and BlockEnv.

This uses apply_blockhashes_update.