Trait reth::core::rpc::api::servers::eth::helpers::receipt::LoadReceipt

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pub trait LoadReceipt: Send + Sync {
    // Required method
    fn cache(&self) -> &EthStateCache;

    // Provided method
    fn build_transaction_receipt(
        tx: TransactionSigned,
        meta: TransactionMeta,
        receipt: Receipt,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<WithOtherFields<TransactionReceipt<AnyReceiptEnvelope<Log>>>, EthApiError>> + Send { ... }
Expand description

Assembles transaction receipt data w.r.t to network.

Behaviour shared by several eth_ RPC methods, not exclusive to eth_ receipts RPC methods.

Required Methods§


fn cache(&self) -> &EthStateCache

Returns a handle for reading data from memory.

Data access in default (L1) trait method implementations.

Provided Methods§


fn build_transaction_receipt( &self, tx: TransactionSigned, meta: TransactionMeta, receipt: Receipt, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<WithOtherFields<TransactionReceipt<AnyReceiptEnvelope<Log>>>, EthApiError>> + Send

Helper method for eth_getBlockReceipts and eth_getTransactionReceipt.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'a, T> LoadReceipt for &'a T
where T: 'a + LoadReceipt + ?Sized, &'a T: Send + Sync,


impl<T> LoadReceipt for Arc<T>
where T: LoadReceipt + ?Sized, Arc<T>: Send + Sync,



impl<Provider, Pool, Network, EvmConfig> LoadReceipt for EthApi<Provider, Pool, Network, EvmConfig>
where EthApi<Provider, Pool, Network, EvmConfig>: Send + Sync, Provider: BlockIdReader + ChainSpecProvider,